Memory Alpha, das Star-Trek-Wiki
(+Cold Station 12 suffix)
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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
local episodes = {
local episodes = mw.loadData( 'Module:Episoden' )
{"TOS","Pilot","The Cage","Der Käfig","" },
local numberOfEpisodes = 727
{"TOS","1x01","Where No Man Has Gone Before","Die Spitze des Eisberges","" },
{"TOS","1x02","The Corbomite Maneuver","Pokerspiele","" },
{"TOS","1x03","Mudd's Women","Die Frauen des Mr. Mudd","" },
{"TOS","1x04","The Enemy Within","Kirk : 2 = ?","" },
{"TOS","1x05","The Man Trap","Das Letzte seiner Art","" },
{"TOS","1x06","The Naked Time","Implosion in der Spirale","" },
{"TOS","1x07","Charlie X","Der Fall Charly","" },
{"TOS","1x08","Balance of Terror","Spock unter Verdacht","" },
{"TOS","1x09","What Are Little Girls Made Of?","Der alte Traum","" },
{"TOS","1x10","Dagger of the Mind","Der Zentralnervensystemmanipulator","" },
{"TOS","1x11","Miri","Miri, ein Kleinling","" },
{"TOS","1x12","The Conscience of the King","Kodos der Henker","" },
{"TOS","1x13","The Galileo Seven","Notlandung auf Galileo 7","" },
{"TOS","1x14","Court Martial","Kirk unter Anklage","" },
{"TOS","1x15","The Menagerie, Part I","Talos IV – Tabu, Teil I","" },
{"TOS","1x16","The Menagerie, Part II","Talos IV – Tabu, Teil II","" },
{"TOS","1x17","Shore Leave","Landeurlaub","" },
{"TOS","1x18","The Squire of Gothos","Tödliche Spiele auf Gothos","" },
{"TOS","1x19","Arena","Ganz neue Dimensionen","" },
{"TOS","1x20","The Alternative Factor","Auf Messers Schneide","" },
{"TOS","1x21","Tomorrow is Yesterday","Morgen ist Gestern","" },
{"TOS","1x22","The Return of the Archons","Landru und die Ewigkeit","" },
{"TOS","1x23","A Taste of Armageddon","Krieg der Computer","" },
{"TOS","1x24","Space Seed","Der schlafende Tiger","" },
{"TOS","1x25","This Side of Paradise","Falsche Paradiese","" },
{"TOS","1x26","The Devil in the Dark","Horta rettet ihre Kinder","" },
{"TOS","1x27","Errand of Mercy","Kampf um Organia","" },
{"TOS","1x28","The City on the Edge of Forever","Griff in die Geschichte","" },
{"TOS","1x29","Operation Annihilate!","Spock außer Kontrolle","" },
{"TOS","2x01","Catspaw","Das Spukschloss im Weltall","" },
{"TOS","2x02","Metamorphosis","Metamorphose","Episode" },
{"TOS","2x03","Friday's Child","Im Namen des jungen Tiru","" },
{"TOS","2x04","Who Mourns for Adonais?","Der Tempel des Apoll","" },
{"TOS","2x05","Amok Time","Weltraumfieber","" },
{"TOS","2x06","The Doomsday Machine","Planeten-Killer","Episode" },
{"TOS","2x07","Wolf in the Fold","Der Wolf im Schafspelz","" },
{"TOS","2x08","The Changeling","Ich heiße Nomad","" },
{"TOS","2x09","The Apple","Die Stunde der Erkenntnis","" },
{"TOS","2x10","Mirror, Mirror","Ein Parallel-Universum","" },
{"TOS","2x11","The Deadly Years","Wie schnell die Zeit vergeht","" },
{"TOS","2x12","I, Mudd","Der dressierte Herrscher","" },
{"TOS","2x13","The Trouble with Tribbles","Kennen Sie Tribbles?","" },
{"TOS","2x14","Bread and Circuses","Brot und Spiele","" },
{"TOS","2x15","Journey to Babel","Reise nach Babel","" },
{"TOS","2x16","A Private Little War","Der erste Krieg","" },
{"TOS","2x17","The Gamesters of Triskelion","Meister der Sklaven","" },
{"TOS","2x18","Obsession","Tödliche Wolken","" },
{"TOS","2x19","The Immunity Syndrome","Das Loch im Weltraum","" },
{"TOS","2x20","A Piece of the Action","Epigonen","" },
{"TOS","2x21","By Any Other Name","Stein und Staub","" },
{"TOS","2x22","Return to Tomorrow","Geist sucht Körper","" },
{"TOS","2x23","Patterns of Force","Schablonen der Gewalt","" },
{"TOS","2x24","The Ultimate Computer","Computer M5","" },
{"TOS","2x25","The Omega Glory","Das Jahr des roten Vogels","" },
{"TOS","2x26","Assignment Earth","Ein Planet genannt Erde","" },
{"TOS","3x01","Spectre of the Gun","Wild West im Weltraum","" },
{"TOS","3x02","Elaan of Troyius","Brautschiff Enterprise","" },
{"TOS","3x03","The Paradise Syndrome","Der Obelisk","" },
{"TOS","3x04","The Enterprise Incident","Die unsichtbare Falle","" },
{"TOS","3x05","And the Children Shall Lead","Kurs auf Marcus 12","" },
{"TOS","3x06","Spock's Brain","Spock's Gehirn","" },
{"TOS","3x07","Is There in Truth No Beauty?","Die fremde Materie","" },
{"TOS","3x08","The Empath","Der Plan der Vianer","" },
{"TOS","3x09","The Tholian Web","Das Spinnennetz","" },
{"TOS","3x10","For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky","Der verirrte Planet","" },
{"TOS","3x11","Day of the Dove","Das Gleichgewicht der Kräfte","" },
{"TOS","3x12","Plato's Stepchildren","Platons Stiefkinder","" },
{"TOS","3x13","Wink of an Eye","Was summt denn da?","" },
{"TOS","3x14","That Which Survives","Gefährliche Planetengirls","" },
{"TOS","3x15","Let That Be Your Last Battlefield","Bele jagt Lokai","" },
{"TOS","3x16","Whom Gods Destroy","Wen die Götter zerstören","" },
{"TOS","3x17","The Mark of Gideon","Fast unsterblich","" },
{"TOS","3x18","The Lights of Zetar","Strahlen greifen an","" },
{"TOS","3x19","The Cloud Minders","Die Wolkenstadt","" },
{"TOS","3x20","The Way to Eden","Die Reise nach Eden","" },
{"TOS","3x21","Requiem for Methuselah","Planet der Unsterblichen","" },
{"TOS","3x22","The Savage Curtain","Seit es Menschen gibt","" },
{"TOS","3x23","All Our Yesterdays","Portal in die Vergangenheit","" },
{"TOS","3x24","Turnabout Intruder","Gefährlicher Tausch","" },
{"TAS","1x01","Beyond the Farthest Star","Das körperlose Wesen","" },
{"TAS","1x02","Yesteryear","Das Zeitportal","TAS" },
{"TAS","1x03","One of Our Planets Is Missing","Die gefährliche Wolke","" },
{"TAS","1x04","The Lorelei Signal","Das Lorelei Signal","" },
{"TAS","1x05","More Tribbles, More Troubles","Mehr Trouble mit Tribbles","" },
{"TAS","1x06","The Survivor","Der Überlebende","" },
{"TAS","1x07","The Infinite Vulcan","Das Superhirn","" },
{"TAS","1x08","The Magicks of Megas-tu","Das Geheimnis von Megas-Tu","" },
{"TAS","1x09","Once Upon a Planet","Phantasie oder Wirklichkeit","" },
{"TAS","1x10","Mudd's Passion","Der Liebeskristall","" },
{"TAS","1x11","The Terratin Incident","Die Rettungsmission","" },
{"TAS","1x12","The Time Trap","Die Zeitfalle","" },
{"TAS","1x13","The Ambergris Element","Die Entführung","" },
{"TAS","1x14","The Slaver Weapon","Das Geheimnis der Stasis-Box","" },
{"TAS","1x15","The Eye of the Beholder","Auf der Suche nach Überlebenden","" },
{"TAS","1x16","The Jihad","Das gestohlene Gehirnwellenmuster","" },
{"TAS","2x01","The Pirates of Orion","Die Piraten von Orion","" },
{"TAS","2x02","Bem","Gefährliche Prüfung","" },
{"TAS","2x03","The Practical Joker","Wüste Scherze","" },
{"TAS","2x04","Albatross","Dr. McCoy unter Anklage","" },
{"TAS","2x05","How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth","Kulkulkan – Der Mächtige","" },
{"TAS","2x06","The Counter-Clock Incident","Flucht aus einem anderen Universum","" },
