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La Clase Sovereign fue una clase de nave que sirvio entre los siglos 24 y 25 de la Federación Unida de Planetas operada por la Flota Estelar. A diferencia de otras clases, la Clase Sovereign se diseño mas como nave táctica al estilo de la Clase Defiant y Clase Akira, siendo en su tiempo, de las naves mas poderosas y avanzadas de toda la Federación.

Gracias a sus avances tecnológicos y sistemas tácticos le ayudaban a cumplir exitosamente muchas de sus misiones de Alto Impacto.


USS Enterprise-E in drydock 2

El USS Enterprise-E en un Astillero sobre la Tierra

La Clase Soverign se introdujo a principios de la década de 2370 y era, en ese momento, el diseño de nave estelar más largay avanzada de la flota, aunque no tan grande como la nave estelar Clase Galaxia. El USS Enterprise-E de clase soberana se construyó en los Astilleros de San Francisco y se lanzó desde esa instalación en la fecha estelar 49827.5.

Llegada del Enterprise-E a la batalla

El Enterprise-E llega justo a tiempo para detener el avance del Cubo en orbita de la Tierra

Los primeros enfrentamientos importantes de la Clase Sobereign se produjeron en 2373, cuando el USS Enterprise entró en acción en la incursión Borg en la Batalla del Sector 001 y jugó un papel decisivo en la destrucción del cubo atacante. (Star Trek VIII: First Contact)

Si bien la Clase Sovereign no fue un actor clave en la Guerra del Dominio, naves como el Enterprise-E pasaron tiempo durante la guerra apagando "incendios" diplomáticos y extendiendo la rama de olivo ocasional, mientras el Cuerpo Diplomático de la Federación estaba ocupado intentando poner fin a la guerra. (Star Trek IX: Insurrection)

Algún tiempo después de la misión del Enterprise en Briar Patch y antes del enfrentamiento con el buque de guerra Reman Scimitar, se llevó a cabo una remodelación del Enterprise-E. Los cambios más importantes incluyeron cinco tubos de torpedos adicionales y cuatro conjuntos de fáser adicionales. También se implementó un ligero cambio en los pilones de las góndolas de urdimbre. La Enterprise pudo implementar estos nuevos sistemas en 2379, antes de su misión a Romulus. El Enteprise-E lucho junto a dos naves Clase Valdore Romulanos en la Batalla de Bassen Rift contra el Scimitar, logrando a duras penas y severos daños el poder derrotar a Shinzon. (Star Trek X: Nemesis)

En 2380, mientras el USS Cerritos estaba siendo reparado, la capitana Carol Freeman rechazó cualquier cambio cosmético, señalando que odiaba cuando un barco era reparado y "salía luciendo todo... Clase Soverign" (LD: "No Small Parts")

En 2381, ocurrio el Ataque a la Estacion Douglas el USS Van Citters acudió en ayuda de la Estación Douglas cuando fue atacada por los tres barcos de la Clase Texas. En el transcurso de la batalla, el USS Van Citters se vio abrumado por los tres barcos y quedó incapacitado después de que sus escudos fallaron y recibió daños significativos en su casco principal y góndolas. El Cerritos pudo salvar a los Van Citters de la destrucción al atraer a los buques clase Texas hacia sí mismo. (LD: The Stars at Night)

El Van Citters llega a la Estacion Douglas

El USS Van Citters arriba a la Estacion Douglas tras el ataques de las naves de la Clase Texas

Autoataques entre la Flota Estelar

Naves de la Flota Estelar, incluyendo de la Clase Sovereign atacandose entre si, tras ser afectados por el Constructo Viviente Vau N'Akat

En 2384, al menos 19 naves (que incluían el USS Sovereign y USS el Enterprise-E) interceptaron el USS Protostar en un sector restringido cerca de la estrella Gamma Serpentis. Eran parte de una armada que incluía naves estelares Clase Akira, Tipo Centaur y Clase Defiant. Más tarde, en el Batalla de Gamma Serpentis fueron infectados con la construcción Viviente por el Alférez Asencia, que provoc que todas las naves de la Flota Estelar que fueron afectadas empezaran a atacarse entre si, fue gracias a la intervencion de naves de varias razas y la destruccion del USS Protostar lo que detuvo el hecho. (PRO: "Mindwalk", "Supernova, Part I")

