Seznam známých komandérů Hvězdné flotily:
- Archer, Jonathan (ENT: First Flight)
- Archer, Valerie (VOY: In the Flesh)
- Bartlett, J. (VOY: Imperfection)
- Beach (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
- Benteen, Erika (DS9: Homefront)
- Branch (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
- Braga, Brannon (VOY: The Killing Game)
- Brand, Harry C. (DS9: In the Pale Moonlight)
- Carter (TOS: The Omega Glory)
- Chapel, Christine (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
- Chekov, Pavel Andreievich (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
- Crusherová, Beverly Cheryl (TNG: Encounter at Farpoint)
- Flaherty (TNG: The Icarus Factor)
- Gatsby (DS9: The Sound of Her Voice)
- Gerber, Steven (TNG: Contagion)
- Ginsburg, Alice K. (DS9: In the Pale Moonlight)
- Ginsburt, Alice K. (DS9: In the Pale Moonlight)
- Green, Mitchell B. (DS9: In the Pale Moonlight)
- Harkins, Peter (VOY: Pathfinder)
- Hilliard (DS9: When It Rains...)
- Hutchinson, Calvin (TNG: Starship Mine)
- Jameson, Mark (TNG: Too Short a Season)
- Janeway, Kathryn (VOY: Night)
- Kaplan, Donald (TNG: Interface)
- Kelby (ENT: Affliction)
- Kenney, Grace K. (DS9: In the Pale Moonlight)
- Kira Nerys (DS9: When It Rains...)
- Kyle (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
- La Forge, Edward M. (TNG: Interface)
- Long, Mindy C. (DS9: In the Pale Moonlight)
- Maddox, Bruce (TNG: The Measure Of A Man)
- McCoy, Leonard H. (TAS: Beyond the Farthest Star)
- Moore, Ronald (ENT: These Are the Voyages... )
- Mullen, Steven (TNG: Power Play)
- Nemzek, David P. (DS9: In the Pale Moonlight)
- Parker (DS9: The Siege of AR-558)
- Pulaski, Katherine (TNG: The Child)
- Quaice, Dalen (TNG: Remember Me)
- Quinteros, Orfil (TNG: 11001001)
- Riker, William Thomas (TNG: Encounter at Farpoint)
- Robinson, A.G. (ENT: First Flight)
- Rudman (TNG: Birthright, Part I)
- Scott, Montgomery (TAS: Beyond the Farthest Star)
- Shelby (TNG: The Best of Both Worlds, Part II)
- Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette (DS9: Emissary)
- Sonak (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
- Spock (TOS: The Menagerie, Part I)
- Sulu, Hikaru (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
- T'Pol (ENT: Borderland)
- Troi, Deanna (TNG: Thine Own Self)
- Tucker, Charles, III (ENT: Broken Bow)
- Uhura (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
- Williams (ENT: Broken Bow)
- Wise, D. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
- Wrightwell (TNG: Journey's End)
- Yacobian, Brad (ENT: These Are the Voyages...)
- Zakarian (VOY: Caretaker)
Uměle vytvoření komandéři[]
- Archer, Valerie (VOY: In the Flesh)
- Dat (TNG: Future Imperfect)
- Hayek, Jason (VOY: In the Flesh)
- La Forge, Geordi (TNG: Future Imperfect)
- MacDuff, Keiran (TNG: Conundrum)
- Mullen, Steven (TNG: Power Play)
- Troi, Deanna (TNG: Future Imperfect)
Komandéři z alternativních nebo paralelních světů[]
- Archer, Jonathan (ENT: In a Mirror, Darkly)
- Barclay, Reginald Endicott, III (VOY: Endgame)
- Bashir, Julian Subatoi (DS9: The Visitor)
- Dax, Jadzia (DS9: The Visitor)
- Kenner (TOS: Mirror, Mirror)
- Nog (DS9: The Visitor)
- Ogawa, Alyssa (TNG: Parallels)
- Reed, Malcolm (ENT: Twilight)
- Spock (TOS: Mirror, Mirror)
- Thelin (TAS: Yesteryear)
- Tucker, Charles, III (ENT: In a Mirror, Darkly)
- Worf (TNG: Parallels)
Ostatní komandéři[]
- Berman, Rick (VOY: The Killing Game)
- Chakotay (VOY: Caretaker)
- Farris, Karen (DS9: Valiant)
- Finney, Ben (TOS: Court Martial)
- Giotto (TOS: The Devil in the Dark)
- Hansen (TOS: Balance of Terror)
- Markel, Tom (TAS: The Eye of the Beholder)
- Rand, Janice (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)
- Montgomery Scott (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
- Spock (TOS: The Corbomite Maneuver)