{"TNG","1x01","Encounter at Farpoint","Der Mächtige","" },
{"TNG","1x02","Encounter at Farpoint","Mission Farpoint","" },
{"TNG","1x03","The Naked Now","Gedankengift","" },
{"TNG","1x04","Code of Honor","Der Ehrenkodex","" },
{"TNG","1x05","The Last Outpost","Der Wächter","" },
{"TNG","1x06","Where No One Has Gone Before","Der Reisende","Episode" },
{"TNG","1x07","Lonely Among Us","Die geheimnisvolle Kraft","" },
{"TNG","1x08","Justice","Das Gesetz der Edo","" },
{"TNG","1x09","The Battle","Die Schlacht von Maxia","" },
{"TNG","1x10","Hide and Q","Rikers Versuchung","" },
{"TNG","1x11","Haven","Die Frau seiner Träume","" },
{"TNG","1x12","The Big Goodbye","Der große Abschied","" },
{"TNG","1x13","Datalore","Das Duplikat","" },
{"TNG","1x14","Angel One","Planet Angel One","" },
{"TNG","1x15","11001001","11001001","" },
{"TNG","1x16","Too Short a Season","Die Entscheidung des Admirals","" },
{"TNG","1x17","When the Bough Breaks","Die Sorge der Aldeaner","" },
{"TNG","1x18","Home Soil","Ein Planet wehrt sich","" },
{"TNG","1x19","Coming of Age","Prüfungen","" },
{"TNG","1x20","Heart of Glory","Worfs Brüder","" },
{"TNG","1x21","The Arsenal of Freedom","Die Waffenhändler","" },
{"TNG","1x22","Symbiosis","Die Seuche","" },
{"TNG","1x23","Skin of Evil","Die schwarze Seele","" },
{"TNG","1x24","We'll Always Have Paris","Begegnung mit der Vergangenheit","" },
{"TNG","1x25","Conspiracy","Die Verschwörung","" },
{"TNG","1x26","The Neutral Zone","Die neutrale Zone","" },
{"TNG","2x01","The Child","Das Kind","" },
{"TNG","2x02","Where Silence Has Lease","Illusion oder Wirklichkeit?","" },
{"TNG","2x03","Elementary, Dear Data","Sherlock Data Holmes","" },
{"TNG","2x04","The Outrageous Okona","Der unmögliche Captain Okona","" },
{"TNG","2x05","Loud As A Whisper","Der stumme Vermittler","" },
{"TNG","2x06","The Schizoid Man","Das fremde Gedächtnis","" },
{"TNG","2x07","Unnatural Selection","Die jungen Greise","" },
{"TNG","2x08","A Matter of Honor","Der Austauschoffizier","" },
{"TNG","2x09","The Measure Of A Man","Wem gehört Data?","" },
{"TNG","2x10","The Dauphin","Die Thronfolgerin","" },
{"TNG","2x11","Contagion","Die Iconia Sonden","" },
{"TNG","2x12","The Royale","Hotel Royale","Episode" },
{"TNG","2x13","Time Squared","Die Zukunft schweigt","" },
{"TNG","2x14","The Icarus Factor","Rikers Vater","" },
{"TNG","2x15","Pen Pals","Brieffreunde","" },
{"TNG","2x16","Q Who?","Zeitsprung mit Q","" },
{"TNG","2x17","Samaritan Snare","Das Herz eines Captains","" },
{"TNG","2x18","Up the Long Ladder","Der Planet der Klone","" },
{"TNG","2x19","Manhunt","Andere Sterne, andere Sitten","" },
{"TNG","2x20","The Emissary","Klingonenbegegnung","" },
{"TNG","2x21","Peak Performance","Galavorstellung","" },
{"TNG","2x22","Shades of Gray","Kraft der Träume","" },
{"TNG","3x01","Evolution","Die Macht der Naniten","" },
{"TNG","3x02","The Ensigns of Command","Die Macht der Paragraphen","" },
{"TNG","3x03","The Survivors","Die Überlebenden auf Rana-Vier","" },
{"TNG","3x04","Who Watches the Watchers","Der Gott der Mintakaner","" },
{"TNG","3x05","The Bonding","Mutterliebe","" },
{"TNG","3x06","Booby Trap","Die Energiefalle","" },
{"TNG","3x07","The Enemy","Auf schmalem Grat","" },
{"TNG","3x08","The Price","Der Barzanhandel","" },
{"TNG","3x09","The Vengeance Factor","Yuta, die Letzte ihres Clans","" },
{"TNG","3x10","The Defector","Der Überläufer","" },
{"TNG","3x11","The Hunted","Die Verfemten","" },
{"TNG","3x12","The High Ground","Terror auf Rutia-Vier","" },
{"TNG","3x13","Déjà Q","Nocheinmal Q","" },
{"TNG","3x14","A Matter of Perspective","Riker unter Verdacht","" },
{"TNG","3x15","Yesterday's Enterprise","Die alte Enterprise","" },
{"TNG","3x16","The Offspring","Datas Nachkomme","" },
{"TNG","3x17","Sins of the Father","Die Sünden des Vaters","" },
{"TNG","3x18","Allegiance","Versuchskaninchen","Episode" },
{"TNG","3x19","Captain's Holiday","Picard macht Urlaub","" },
{"TNG","3x20","Tin Man","Der Telepath","" },
{"TNG","3x21","Hollow Pursuits","Der schüchterne Reginald","" },
{"TNG","3x22","The Most Toys","Der Sammler","" },
{"TNG","3x23","Sarek","Botschafter Sarek","" },
{"TNG","3x24","Ménage à Troi","Die Damen Troi","" },
{"TNG","3x25","Transfigurations","Wer ist John?","" },
{"TNG","3x26","The Best of Both Worlds, Part I","In den Händen der Borg","" },
{"TNG","4x01","The Best of Both Worlds, Part II","Angriffsziel Erde","" },
{"TNG","4x02","Family","Familienbegegnung","" },
{"TNG","4x03","Brothers","Die ungleichen Brüder","" },
{"TNG","4x04","Suddenly Human","Endars Sohn","" },
{"TNG","4x05","Remember Me","Das Experiment","" },
{"TNG","4x06","Legacy","Die Rettungsoperation","" },
{"TNG","4x07","Reunion","Tödliche Nachfolge","" },
{"TNG","4x08","Future Imperfect","Gedächtnisverlust","Episode" },
{"TNG","4x09","Final Mission","Die letzte Mission","" },
{"TNG","4x10","The Loss","Das kosmische Band","" },
{"TNG","4x11","Data's Day","Datas Tag","" },
{"TNG","4x12","The Wounded","Der Rachefeldzug","" },
{"TNG","4x13","Devil's Due","Der Pakt mit dem Teufel","" },
{"TNG","4x14","Clues","Beweise","" },
{"TNG","4x15","First Contact","Erster Kontakt","" },
{"TNG","4x16","Galaxy's Child","Die Begegnung im Weltraum","" },
{"TNG","4x17","Night Terrors","Augen in der Dunkelheit","" },
{"TNG","4x18","Identity Crisis","Der unbekannte Schatten","" },
{"TNG","4x19","The Nth Degree","Die Reise ins Ungewisse","" },
{"TNG","4x20","QPid","Gefangen in der Vergangenheit","" },
{"TNG","4x21","The Drumhead","Das Standgericht","" },
{"TNG","4x22","Half a Life","Die Auflösung","" },
{"TNG","4x23","The Host","Odan, der Sonderbotschafter","" },
{"TNG","4x24","The Mind's Eye","Verräterische Signale","" },
{"TNG","4x25","In Theory","Datas erste Liebe","" },
{"TNG","4x26","Redemption, Part I","Der Kampf um das klingonische Reich, Teil I","" },
{"TNG","5x01","Redemption, Part II","Der Kampf um das klingonische Reich, Teil II","" },
{"TNG","5x02","Darmok","Darmok","Episode" },
{"TNG","5x03","Ensign Ro","Fähnrich Ro","" },
{"TNG","5x04","Silicon Avatar","Das Recht auf Leben","" },
{"TNG","5x05","Disaster","Katastrophe auf der Enterprise","" },
{"TNG","5x06","The Game","Gefährliche Spielsucht","" },
{"TNG","5x07","Unification I","Wiedervereinigung? Teil I","" },
{"TNG","5x08","Unification II","Wiedervereinigung? Teil II","" },
{"TNG","5x09","A Matter of Time","Der zeitreisende Historiker","" },
{"TNG","5x10","New Ground","Die Soliton-Welle","" },
{"TNG","5x11","Hero Worship","Der einzige Überlebende","" },
{"TNG","5x12","Violations","Geistige Gewalt","" },
{"TNG","5x13","The Masterpiece Society","Das künstliche Paradies","" },
{"TNG","5x14","Conundrum","Mission ohne Gedächtnis","" },
{"TNG","5x15","Power Play","Ungebetene Gäste","" },
{"TNG","5x16","Ethics","Die Operation","" },