En 2401, la Flota Estelar envió ocho barcos de esta clase para unirse a una armada de decenas de naves que se oponía a una nave Borg desconocida. El enlace Borg enviado al USS Stargazer se apoderó brevemente de esta nave y de otras, antes de que la tripulación lograra activar su sistema de autodestrucción y salvar a la armada. (PIC: "The Star Gazer")

Flota asimilada ataca al Spacedock

Armada de la Flota Estelar, incluyendo de la Clase Sovereign, asimilados atacando al Spacedock Solar durante la Batalla del Dia de la Frontera

Durante el 250 aniversario del Dia de la Frontera, en la orbita de la Tierra y en el Spacedock Solar, habian 38 naves Clase Sovereign, que formaban parte de las maniobras de la Flota Estelar en los festejos de ese dia. Al poco tiempo inicio la Batalla del Dia de la Frontera, cuando el Cubo Borg activo la señal de asimilación, todos los oficiales asimilados tomaron el control de todas las naves, incluyendo las naves de la Clase Sovereign que empezaron un ataque conjunto contra el Spacedock Solar, en el proceso muchas naves fueron neutralziadas por las defensas planetarias, incluyendo varias de esta clase. Al final tras la destrucción del Cubo Borg, todas las naves y oficiales asimilados fueron rescatados. (PIC: "Võx", "The Last Generation")

Datos Técnicos[]



  • Largo: 685 metros
  • Ancho: 275 metros
  • Alto: 120 metros

Cubiertas: 26

Masa: 3.500.000 toneladas métricas

Tripulación: 700 / 1900 (límite de evacuación)


  • Motor warp.
    • Velocidad crucero: Warp 8
    • Velocidad crucero maxima: Warp 9.6
    • Velocidad maxima de emergencia: Warp 9.9 por 36 horas.
  • Motores de impulso.

Disparando torpedo Quantum


  • 14 Bancos de Phasers Tipo XII
  • 4 Lanzadores de torpedos photon.
  • 2 Lanzadores de torpedos Quantum de fuego rapido en la proa y la popa.


  • Sistema de escudos.
  • Escudos a 4.563.000 Terajoules
  • Casco Doble de Duranium y Tritanium Pesado de 10 cm de espesor de Armadura Ablativa
  • Campo de Integridad Estructural de Nivel Alto.

Aspecto Fisico[]

Sovereign side view

Vista dorsal

Con casi setecientos metros de longitud, el diseño de la clase Sovereign constaba de dos secciones de casco: un casco primario en forma de platillo y un casco secundario que montaba dos góndolas warp.

Sistema Tactico[]

Deflector status display, Sovereign class

Deflector shields on display

La nave estelar clase Sovereign tenía varias mejoras de armamento con respecto a las clases de naves estelares anteriores, incluidos torpedos cuánticos y de fotones, y numerosos bancos y conjuntos de fáser.

La clase Soberana originalmente empleó doce conjuntos de fáser en ubicaciones clave a lo largo del casco de la nave. Siete conjuntos de fáser dorsales estaban ubicados en el casco principal, uno de los cuales se extendía alrededor de la sección del platillo, dándole una apariencia ovalada. Seis conjuntos más pequeños cubrían los arcos de disparo dorsales de popa y estaban ubicados a lo largo de la parte trasera de la sección del platillo, encima de la bahía principal del transbordador.

Enterprise-E contraataca al Scimitar

Baterias de Rayos Laser y Lanzadores de Misiles

Ataque conjunto al Cubo Borg

Baterias Primarias de Lasers y Lanzaderas de Misiles de Fotones

Cuatro conjuntos de fáser ventrales estaban ubicados en el casco principal, extendiéndose en casi un semicírculo tanto en el lado ventral de estribor como de babor de la sección del platillo. Un conjunto de láseres monofásicos estaba ubicado a lo largo de la sección ventral del casco de ingeniería, perpendicular al casco. (Star Trek: First Contact; Star Trek: Insurrection) Durante el reacondicionamiento, se agregaron cuatro a los bordes de salida de los pilones de la góndola warp (uno dorsal y uno ventral para cada pilón), lo que elevó el número de conjuntos de fáser a dieciséis. (Némesis de Star Trek)

En su configuración original, la clase Sovereign montaba cinco lanzadores de torpedos. El lanzador "principal" estaba ubicado en la parte ventral del platillo en una torreta y se complementaba con un lanzador de dos tubos, hacia adelante y hacia atrás en la parte inferior del casco secundario. La remodelación supuso la adición de cinco tubos más: tres en la sección dorsal del platillo (un solo tubo mirando hacia adelante en la Cubierta 3 y un lanzador de dos tubos mirando hacia popa (ubicado sobre la esclusa de aire del platillo de popa), así como dos en el casco secundario. ambos mirando hacia popa, uno encima y otro debajo del transbordador del casco secundario

Diseño Interior[]


Enterprise-E MSD

Pantalla de sistemas primarios del USS Enterprise-E en el puente

En términos de diseño de la cubierta, las secciones superiores de la nave estelar clase Sovereign formaban la sección de mando y las áreas de vivienda, mientras que las cubiertas inferiores albergaban los principales suministros de ingeniería y combustible. Como es tradicional, la numeración de las cubiertas ascendía de arriba a abajo. En la parte superior de la sección del platillo estaba la Cubierta 1, que albergaba el puente principal. Esta cubierta también albergaba las modificaciones más recientes de una sala de observación, una sala de espera para el capitán del barco y una esclusa de aire con cabina adjunta.

Sovereign class corridor, 2375

Corredor tipico de la Clase Sovereign

La cubierta 2 abarcaba el primero de los muchos niveles de alojamiento para la tripulación, con habitaciones para el personal de mando de más alto rango y un comedor para oficiales. Las cubiertas 3 a 9 presentaban más habitaciones para oficiales, salones de observación en proa y popa, laboratorios de ciencias, la bahía de transporte principal, conductos para la red de datos ópticos y el núcleo informático principal de la embarcación. Las cubiertas 10 a 14 completaron el casco principal de la nave estelar clase Sovereign, y también abarcaron bahías de carga delantera y trasera en las cubiertas 10 y 11, y sistemas de fáser en la cubierta 11. El departamento de cartografía estelar a bordo de la clase Sovereign estaba ubicado en la cubierta 11. Los sensores y el deflector de navegación secundario se encontraron en la cubierta 12.

Sovereign class corridor, 2373

Corredor durante una Alerta Roja

La cubierta 13, ocupada casi en su totalidad por tanques de combustible de deuterio, marcaba la verdadera división entre las zonas habitables y las secciones de ingeniería y almacenamiento del barco. La ingeniería principal y sus sistemas relacionados, como las tomas de corriente EPS, la cámara central de reacción de materia/antimateria, los laboratorios de apoyo y el núcleo informático de ingeniería, se distribuyeron entre las cubiertas 14 a 18.

La cubierta 14 estaba dedicada en gran medida a los sistemas de ingeniería y también presentaba la plataforma de sensores inferior. Las cubiertas 15 a 18 comprendían el conjunto de deflectores de navegación principal y un puente auxiliar, que también se conocía como puente de batalla.

La cubierta 16 también contaba con el mecanismo de lanzamiento y recuperación del yate del capitán. El yate fue bajado mediante un conjunto de pórticos hasta que sus motores se extendieron a la posición operativa y luego podría maniobrar libremente.

Starfleet Cartography

Laboratorio Astronomico de la Clase Sovereign

La clase Sovereign también estaba equipada con un laboratorio de astrometría donde se podía establecer un enlace directo con la cartografía de la Flota Estelar. La interferencia de fenómenos astronómicos cercanos podría interferir con el vínculo del laboratorio con la cartografía de la Flota Estelar.