{"TNG","5x17","The Outcast","Verbotene Liebe","" },
{"TNG","5x18","Cause and Effect","Déjà Vu","" },
{"TNG","5x19","The First Duty","Ein mißglücktes Manöver","" },
{"TNG","5x20","Cost of Living","Hochzeit mit Hindernissen","" },
{"TNG","5x21","The Perfect Mate","Eine hoffnungslose Romanze","" },
{"TNG","5x22","Imaginary Friend","Die imaginäre Freundin","" },
{"TNG","5x23","I, Borg","Ich bin Hugh","" },
{"TNG","5x24","The Next Phase","So nah und doch so fern","" },
{"TNG","5x25","The Inner Light","Das zweite Leben","" },
{"TNG","5x26","Time's Arrow, Part I","Gefahr aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, Teil I","" },
{"TNG","6x01","Time's Arrow, Part II","Gefahr aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, Teil II","" },
{"TNG","6x02","Realm of Fear","Todesangst beim Beamen","" },
{"TNG","6x03","Man of the People","Der unmoralische Friedensvermittler","" },
{"TNG","6x04","Relics","Besuch von der alten Enterprise","" },
{"TNG","6x05","Schisms","In den Subraum entführt","" },
{"TNG","6x06","True Q","Eine echte \"Q\"","" },
{"TNG","6x07","Rascals","Erwachsene Kinder","" },
{"TNG","6x08","A Fistful of Datas","Eine Handvoll Datas","" },
{"TNG","6x09","The Quality of Life","Data's Hypothese","" },
{"TNG","6x10","Chain of Command, Part I","Geheime Mission auf Celtris Drei, Teil I","" },
{"TNG","6x11","Chain of Command, Part II","Geheime Mission auf Celtris Drei, Teil II","" },
{"TNG","6x12","Ship in a Bottle","Das Schiff in der Flasche","" },
{"TNG","6x13","Aquiel","Aquiel","" },
{"TNG","6x14","Face of the Enemy","Das Gesicht des Feindes","" },
{"TNG","6x15","Tapestry","Willkommen im Leben nach dem Tode","" },
{"TNG","6x16","Birthright, Part I","Der Moment der Erkenntnis, Teil I","" },
{"TNG","6x17","Birthright, Part II","Der Moment der Erkenntnis, Teil II","" },
{"TNG","6x18","Starship Mine","In der Hand von Terroristen","" },
{"TNG","6x19","Lessons","Der Feuersturm","" },
{"TNG","6x20","The Chase","Das fehlende Fragment","" },
{"TNG","6x21","Frame of Mind","Phantasie oder Wahrheit","" },
{"TNG","6x22","Suspicions","Verdächtigungen","" },
{"TNG","6x23","Rightful Heir","Der rechtmäßige Erbe","" },
{"TNG","6x24","Second Chances","Riker : 2 = ?","" },
{"TNG","6x25","Timescape","Gefangen in einem temporären Fragment","" },
{"TNG","6x26","Descent, Part I","Angriff der Borg, Teil I","" },
{"TNG","7x01","Descent, Part II","Angriff der Borg, Teil II","" },
{"TNG","7x02","Liaisons","Indiskretionen","" },
{"TNG","7x03","Interface","Das Interface","" },
{"TNG","7x04","Gambit, Part I","Der Schachzug, Teil I","" },
{"TNG","7x05","Gambit, Part II","Der Schachzug, Teil II","" },
{"TNG","7x06","Phantasms","Traumanalyse","" },
{"TNG","7x07","Dark Page","Ort der Finsternis","" },
{"TNG","7x08","Attached","Kontakte","" },
{"TNG","7x09","Force of Nature","Die Raumkatastrophe","" },
{"TNG","7x10","Inheritance","Soongs Vermächtnis","" },
{"TNG","7x11","Parallels","Parallelen","" },
{"TNG","7x12","The Pegasus","Das Pegasus Projekt","" },
{"TNG","7x13","Homeward","Die oberste Direktive","" },
{"TNG","7x14","Sub Rosa","Ronin","Episode" },
{"TNG","7x15","Lower Decks","Beförderung","Episode" },
{"TNG","7x16","Thine Own Self","Radioaktiv","" },
{"TNG","7x17","Masks","Der Komet","" },
{"TNG","7x18","Eye of the Beholder","Der Fall „Utopia Planitia“","" },
{"TNG","7x19","Genesis","Genesis","Episode" },
{"TNG","7x20","Journey's End","Am Ende der Reise","" },
{"TNG","7x21","Firstborn","Ritus des Aufsteigens","" },
{"TNG","7x22","Bloodlines","Boks Vergeltung","" },
{"TNG","7x23","Emergence","Neue Intelligenz","" },
{"TNG","7x24","Preemptive Strike","Die Rückkehr von Ro Laren","" },
{"TNG","7x25","All Good Things…","Gestern, Heute, Morgen, Teil I","" },
{"TNG","7x26","All Good Things...","Gestern, Heute, Morgen, Teil II","" },
{"DS9","1x01","Emissary, Part I","Der Abgesandte, Teil I","" },
{"DS9","1x02","Emissary, Part II","Der Abgesandte, Teil II","" },
{"DS9","1x03","Past Prologue","Die Khon-Ma","" },
{"DS9","1x04","A Man Alone","Unter Verdacht","" },
{"DS9","1x05","Babel","Babel","DS9" },
{"DS9","1x06","Captive Pursuit","Tosk, der Gejagte","" },
{"DS9","1x07","Q-Less","\"Q\" – Unerwünscht","" },
{"DS9","1x08","Dax","Der Fall „Dax“","" },
{"DS9","1x09","The Passenger","Der Parasit","" },
{"DS9","1x10","Move Along Home","Chula – Das Spiel","" },
{"DS9","1x11","The Nagus","Die Nachfolge","" },
{"DS9","1x12","Vortex","Der Steinwandler","" },
{"DS9","1x13","Battle Lines","Die Prophezeiung","DS9" },
{"DS9","1x14","The Storyteller","Die Legende von Dal'Rok","" },
{"DS9","1x15","Progress","Mulliboks Mond","" },
{"DS9","1x16","If Wishes Were Horses","Macht der Phantasie","" },
{"DS9","1x17","The Forsaken","Persönlichkeiten","" },
{"DS9","1x18","Dramatis Personae","Meuterei","Episode" },
{"DS9","1x19","Duet","Der undurchschaubare Marritza","" },
{"DS9","1x20","In the Hands of the Prophets","Blasphemie","Episode" },
{"DS9","2x01","The Homecoming","Die Heimkehr","" },
{"DS9","2x02","The Circle","Der Kreis","" },
{"DS9","2x03","The Siege","Die Belagerung","" },
{"DS9","2x04","Invasive Procedures","Der Symbiont","" },
{"DS9","2x05","Cardassians","Die Konspiration","" },
{"DS9","2x06","Melora","Das \"Melora\"-Problem","" },
{"DS9","2x07","Rules of Acquisition","Profit oder Partner!","" },
{"DS9","2x08","Necessary Evil","Die Ermittlung","" },
{"DS9","2x09","Second Sight","Rätselhafte Fenna","" },
{"DS9","2x10","Sanctuary","Auge des Universums","Episode" },
{"DS9","2x11","Rivals","Rivalen","" },
{"DS9","2x12","The Alternate","Metamorphosen","" },
{"DS9","2x13","Armageddon Game","Das Harvester-Desaster","" },
{"DS9","2x14","Whispers","O'Briens Identität","" },
{"DS9","2x15","Paradise","Das Paradiesexperiment","" },
{"DS9","2x16","Shadowplay","Die Illusion","" },
{"DS9","2x17","Playing God","Der Trill-Kandidat","" },
{"DS9","2x18","Profit and Loss","Profit und Verlust","" },
{"DS9","2x19","Blood Oath","Der Blutschwur","" },
{"DS9","2x20","The Maquis, Part I","Der Maquis, Teil I","" },
{"DS9","2x21","The Maquis, Part II","Der Maquis, Teil II","" },
{"DS9","2x22","The Wire","Das Implantat","" },
{"DS9","2x23","Crossover","Die andere Seite","" },
{"DS9","2x24","The Collaborator","Die Wahl des Kai","" },
{"DS9","2x25","Tribunal","Das Tribunal","" },
{"DS9","2x26","The Jem'Hadar","Der Plan des Dominion","" },
{"DS9","3x01","The Search, Part I","Die Suche, Teil I","" },
{"DS9","3x02","The Search, Part II","Die Suche, Teil II","" },
{"DS9","3x03","The House of Quark","Das Haus des Quark","" },
{"DS9","3x04","Equilibrium","Das Equilibrium","" },
{"DS9","3x05","Second Skin","Die zweite Haut","" },
{"DS9","3x06","The Abandoned","Der Ausgesetzte","" },
{"DS9","3x07","Civil Defense","In der Falle","" },
{"DS9","3x08","Meridian","Meridian","Episode" },
{"DS9","3x09","Defiant","Defiant","Episode" },