Comando y Control de Sistemas[]

The computer system on board the Sovereign-class were bio-neural gel pack-based. Computer systems were concentrated in two computer cores. The primary core was located directly below the main bridge on decks 6 through 8. The secondary core was located in the engineering section, adjacent to environmental control, on decks 15 through 17.

Sovereign Bridge2

Main bridge of a Sovereign-class starship in 2379

Primary operational control of the ship was provided by the main bridge, located at the top of the primary hull. The bridge directly supervised all primary mission operations and coordinated all departmental activities.

Sovereign class bridge

Main bridge of a Sovereign-class starship in 2373

The central area of the main bridge provided seating and information displays for the captain and two other officers. The captain's chair was raised from the rest of the bridge officers to the height of the surrounding level, which included tactical and operations. The two officer seats were equipped with fully programmable consoles for a variety of uses. Directly fore of the command area was the conn officer, who faced the main viewer. To the port side of the conn officer, also facing the main viewscreen, was the operations officer's console, which was identical in size and design to the helm station.

Sovereign Viewscreen

The Ops and Conn stations in front of the viewscreen

At the very front of the bridge chamber was a large viewscreen. When the screen was not active, a standard bulkhead was present. Aft and to the left of the command area was an elevated platform on which tactical and security consoles were located. To the captain's right, behind the tactical console, was the mission operations section of the bridge. Against the starboard side walls of the main bridge were the consoles for sciences, along with others that were programmable for a multitude of functions.

Sovereign observation lounge (2379)

The observation lounge

Located against the aft wall of the bridge was a large master systems display monitor, similar to the one in engineering. All relevant ship information (such as damage, power distribution, etc.) could be displayed on this cutaway image of the vessel. This monitor could be used to direct ship operations and could be configured for limited flight control if necessary.

Also located against the aft wall of the main bridge was the large engineering console. This had a smaller cutaway diagram of the vessel, which displayed all engineering-relevant data and showed warp fields and engine output.

There were two turbolifts on the bridge. There was also an emergency ladder that connected the bridge to lower decks. Additionally, the bridge provided direct access to the observation lounge, which was located directly aft of the bridge, and the captain's ready room. (Plantilla:Film)

Habitacion Principal[]

USS Enterprise-E ready room

The ready room

The captain's ready room doubled as an office and a second private cabin in addition to the commanding officer's private quarters. It was located off the starboard side of the main bridge on Deck 1, and provided a place where the captain could work or rest while remaining next to the bridge in case of an emergency. Meetings between the captain and one or two people would also take place here.

In one corner there was a simple, narrow bed with a small bookcase over it. Toward the rear of the room was a desk with a computer console.

In a corner behind the desk was a doorway which led into a bathroom containing a sonic shower. Below a mirror was a sink that had no visible controls; the water came on automatically when hands were placed beneath the faucet, and went off when they were withdrawn.

Usually, the ready room would be decorated by its occupant by adding a number of personal ornaments.

Sistema de Propulsion[]

USS Enterprise-E at impulse

The USS Enterprise-E cruises at impulse speeds

Sovereign Coils

The USS Enterprise-E being refitted in an Earth drydock

Sovereign-class starships achieved warp flight through two warp nacelles, which housed multiple pairs of warp coils. It could achieve warp factor 8. (Plantilla:Film)

There were two impulse engines, both located at the aft of the saucer section. (Plantilla:Film)

Main engineering contained the controls for the warp and impulse drive systems. Entrance to the primary engineering spaces was provided by two large blast doors, a pair each deck on Decks 15 and 16, that could be closed for internal or external security reasons, as well as in case of emergencies. It was much larger than on previous starship classes and was split into three levels to accommodate the warp core, which spanned several decks.

The majority of controls were situated on the main deck (Deck 16) and an upper-level gantry. Arranged around the warp core stack were a number of control consoles that could be reconfigured to emulate all the command controls on the bridge.

The largest workstation was the master systems display, which was used to monitor the status of all key systems and could comfortably accommodate four personnel. There were also various wall displays, including a schematic that showed the 'health' of the warp propulsion system.

The deuterium tanks were above the core, while antimatter storage pods surrounded the base of the core. Two large cylindrical tanks were positioned next to the warp core and contained highly dangerous plasma coolant. Two rectangular power transfer conduits fed off from the warp reaction chamber and angle out of main engineering to the port and starboard warp nacelles. (Plantilla:Film)

Sovereign Warp Core

The SovereignPlantilla:'s warp core

Sovereign Engineering

The main engineering facility

Additionally, there were numerous ladders and access panels to Jefferies tubes, leading throughout the starship. A second tier ringed the second level of main engineering on deck 15. Two ladders on the opposite ends of the catwalk provided access. (Plantilla:Film) By 2379, Starfleet began implementing a force field system around the warp reactor. (Plantilla:Film)

USS Enterprise-E warp core ejection

USS Enterprise-E's ejected warp core

The Sovereign-class was equipped with a warp core ejection system. Normally used as a last resort measure when a warp core breach was in progress, in 2375 the Enterprise-E used the capability in order to seal a subspace rift, caused by the Son'a, by remote detonating the ejected core. (Plantilla:Film)

Sistema de Transportes[]

Enterprise-E transporter

The back wall of a Sovereign-class transporter

The Sovereign-class starship included at least four separate transporter rooms, capable of site-to-site transport. (Plantilla:Film) Unusually, the transporter console in a Sovereign-class transporter room was built into a wall opposite the transporter platform, from where the controls on the console could be seen. (Plantilla:Film) The transporters could be operated from both the tactical and engineering stations on the ship's bridge. A Sovereign-class starship was capable of beaming a single small vessel – such as a Plantilla:Class attack fighter – aboard, even if the smaller craft was mobile. (Plantilla:Film)

Sistema de Soporte de Personal[]

The Sovereign-class starship had the usual array of amenities available to the crew, including holodecks, gymnasiums, a ship's library, etc.

Instalaciones Medicas[]

Sovereign Sickbay

The main Sovereign-class sickbay

EMH in Enterprise-E sickbay

The secondary Sovereign-class sickbay, including the ship's EMH

One large sickbay facility, located on Deck 7, served as the primary care facility on Sovereign-class starships. Equipped with six standard and one advanced biobed, sickbay was also home to the chief medical officer's office and a small lab used for routine analysis of patients. (Plantilla:Film)

A second, smaller facility identical to an Plantilla:Class sickbay was also present on Deck 16. (Plantilla:Film)

The room itself was considered to be general purpose, and was often the location of regular crew physicals, appointments, and various medical emergencies – it could effectively handle the majority of situations that a starship crew would face. (Plantilla:Film)

Sovereign-class starships were equipped with an Emergency Medical Hologram. (Plantilla:Film)

Located near sickbay was the counselor's office, a modest room approximately the size of a standard living room compartment. (Plantilla:Film)

Habitaciones de la tripulacion[]

Sovereign Crew Quarters

Senior officers' quarters

Sovereign Crew Quarters bedroom

Officers' quarters bedroom

The arrangement of living quarters was designed to be modular, so that at any time a particular area could be reconfigured to create larger or smaller residential areas. Most living areas were located on the upper and lower surfaces of the saucer section, offering residents a remarkable view of the starscape outside their windows.

As was common on Starfleet vessels, the living accommodations for senior officers and VIPs were larger than standard crew quarters. Officers' quarters usually included a living area in the center of the dwelling, which held a personal workstation, couch, replicator, and a small dining area.