{"DS9","3x10","Fascination","Das Festival","" },
{"DS9","3x11","Past Tense, Part I","Gefangen in der Vergangenheit, Teil I","" },
{"DS9","3x12","Past Tense, Part II","Gefangen in der Vergangenheit, Teil II","" },
{"DS9","3x13","Life Support","Der Funke des Lebens","" },
{"DS9","3x14","Heart of Stone","Herz aus Stein","" },
{"DS9","3x15","Destiny","Trekors Prophezeiung","Episode" },
{"DS9","3x16","Prophet Motive","Das Motiv der Propheten","" },
{"DS9","3x17","Visionary","Der Visionär","" },
{"DS9","3x18","Distant Voices","Ferne Stimmen","" },
{"DS9","3x19","Through the Looking Glass","Durch den Spiegel","" },
{"DS9","3x20","Improbable Cause","Der geheimnisvolle Garak, Teil I","" },
{"DS9","3x21","The Die is Cast","Der geheimnisvolle Garak, Teil II","" },
{"DS9","3x22","Explorers","Die Erforscher","" },
{"DS9","3x23","Family Business","Familienangelegenheiten","" },
{"DS9","3x24","Shakaar","Shakaar","Episode" },
{"DS9","3x25","Facets","Facetten","" },
{"DS9","3x26","The Adversary","Der Widersacher","" },
{"DS9","4x01","The Way of the Warrior","Der Weg des Kriegers, Teil I","" },
{"DS9","4x02","The Way of the Warrior","Der Weg des Kriegers, Teil II","" },
{"DS9","4x03","The Visitor","Der Besuch","" },
{"DS9","4x04","Hippocratic Oath","Der Hippokratische Eid","" },
{"DS9","4x05","Indiscretion","Indiskretion","" },
{"DS9","4x06","Rejoined","Wiedervereinigt","" },
{"DS9","4x07","Little Green Men","Kleine, grüne Männchen","" },
{"DS9","4x08","Starship Down","Das Wagnis","DS9" },
{"DS9","4x09","The Sword of Kahless","Das Schwert des Kahless","" },
{"DS9","4x10","Our Man Bashir","Unser Mann Bashir","" },
{"DS9","4x11","Homefront","Die Front","" },
{"DS9","4x12","Paradise Lost","Das verlorene Paradies","" },
{"DS9","4x13","Crossfire","Emotionen","" },
{"DS9","4x14","Return to Grace","Zu neuer Würde","" },
{"DS9","4x15","Sons of Mogh","Die Söhne von Mogh","" },
{"DS9","4x16","Bar Association","Der Streik","" },
{"DS9","4x17","Accession","Die Übernahme","" },
{"DS9","4x18","Rules of Engagement","Das Gefecht","" },
{"DS9","4x19","Hard Time","Strafzyklen","" },
{"DS9","4x20","Shattered Mirror","Der zerbrochene Spiegel","" },
{"DS9","4x21","The Muse","Die Muse","DS9" },
{"DS9","4x22","For the Cause","In eigener Sache","" },
{"DS9","4x23","To the Death","Die Abtrünnigen","" },
{"DS9","4x24","The Quickening","Hoffnung","Episode" },
{"DS9","4x25","Body Parts","Quarks Schicksal","" },
{"DS9","4x26","Broken Link","Das Urteil","DS9" },
{"DS9","5x01","Apocalypse Rising","Die Apokalypse droht","" },
{"DS9","5x02","The Ship","Das Schiff","" },
{"DS9","5x03","Looking For par'Mach in All the Wrong Places","Gefährliche Liebschaften","" },
{"DS9","5x04","…Nor the Battle to the Strong","Die Schlacht um Ajilon Prime","" },
{"DS9","5x05","The Assignment","Die Erpressung","" },
{"DS9","5x06","Trials and Tribble-ations","Immer die Last mit den Tribbles","" },
{"DS9","5x07","Let He Who Is Without Sin…","Die Reise nach Risa","" },
{"DS9","5x08","Things Past","Die Schuld","" },
{"DS9","5x09","The Ascent","Der Aufstieg","" },
{"DS9","5x10","Rapture","Heilige Visionen","" },
{"DS9","5x11","The Darkness and the Light","Dunkelheit und Licht","" },
{"DS9","5x12","The Begotten","Das Baby","" },
{"DS9","5x13","For the Uniform","Für die Uniform","" },
{"DS9","5x14","In Purgatory's Shadow","Die Schatten der Hölle","" },
{"DS9","5x15","By Inferno's Light","Im Lichte des Infernos","" },
{"DS9","5x16","Doctor Bashir, I Presume?","Dr. Bashirs’ Geheimnis","" },
{"DS9","5x17","A Simple Investigation","Der Datenkristall","" },
{"DS9","5x18","Business as Usual","Kriegsgeschäfte","" },
{"DS9","5x19","Ties of Blood and Water","Die Überwindung","" },
{"DS9","5x20","Ferengi Love Songs","Liebe und Profit","" },
{"DS9","5x21","Soldiers of the Empire","Martoks Ehre","" },
{"DS9","5x22","Children of Time","Kinder der Zeit","" },
{"DS9","5x23","Blaze of Glory","Glanz des Ruhms","" },
{"DS9","5x24","Empok Nor","Empok Nor","Episode" },
{"DS9","5x25","In the Cards","Die Karte","" },
{"DS9","5x26","Call to Arms","Zu den Waffen!","" },
{"DS9","6x01","A Time to Stand","Zeit des Widerstands","" },
{"DS9","6x02","Rocks and Shoals","Entscheidungen","DS9" },
{"DS9","6x03","Sons and Daughters","Söhne und Töchter","" },
{"DS9","6x04","Behind the Lines","Hinter der Linie","" },
{"DS9","6x05","Favor the Bold","Ein kühner Plan","" },
{"DS9","6x06","Sacrifice of Angels","Sieg oder Niederlage?","" },
{"DS9","6x07","You Are Cordially Invited…","Klingonische Tradition","" },
{"DS9","6x08","Resurrection","Erkenntnis","" },
{"DS9","6x09","Statistical Probabilities","Statistische Wahrscheinlichkeiten","" },
{"DS9","6x10","The Magnificent Ferengi","Der glorreiche Ferengi","" },
{"DS9","6x11","Waltz","Das Gute und das Böse","" },
{"DS9","6x12","Who Mourns for Morn?","Wer trauert um Morn?","" },
{"DS9","6x13","Far Beyond the Stars","Jenseits der Sterne","" },
{"DS9","6x14","One Little Ship","Das winzige Raumschiff","" },
{"DS9","6x15","Honor Among Thieves","Ehre unter Dieben","" },
{"DS9","6x16","Change of Heart","Wandel des Herzens","" },
{"DS9","6x17","Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night","Tiefes Unrecht","" },
{"DS9","6x18","Inquisition","Inquisition","Episode" },
{"DS9","6x19","In The Pale Moonlight","In fahlem Mondlicht","" },
{"DS9","6x20","His Way","Auf seine Art","" },
{"DS9","6x21","The Reckoning","Zeit der Abrechnung","Episode" },
{"DS9","6x22","Valiant","Valiant","Episode" },
{"DS9","6x23","Profit and Lace","Die Beraterin","" },
{"DS9","6x24","Time's Orphan","Das Zeitportal","DS9" },
{"DS9","6x25","The Sound of Her Voice","Der Klang ihrer Stimme","" },
{"DS9","6x26","Tears of the Prophets","Tränen der Propheten","Episode" },
{"DS9","7x01","Image in the Sand","Das Gesicht im Sand","" },
{"DS9","7x02","Shadows and Symbols","Schatten und Symbole","" },
{"DS9","7x03","Afterimage","Nachempfindung","" },
{"DS9","7x04","Take Me Out to the Holosuite","Wettkampf in der Holosuite","" },
{"DS9","7x05","Chrysalis","Sarina","" },
{"DS9","7x06","Treachery, Faith, and the Great River","Verrat, Glaube und gewaltiger Fluß","" },
{"DS9","7x07","Once More Unto the Breach","Der Dahar-Meister","" },
{"DS9","7x08","The Siege of AR-558","Die Belagerung von AR-558","" },
{"DS9","7x09","Covenant","Entscheidung auf Empok Nor","" },
{"DS9","7x10","It's Only a Paper Moon","Leben in der Holosuite","" },
{"DS9","7x11","Prodigal Daughter","Die verlorene Tochter","" },
{"DS9","7x12","The Emperor's New Cloak","Die Tarnvorrichtung","" },
{"DS9","7x13","Field of Fire","Freies Schußfeld","" },
{"DS9","7x14","Chimera","Hirngespinst","" },
{"DS9","7x15","Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang","Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang","" },
{"DS9","7x16","Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges","Unter den Waffen schweigen die Gesetze","" },