Connected to this was a bedroom that featured a double-sized bed and room for personal belongings. Normally, the bedroom would be connected by a half-bathroom with wash basin, mirror, toilet, several drawers, and a sonic shower. For senior staff, this bathroom was usually upgraded to a full-sized bathroom with bathtub. (Plantilla:Film)

Sistema Aeroespacial Auxiliar[]

Located at the dorsal stern of the primary hull, the main shuttlebay took up a significant portion of the aft section of Decks 6 through 9 on the Sovereign-class. Due to the mission profile of the Sovereign, the shuttlebay extended further than normal for a vessel its size to accommodate runabouts and several shuttlecraft.

The secondary shuttlebay was located at the very aft portion of the engineering hull. This bay, while smaller than the main facility, was just as capable of handling flight operations as the main shuttlebay. (Plantilla:Film)

In addition to shuttlecraft, the Sovereign class also featured a captain's yacht, designed for special diplomatic missions. The yacht on board the Enterprise-E was named the Plantilla:Dis. (Plantilla:Film)

Naves de Escape[]

The Sovereign-class starship carried a number of escape pods. In the event of a catastrophic emergency, these pods served the same purpose as the lifeboats of a water-based vessel and ensured the continued survival of passengers and crew after the primary vessel had to be abandoned.

The escape pods were located throughout the Sovereign-class starship's primary and secondary hulls: there were two rows of pods on the dorsal side of the command saucer, and two on the ventral side. Further rows of pods lined each side of the engineering hull.

Unlike the escape pods utilized on the Galaxy- and Intrepid-class, there was no outer hatch that opened for launch. (VOY: "Year of Hell") Instead, the heat shield of the escape pod lay flush with the Sovereign-class ship's outer hull. Personnel entered the pods through hatches that lined sections of the ship's corridors, and a situation display monitor was located between the pods.

Each hatch swung open on a hinge at the bottom, creating a short ramp from the floor of the corridor into the interior of the capsule. The pods were equipped with heat shields for atmospheric entry and landing if a suitable planet could be found to set down on. (Plantilla:Film)

By the 2380s some ships of the class have been upgraded with newer style escape pods. (PRO: "Mindwalk", "Supernova, Part 1")

Naves Comisionadas[]


No Nombradas
  • Naves Clase Sovereign no Nombradas


Informacion de Contexto[]

Enterprise-E bridge

The bridge of the Enterprise-E

In production notes for Plantilla:Film, Michael Okuda suggested that the prototype for the Sovereign-class was the Plantilla:Mb and would have had a registry in a range around NX/NCC-75000. The Sovereign was also mentioned briefly in the Plantilla:Ste.

The official cutaway poster of the vessel that was released for First Contact designates the ship as an "Explorer Type 2".

It appears that the Sovereign class had at least two sickbay facilities, given sources in Star Trek: First Contact and Star Trek Nemesis that indicate sickbays on Decks 8 and 16. The Sovereign class was not the first class of vessel to have several sickbays; for example, Beverly Crusher was seen evacuating a sickbay in the engineering hull of the USS Enterprise-D in Plantilla:Film, as well as being treated in the engineering hull sickbay herself in Plantilla:E.

The saucer separation capability of the Sovereign class was something that was neither seen nor mentioned on screen or in the scripts, but John Eaves went ahead and designed a detailed separation anyway. Design sketches were published in Plantilla:STTM, page 49. Ronald D. Moore also stated that he believed the Enterprise-E had a detachable saucer section. Plantilla:AOLchat

The Sovereign class name is not directly referred to in dialogue until LD: "No Small Parts", but can be read on a master systems display on the USS Enterprise-E bridge.

The total number of Sovereign-class vessels present at Frontier Day was established by former Star Trek: Picard Research Assistant Jörg Hillebrand. Plantilla:Twitter


Most sources agree that the Enterprise-E was 2,248 feet (685.2 meters) long. John Eaves described the rationale as follows:

"When the "E" had a final approved design, we drew up a chart of all the Enterprises in profile. Herman [Zimmerman] and I set down a whole bunch of cutouts of the "E" in various sizes to see where this new ship should scale with the others. We found one size that looked appropriate and we put a scale to its length and that would be 2,248 feet. Rick [Sternbach] was waiting to do the blueprints and add his creativity to the design, so we gave him a drawing with this one measurement. From there he sized the whole ship ..." Plantilla:Eavesdropping