{"DS9","7x17","Penumbra","Im Ungewissen","" },
{"DS9","7x18","Til Death Do Us Part","Bis daß der Tod uns scheide","" },
{"DS9","7x19","Strange Bedfellows","Eine sonderbare Kombination","" },
{"DS9","7x20","The Changing Face of Evil","Im Angesicht des Bösen","" },
{"DS9","7x21","When It Rains…","Ein Unglück kommt selten allein","" },
{"DS9","7x22","Tacking Into the Wind","Kampf mit allen Mitteln","" },
{"DS9","7x23","Extreme Measures","Extreme Maßnahmen","" },
{"DS9","7x24","The Dogs of War","In den Wirren des Krieges","" },
{"DS9","7x25","What You Leave Behind","Das, was du zurückläßt, Teil I","" },
{"DS9","7x26","What You Leave Behind","Das, was du zurückläßt, Teil II","" },
{"VOY","1x01","Caretaker, Part I","Der Fürsorger, Teil I","" },
{"VOY","1x02","Caretaker, Part II","Der Fürsorger, Teil II","" },
{"VOY","1x03","Parallax","Die Parallaxe","" },
{"VOY","1x04","Time and Again","Subraumspalten","" },
{"VOY","1x05","Phage","Transplantationen","" },
{"VOY","1x06","The Cloud","Der mysteriöse Nebel","" },
{"VOY","1x07","Eye of the Needle","Das Nadelöhr","" },
{"VOY","1x08","Ex Post Facto","Die Augen des Toten","" },
{"VOY","1x09","Emanations","Das Unvorstellbare","" },
{"VOY","1x10","Prime Factors","Das oberste Gesetz","" },
{"VOY","1x11","State of Flux","Der Verrat","" },
{"VOY","1x12","Heroes and Demons","Helden und Dämonen", "" },
{"VOY","1x13","Cathexis","Bewußtseinsverlust","" },
{"VOY","1x14","Faces","Von Angesicht zu Angesicht","" },
{"VOY","1x15","Jetrel","Dr. Jetrels Experiment","" },
{"VOY","1x16","Learning Curve","Erfahrungswerte","" },
{"VOY","2x01","The 37's","Die 37er","" },
{"VOY","2x02","Initiations","Der Namenlose","" },
{"VOY","2x03","Projections","Das Holo-Syndrom","" },
{"VOY","2x04","Elogium","Elogium","Episode" },
{"VOY","2x05","Non Sequitur","Der Zeitstrom","" },
{"VOY","2x06","Twisted","Die Raumverzerrung","" },
{"VOY","2x07","Parturition","Der Höllenplanet","" },
{"VOY","2x08","Persistence of Vision","Rätselhafte Visionen","" },
{"VOY","2x09","Tattoo","Tattoo","" },
{"VOY","2x10","Cold Fire","Suspiria","Episode" },
{"VOY","2x11","Maneuvers","Das Signal","" },
{"VOY","2x12","Resistance","Die Resistance","" },
{"VOY","2x13","Prototype","Prototyp","Episode" },
{"VOY","2x14","Alliances","Allianzen","" },
{"VOY","2x15","Threshold","Die Schwelle","Episode" },
{"VOY","2x16","Meld","Gewalt","Episode" },
{"VOY","2x17","Dreadnought","Der Flugkörper","" },
{"VOY","2x18","Death Wish","Todessehnsucht","" },
{"VOY","2x19","Lifesigns","Lebensanzeichen","" },
{"VOY","2x20","Investigations","Der Verräter","" },
{"VOY","2x21","Deadlock","Die Verdopplung","" },
{"VOY","2x22","Innocence","Unschuld","" },
{"VOY","2x23","The Thaw","Das Ultimatum","" },
{"VOY","2x24","Tuvix","Tuvix","Episode" },
{"VOY","2x25","Resolutions","Entscheidungen","VOY" },
{"VOY","2x26","Basics, Part I","Der Kampf ums Dasein, Teil I","" },
{"VOY","3x01","Basics, Part II","Der Kampf ums Dasein, Teil II","" },
{"VOY","3x02","Flashback","Tuvoks Flashback","" },
{"VOY","3x03","The Chute","Das Hochsicherheitsgefängnis","" },
{"VOY","3x04","The Swarm","Der Schwarm","" },
{"VOY","3x05","False Profits","Das Wurmloch","" },
{"VOY","3x06","Remember","Das Erinnern","" },
{"VOY","3x07","Sacred Ground","Das Ritual","" },
{"VOY","3x08","Future's End, Part I","Vor dem Ende der Zukunft, Teil I","" },
{"VOY","3x09","Future's End, Part II","Vor dem Ende der Zukunft, Teil II","" },
{"VOY","3x10","Warlord","Der Kriegsherr","" },
{"VOY","3x11","The Q and the Grey","Die \"Q\"-Krise","" },
{"VOY","3x12","Macrocosm","Makrokosmos","" },
{"VOY","3x13","Fair Trade","Das Wagnis","DS9" },
{"VOY","3x14","Alter Ego","Das andere Ego","" },
{"VOY","3x15","Coda","Der Wille","" },
{"VOY","3x16","Blood Fever","Pon Farr","Episode" },
{"VOY","3x17","Unity","Die Kooperative","" },
{"VOY","3x18","Darkling","Charakterelemente","" },
{"VOY","3x19","Rise","Die Asteroiden","" },
{"VOY","3x20","Favorite Son","Die neue Identität","" },
{"VOY","3x21","Before and After","Temporale Sprünge","" },
{"VOY","3x22","Real Life","Das wirkliche Leben","" },
{"VOY","3x23","Distant Origin","Herkunft aus der Ferne","" },
{"VOY","3x24","Displaced","Translokalisation","" },
{"VOY","3x25","Worst Case Scenario","Rebellion Alpha","Episode" },
{"VOY","3x26","Scorpion, Part I","Skorpion, Teil I","" },
{"VOY","4x01","Scorpion, Part II","Skorpion, Teil II","" },
{"VOY","4x02","The Gift","Die Gabe","" },
{"VOY","4x03","Day of Honor","Tag der Ehre","Episode" },
{"VOY","4x04","Nemesis","Nemesis","Episode" },
{"VOY","4x05","Revulsion","Der Isomorph","" },
{"VOY","4x06","The Raven","Der schwarze Vogel","" },
{"VOY","4x07","Scientific Method","Verwerfliche Experimente","" },
{"VOY","4x08","Year of Hell, Part I","Ein Jahr Hölle, Teil I","" },
{"VOY","4x09","Year of Hell, Part II","Ein Jahr Hölle, Teil II","" },
{"VOY","4x10","Random Thoughts","Gewalttätige Gedanken","" },
{"VOY","4x11","Concerning Flight","Apropos Fliegen","" },
{"VOY","4x12","Mortal Coil","Leben nach dem Tod","" },
{"VOY","4x13","Waking Moments","Wache Momente","" },
{"VOY","4x14","Message in a Bottle","Flaschenpost","" },
{"VOY","4x15","Hunters","Jäger","Episode" },
{"VOY","4x16","Prey","Die Beute","" },
{"VOY","4x17","Retrospect","Im Rückblick","" },
{"VOY","4x18","The Killing Game, Part I","Das Tötungsspiel, Teil I","" },
{"VOY","4x19","The Killing Game, Part II","Das Tötungsspiel, Teil II","" },
{"VOY","4x20","Vis á Vis","Vis a vis","" },
{"VOY","4x21","The Omega Directive","Die Omega-Direktive","" },
{"VOY","4x22","Unforgettable","Unvergessen","" },
{"VOY","4x23","Living Witness","Der Zeitzeuge","" },
{"VOY","4x24","Demon","Dämon","Episode" },
{"VOY","4x25","One","Eine","" },
{"VOY","4x26","Hope and Fear","In Furcht und Hoffnung","" },
{"VOY","5x01","Night","Nacht","Episode" },
{"VOY","5x02","Drone","Die Drohne","" },
{"VOY","5x03","Extreme Risk","Extreme Risiken","" },
{"VOY","5x04","In the Flesh","In Fleisch und Blut","" },
{"VOY","5x05","Once Upon a Time","Es war einmal","" },
{"VOY","5x06","Timeless","Temporale Paradoxie","Episode" },
{"VOY","5x07","Infinite Regress","Das Vinculum","" },
{"VOY","5x08","Nothing Human","Inhumane Praktiken","" },
{"VOY","5x09","Thirty Days","Dreißig Tage","" },
{"VOY","5x10","Counterpoint","Kontrapunkt","" },
{"VOY","5x11","Latent Image","Verborgene Bilder","" },
{"VOY","5x12","Bride of Chaotica!","Chaoticas Braut","" },
{"VOY","5x13","Gravity","Schwere","" },
{"VOY","5x14","Bliss","Euphorie","Episode" },
{"VOY","5x15","Dark Frontier","Das ungewisse Dunkel, Teil I","" },
{"VOY","5x16","Dark Frontier","Das ungewisse Dunkel, Teil II","" },
{"VOY","5x17","The Disease","Das Generationenschiff","" },
{"VOY","5x18","Course: Oblivion","Endstation – Vergessenheit","" },
{"VOY","5x19","The Fight","Der Fight","" },
{"VOY","5x20","Think Tank","Die Denkfabrik","" },
{"VOY","5x21","Juggernaut","Verheerende Gewalt","" },
{"VOY","5x22","Someone to Watch Over Me","Liebe inmitten der Sterne","Episode" },
{"VOY","5x23","11:59","23 Uhr 59","" },
{"VOY","5x24","Relativity","Zeitschiff „Relativity“","" },
{"VOY","5x25","Warhead","Geheimnisvolle Intelligenz","" },
{"VOY","5x26","Equinox, Part I","Equinox, Teil I","" },
{"VOY","6x01","Equinox, Part II","Equinox, Teil II","" },
{"VOY","6x02","Survival Instinct","Überlebensinstinkt","" },
{"VOY","6x03","Barge of the Dead","Die Barke der Toten","" },
{"VOY","6x04","Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy","Dame, Doktor, As, Spion","" },
{"VOY","6x05","Alice","Alice","Episode" },
{"VOY","6x06","Riddles","Rätsel","" },
{"VOY","6x07","Dragon's Teeth","Die Zähne des Drachen","" },
{"VOY","6x08","One Small Step","Ein kleiner Schritt","" },
{"VOY","6x09","The Voyager Conspiracy","Die Voyager-Konspiration","" },
{"VOY","6x10","Pathfinder","Das Pfadfinder-Projekt","" },
{"VOY","6x11","Fair Haven","Fair Haven","" },
{"VOY","6x12","Blink of an Eye","Es geschah in einem Augenblick","" },
{"VOY","6x13","Virtuoso","Der Virtuose","" },
{"VOY","6x14","Memorial","Das Mahnmal","" },
{"VOY","6x15","Tsunkatse","Tsunkatse","Episode" },
{"VOY","6x16","Collective","Das Kollektiv","" },
{"VOY","6x17","Spirit Folk","Das Geistervolk","" },
{"VOY","6x18","Ashes to Ashes","Asche zu Asche","" },
{"VOY","6x19","Child's Play","Icheb","Episode" },
{"VOY","6x20","Good Shepherd","Der gute Hirte","" },
{"VOY","6x21","Live Fast and Prosper","Lebe flott und in Frieden","" },
{"VOY","6x22","Muse","Die Muse","VOY" },
{"VOY","6x23","Fury","Voller Wut","" },
{"VOY","6x24","Life Line","Rettungsanker","" },
{"VOY","6x25","The Haunting of Deck Twelve","Der Spuk auf Deck Zwölf","" },
{"VOY","6x26","Unimatrix Zero, Part I","Unimatrix Zero, Teil I","" },
{"VOY","7x01","Unimatrix Zero, Part II","Unimatrix Zero, Teil II","" },
{"VOY","7x02","Imperfection","Unvollkommenheit","" },
{"VOY","7x03","Drive","Das Rennen","" },
{"VOY","7x04","Repression","Verdrängung","" },
{"VOY","7x05","Critical Care","Kritische Versorgung","" },
{"VOY","7x06","Inside Man","Eingeschleust","" },
{"VOY","7x07","Body and Soul","Körper und Seele","" },
{"VOY","7x08","Nightingale","Nightingale","Episode" },
{"VOY","7x09","Flesh and Blood, Part I","Fleisch und Blut, Teil I","" },
{"VOY","7x10","Flesh and Blood, Part II","Fleisch und Blut, Teil II","" },
{"VOY","7x11","Shattered","Zersplittert","" },
{"VOY","7x12","Lineage","Abstammung","" },
{"VOY","7x13","Repentance","Reue","Episode" },
{"VOY","7x14","Prophecy","Die Prophezeiung","VOY" },
{"VOY","7x15","The Void","Die Leere","Episode" },
{"VOY","7x16","Workforce, Part I","Arbeiterschaft, Teil I","" },
{"VOY","7x17","Workforce, Part II","Arbeiterschaft, Teil II","" },
{"VOY","7x18","Human Error","Menschliche Fehler","" },
{"VOY","7x19","Q2","Q2","" },
{"VOY","7x20","Author, Author","Die Veröffentlichung","" },
{"VOY","7x21","Friendship One","Friendship One","" },
{"VOY","7x22","Natural Law","Ein natürliches Gesetz","" },
{"VOY","7x23","Homestead","Eine Heimstätte","" },
{"VOY","7x24","Renaissance Man","Renaissance Mensch","" },
{"VOY","7x25","Endgame, Part I","Endspiel, Teil I","" },
{"VOY","7x26","Endgame, Part II","Endspiel, Teil II","" },
{"ENT","1x01","Broken Bow","Aufbruch ins Unbekannte, Teil I","" },
{"ENT","1x02","Broken Bow","Aufbruch ins Unbekannte, Teil II","" },
{"ENT","1x03","Fight or Flight","Freund oder Feind","" },
{"ENT","1x04","Strange New World","Geistergeschichten","" },
{"ENT","1x05","Unexpected","In guter Hoffnung","" },
{"ENT","1x06","Terra Nova","Terra Nova","Episode" },
{"ENT","1x07","The Andorian Incident","Doppeltes Spiel","" },
{"ENT","1x08","Breaking the Ice","Das Eis bricht","" },
{"ENT","1x09","Civilization","Die Saat","" },
{"ENT","1x10","Fortunate Son","Familienbande","" },
{"ENT","1x11","Cold Front","Kalter Krieg","Episode" },
{"ENT","1x12","Silent Enemy","Lautloser Feind","" },
{"ENT","1x13","Dear Doctor","Lieber Doktor","" },
{"ENT","1x14","Sleeping Dogs","Schlafende Hunde","" },
{"ENT","1x15","Shadows of P'Jem","Im Schatten von P'Jem","" },
{"ENT","1x16","Shuttlepod One","Allein","" },
{"ENT","1x17","Fusion","Die Verschmelzung","" },
{"ENT","1x18","Rogue Planet","Gesetze der Jagd","" },
{"ENT","1x19","Acquisition","Raumpiraten","" },
{"ENT","1x20","Oasis","Schiff der Geister","" },
{"ENT","1x21","Detained","In sicherem Gewahrsam","" },
{"ENT","1x22","Vox Sola","Vox Sola","" },
{"ENT","1x23","Fallen Hero","Gefallene Heldin","" },
{"ENT","1x24","Desert Crossing","Durch die Wüste","" },
{"ENT","1x25","Two Days and Two Nights","Zwei Tage auf Risa","" },
{"ENT","1x26","Shockwave, Part I","Die Schockwelle, Teil I","" },
{"ENT","2x01","Shockwave, Part II","Die Schockwelle, Teil II","" },
{"ENT","2x02","Carbon Creek","Carbon Creek","Episode" },
{"ENT","2x03","Minefield","Das Minenfeld","" },
{"ENT","2x04","Dead Stop","Todesstation","" },
{"ENT","2x05","A Night in Sickbay","Eine Nacht Krankenstation","" },
{"ENT","2x06","Marauders","Marodeure","" },
{"ENT","2x07","The Seventh","Der Siebente","" },
{"ENT","2x08","The Communicator","Der Kommunikator","" },
{"ENT","2x09","Singularity","Eigenarten","" },
{"ENT","2x10","Vanishing Point","Vermisst","" },
{"ENT","2x11","Precious Cargo","Kostbare Fracht","" },
{"ENT","2x12","The Catwalk","Der Laufsteg","" },
{"ENT","2x13","Dawn","Morgengrauen","" },
{"ENT","2x14","Stigma","Stigma","" },
{"ENT","2x15","Cease Fire","Waffenstillstand","Episode" },
{"ENT","2x16","Future Tense","Die Zukunft","" },
{"ENT","2x17","Canamar","Canamar","Episode" },
{"ENT","2x18","The Crossing","Übergang","" },
{"ENT","2x19","Judgment","Das Urteil","ENT" },
{"ENT","2x20","Horizon","Horizon","" },
{"ENT","2x21","The Breach","Böses Blut","" },
{"ENT","2x22","Cogenitor","Cogenitor","" },
{"ENT","2x23","Regeneration","Regeneration","Episode" },
{"ENT","2x24","First Flight","Erstflug","" },
{"ENT","2x25","Bounty","Kopfgeld","Episode" },
{"ENT","2x26","The Expanse","Die Ausdehnung","" },
{"ENT","3x01","The Xindi","Die Xindi","" },
{"ENT","3x02","Anomaly","Anomalie","Episode" },
{"ENT","3x03","Extinction","Transformation","" },
{"ENT","3x04","Rajiin","Rajiin","Episode" },
{"ENT","3x05","Impulse","Impulsiv","" },
{"ENT","3x06","Exile","Exil","Episode" },
{"ENT","3x07","The Shipment","Die Ladung","" },
{"ENT","3x08","Twilight","Dämmerung","" },
{"ENT","3x09","North Star","Faustrecht","" },
{"ENT","3x10","Similitude","Ebenbild","" },
{"ENT","3x11","Carpenter Street","Carpenter Street","Episode" },
{"ENT","3x12","Chosen Realm","Das auserwählte Reich","" },
{"ENT","3x13","Proving Ground","Testgebiet","" },
{"ENT","3x14","Stratagem","Kriegslist","" },
{"ENT","3x15","Harbinger","Der Vorbote","" },