The length of 2,248 feet can also be seen in John Eaves' size charts for Star Trek: Insurrection. Plantilla:Eavesdropping The Plantilla:Film size chart puts it at 2,250 feet, but since all the other figures in the chart are expressed to the nearest ten feet, we don't know whether this was a size revision or mere rounding for the purposes of this chart. [1]


According to John Eaves, the Enterprise-E was to have been retrofit at the end of Star Trek Nemesis but due to budgetary reasons and script changes the Enterprise was only seen being repaired in dry dock. "For the end of the film the badly destroyed and damaged E is being rebuilt in space-dock. This is where the opportunity was given to really fix all the lines and flow to match the roots of where the original drawing had left off. Not too often does one gets the chance to rework a beloved piece of art, and I was so happy to get the chance regardless of how minor the changes were."

"The drawings were done and to be seen as the E leaves the space-dock at the end of Nemesis, with what we were hoping to get approval on being the new Aztec patterned paint job, that was so prominent with all the preceding variations of the Enterprise. As production went on, it was becoming clear that Nemesis was going to be the last of the TNG movies and thus, the E would fly no more. Very sad thoughts, and I was so hoping to at least to get to see that final version fly off into space... Budget and script changes kept the E in the bay under repair so all that exists of the big finish only exists on paper as a bunch of plans." Plantilla:Eavesdropping


Sovereign-class starships have been mentioned often in Plantilla:Novels and games. A role playing game supplement from Decipher mentions the Sovereign, Plantilla:Mb, and Plantilla:Mb.

The class's prototype, the USS Sovereign, has appeared or been mentioned in several non-canon sources, such as the novels Spectre, Dark Victory, and The Genesis Wave, Book One, as well as the Pocket Books' reference works release Starship Spotter. The Sovereign was also the ship the player commanded in the later portions of the game Star Trek: Bridge Commander.

USS Zhukov alongside USS Sovereign in Bridge Commander

The USS Zhukov (foreground) alongside the USS Sovereign (background) in Star Trek: Bridge Commander

Star Trek: Bridge Commander and Star Trek: Legacy list a likely and widely-accepted registry number for the Sovereign as NX-73811 (later NCC-73811). Other games mentioning the Sovereign are the role-playing game supplements The Price of Freedom from Last Unicorn Games and Plantilla:Dis from Decipher. In Star Trek: Legacy there were several Sovereign-class starships seen in the campaign, including the Enterprise, Sovereign, Plantilla:Mb, and Plantilla:Mb.

In the video game Star Trek: Invasion, two Sovereign-class vessels appeared: the USS Enterprise-E, and the Plantilla:Mb. The Enterprise-E is also the main base of operations in the game Star Trek: Elite Force II.

The Sovereign-class is also the most powerful class available to the player in the game Star Trek: Armada, with the variant timeship Plantilla:Mb also including a temporal weapon which allowed the player to pause time in local areas. This ship has never been mentioned anywhere else and due to the events of the game may never have existed (due to changes in the timeline by the player's actions.)

In Star Trek: Armada II, one Sovereign-class starship is the Plantilla:Mb. In both games, the Sovereign-class has a special weapon called the "Corbomite Reflector" which deflects enemy torpedoes, sometimes right back at the ship that fired them.

In Star Trek Online, the Sovereign-class starship is an "Assault Cruiser", available to those with the rank of Rear Admiral. The Vice Admiral variants come with metreon gas canisters/warhead and a special quantum torpedo launcher. Between the free-to-obtain version, the Rear Admiral variant, the two Vice Admiral variants, and the Fleet variant, there are seven classes: Sovereign (plus Nemesis Refit), Plantilla:Mb, Plantilla:Mb, Plantilla:Mb, Archon, Plantilla:Mb, and Vizier. The mirror universe version of these classes are referred to as "Star Cruiser".

Links Externos[]