{"ENT","3x16","Doctor's Orders","Auf ärztliche Anweisung","" },
{"ENT","3x17","Hatchery","Brutstätte","Episode" },
{"ENT","3x18","Azati Prime","Azati Prime","Episode" },
{"ENT","3x19","Damage","Beschädigungen","" },
{"ENT","3x20","The Forgotten","Die Vergessenen","" },
{"ENT","3x21","E²","E²","" },
{"ENT","3x22","The Council","Der Rat","" },
{"ENT","3x23","Countdown","Countdown","Episode" },
{"ENT","3x24","Zero Hour","Stunde Null","" },
{"ENT","4x01","Storm Front","Sturmfront, Teil I","" },
{"ENT","4x02","Storm Front, Part II","Sturmfront, Teil II","" },
{"ENT","4x03","Home","Zuhause","" },
{"ENT","4x04","Borderland","Borderland","Episode" },
{"ENT","4x05","Cold Station 12","Cold Station 12","Episode" },
{"ENT","4x06","The Augments","Die Augments","" },
{"ENT","4x07","The Forge","Der Anschlag","" },
{"ENT","4x08","Awakening","Zeit des Erwachens","Episode" },
{"ENT","4x09","Kir'Shara","Kir'Shara","Episode" },
{"ENT","4x10","Daedalus","Daedalus","Episode" },
{"ENT","4x11","Observer Effect","Beobachtungseffekt","" },
{"ENT","4x12","Babel One","Babel","ENT" },
{"ENT","4x13","United","Vereinigt","" },
{"ENT","4x14","The Aenar","Die Aenar","" },
{"ENT","4x15","Affliction","Die Heimsuchung","" },
{"ENT","4x16","Divergence","Die Abweichung","" },
{"ENT","4x17","Bound","Die Verbindung","" },
{"ENT","4x18","In a Mirror, Darkly","Die dunkle Seite des Spiegels, Teil I","" },
{"ENT","4x19","In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II","Die dunkle Seite des Spiegels, Teil II","" },
{"ENT","4x20","Demons","Dämonen","Episode" },
{"ENT","4x21","Terra Prime","Terra Prime","Episode" },
{"ENT","4x22","These Are the Voyages…","Dies sind die Abenteuer","" }
local p = {}
local p = {}
Zeile 733: Zeile 8:
local title = frame.args[1]
local title = frame.args[1]
title = mw.ustring.gsub( title , '=', '=')
title = mw.ustring.gsub( title , '=', '=')
local series = mw.ustring.sub(frame.args[2], 0, 3)
local series = 'ALL'
if frame.args[2] ~= nil and frame.args[2] ~= '' then
series = mw.ustring.sub(frame.args[2], 0, 3)
local suffix = ''
local suffix = ''
for _,episode in pairs(episodes) do
if type(episodes[series]) == 'table' then
thisSeries = episode[1]
for _,episode in pairs(episodes[series]) do
thisTitleDE = episode[4]
thisTitleDE = episode[4]
if (thisSeries == series or series == nil or series == '') and thisTitleDE == title then
if p.fuzzyMatch(thisTitleDE, title) then
return episode
return episode
Zeile 745: Zeile 24:
function p.getArticle(episode)
function p.getArticle(episode)
local title = episode[4]
local title = mw.ustring.gsub( episode[4] , '­', '')
local series = episode[5]
local series = episode[5]
local suffix = ''
local suffix = ''
Zeile 752: Zeile 31:
return title .. suffix
return title .. suffix
function p.fuzzyMatch(first, second)
return p.simplifyString(first) == p.simplifyString(second)
function p.simplifyString(string)
string = string.gsub(string, '[^%a%d]', '')
return mw.ustring.lower(string)
Zeile 757: Zeile 45:
local number = mw.ustring.gsub( episode[2], 'x', '×')
local number = mw.ustring.gsub( episode[2], 'x', '×')
local series = episode[1]
local series = episode[1]
local title = '»' .. episode[4] .. '«'
local title = episode[4]
local origtitle = '(OT: »' .. episode[3] .. '«)'
local origtitle = mw.ustring.gsub( episode[3], '"', '"' )
return series .. ' ' .. number .. ' ' .. title .. ' ' .. origtitle
local output = series .. ' ' .. number .. "\n»" .. title .. '« ' .. "\n" .. 'Originaltitel: »' .. origtitle .. '«'
return mw.text.encode( output )
Zeile 775: Zeile 64:
local title = episode[4]
local title = episode[4]
local description = p.getDescription(episode)
local description = p.getDescription(episode)
local isRemastered = mw.ustring.match( frame.args[2], '-R', 3 ) ~= nil
if frame.args[2] ~= nil then
local isRemastered = mw.ustring.match( frame.args[2], '-R', 3 ) ~= nil
local isRemastered = false
local suffix = ''
local suffix = ''
if isRemastered then
if isRemastered then
Zeile 787: Zeile 80:
local title = frame.args[1]
local title = frame.args[1]
local note = 'Ungenaue Angabe bitte Link überprüfen.'
local note = 'Ungenaue Angabe bitte Link überprüfen.'
local suffix = ' <sup title="' .. note .. '" style="color:red">?</sup>'
local suffix = ' [[Vorlage:EpLink/Häufige Fehler|<sup title="' .. note .. '" style="color:red">?</sup>]]'
suffix = suffix .. '[[Kategorie:Artikel die Episodenverweise haben, die nicht auf Episoden verweisen]]'
suffix = suffix .. '[[Kategorie:Artikel die Episodenverweise haben, die nicht auf Episoden verweisen]]'
return '[[' .. title .. "|<i>" .. title .. "</i>]]" .. suffix
return '[[' .. title .. "|<i>" .. title .. "</i>]]" .. suffix
Zeile 794: Zeile 87:
function p.getEpisodeList()
function p.getEpisodeList()
local output = ''
local output = ''
for _,episode in pairs(episodes) do
for _,episode in pairs(episodes.ALL) do
series = episode[1]
series = episode[1]
title = episode[4]
title = episode[4]
Zeile 801: Zeile 94:
return output
return output
function p.getArticleByCode(frame)
local query = frame.args[1]
-- Expected format: TNG-0x01
local series = mw.ustring.sub( query, 0, 3)
local no = mw.ustring.sub( query, 5, 8)
for _,episode in pairs(episodes.ALL) do
thisSeries = episode[1]
thisNo = episode[2]
if (thisSeries == series) and (thisNo == no) then
return episode[4]
function p.getEpisodeTable()
function p.getEpisodeTable()
local output = '{|'
local output = '{|'
output = output .. "\n|-"
output = output .. "\n|-"
local header = {'Serie', '№', 'Originaltitel', 'Dt. Titel', 'Suffix'}
local header = {'Serie', '№', 'Originaltitel', 'Dt. Titel', 'Suffix', 'Schlüssel' }
for _,text in pairs(header) do
for _,text in pairs(header) do
output = output .. "\n! " .. text
output = output .. "\n! " .. text
for _,episode in pairs(episodes) do
for _,episode in pairs(episodes.ALL) do
output = output .. "\n|-"
output = output .. "\n|-"
for _,cell in pairs(episode) do
for _,cell in pairs(episode) do
output = output .. "\n| " .. cell
output = output .. "\n| " .. cell
output = output .. "\n| " .. p.simplifyString( episode[4] )
output = output .. "\n|-"
output = output .. "\n|-"
Zeile 819: Zeile 128:
return output
return output
function p.getCompactEpisodeTable(frame)
local series = frame.args[1]
local output = '{|'
output = output .. "\n|-"
local header = {'№', 'Titel' }
for _,text in pairs(header) do
output = output .. "\n! " .. text
for _,episode in pairs(episodes.ALL) do
local article = p.getArticle(episode)
if series == episode[1] then
output = output ..
"\n|-" ..
'\n| align="center" | ' ..
"[[" ..
article ..
'|' ..
episode[1] ..
'<br />' ..
episode[2] ..
"\n| " ..
"[[" ..
article ..
'|' ..
"''" ..
episode[4] ..
"''" ..
'<br />' ..
'<small>' ..
"''" ..
episode[3] ..
"''" ..
'</small>' ..
output = output .. "\n|-"
output = output .. "\n|}"
return output
return p
return p

Aktuelle Version vom 31. Oktober 2017, 09:52 Uhr

Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:EpLink/Doku erstellt werden

local episodes = mw.loadData( 'Module:Episoden' ) 

local numberOfEpisodes = 727

local p = {}

function p.getEpisodeData(frame)
  local title = frame.args[1]
  title = mw.ustring.gsub( title , '&#61;', '=')
  local series = 'ALL'
  if frame.args[2] ~= nil and frame.args[2] ~= '' then
    series = mw.ustring.sub(frame.args[2], 0, 3)
  local suffix = ''
  if type(episodes[series]) == 'table' then
    for _,episode in pairs(episodes[series]) do
      thisTitleDE = episode[4]
      if p.fuzzyMatch(thisTitleDE, title) then
        return episode

function p.getArticle(episode)
  local title =  mw.ustring.gsub( episode[4] , '­', '') 
  local series = episode[5]
  local suffix = ''
  if series ~= "" then
    suffix = ' (' .. series .. ')' 
  return title .. suffix

function p.fuzzyMatch(first, second)
  return p.simplifyString(first) == p.simplifyString(second)

function p.simplifyString(string)
  string = string.gsub(string, '[^%a%d]', '')
  return mw.ustring.lower(string)

function p.getDescription(episode)
  local number = mw.ustring.gsub( episode[2], 'x', '×')
  local series = episode[1]
  local title = episode[4]
  local origtitle =  mw.ustring.gsub( episode[3], '"', '&quot;' )
  local output = series .. ' ' .. number .. "\n»" .. title .. '« ' .. "\n" .. 'Originaltitel: »' .. origtitle .. '«'
  return mw.text.encode( output )

function p.getRemasteredSuffix(series)
  return ' – [[' .. series .. ' Remastered|Remastered]]'


function p.getLink(frame)
  local episode = p.getEpisodeData(frame)
  if episode == nil then
    return p.getFallbackLink(frame)
  local article = p.getArticle(episode)
  local title = episode[4]
  local description = p.getDescription(episode)
  if frame.args[2] ~= nil then
    local isRemastered = mw.ustring.match( frame.args[2], '-R', 3 ) ~= nil
    local isRemastered = false
  local suffix = ''
  if isRemastered then
    local series = episode[1]
    suffix = p.getRemasteredSuffix(series)
  return '[[' .. article .. "|<i title=\"" .. description .. "\">" .. title .. "</i>]]" .. suffix

function p.getFallbackLink(frame)
  local title = frame.args[1]
  local note = 'Ungenaue Angabe bitte Link überprüfen.'
  local suffix = ' [[Vorlage:EpLink/Häufige Fehler|<sup title="' .. note .. '" style="color:red">?</sup>]]'
  suffix = suffix .. '[[Kategorie:Artikel die Episodenverweise haben, die nicht auf Episoden verweisen]]'
  return '[[' .. title .. "|<i>" .. title .. "</i>]]" .. suffix

function p.getEpisodeList()
  local output = ''
  for _,episode in pairs(episodes.ALL) do
    series = episode[1]
    title = episode[4]
    output = output .. "\n* " .. p.getLink{['args']={title, series}}
  return output

function p.getArticleByCode(frame)
  local query = frame.args[1]
  -- Expected format: TNG-0x01
  local series = mw.ustring.sub( query, 0, 3)
  local no = mw.ustring.sub( query, 5, 8)
  for _,episode in pairs(episodes.ALL) do
    thisSeries = episode[1]
    thisNo = episode[2]
    if (thisSeries == series) and (thisNo == no) then
      return episode[4]

function p.getEpisodeTable()
  local output = '{|'
  output = output .. "\n|-"
  local header = {'Serie', '№', 'Originaltitel', 'Dt. Titel', 'Suffix', 'Schlüssel' }
  for _,text in pairs(header) do
    output = output .. "\n! " .. text
  for _,episode in pairs(episodes.ALL) do
    output = output .. "\n|-"
    for _,cell in pairs(episode) do
      output = output .. "\n| " .. cell
    output = output .. "\n| " .. p.simplifyString( episode[4] )
  output = output .. "\n|-"
  output = output .. "\n|}"
  return output

function p.getCompactEpisodeTable(frame)
  local series = frame.args[1]
  local output = '{|'
  output = output .. "\n|-"
  local header = {'№', 'Titel' }
  for _,text in pairs(header) do
    output = output .. "\n! " .. text
  for _,episode in pairs(episodes.ALL) do
    local article = p.getArticle(episode)
    if series == episode[1] then
      output = output .. 
               "\n|-" ..
               '\n| align="center" | ' ..
               "[[" ..
               article ..
               '|' ..
               episode[1] ..
               '<br />' ..
               episode[2] ..
               "\n| " .. 
               "[[" ..
               article ..
               '|' ..
               "''" ..
               episode[4] ..
               "''" ..
               '<br />' ..
               '<small>' ..
               "''" ..
               episode[3] ..
               "''" ..
               '</small>' ..
  output = output .. "\n|-"
  output = output .. "\n|}"
  return output

return p