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Revisión del 15:32 8 ene 2010

Serie: TNG
Temporada: 3
Nro. Producción: 158
Fecha de Emisión:(1) 1° de Enero de 1990
Rating/Ranking:(1) 10.5/4
Año: 2366
Fecha Estelar: 43462.5

El Enterprise ofrece asilo a un desertor del Imperio Romulano


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Mientras Data realiza una interpretación de la Obra de Shakespeare "Henry V" en el Holodeck, el Capitán Picard observa su performance. Data prosigue con sus estudios de la conducta humana, esta vez a través de Shakespeare. Son interrumpidos por el Comandante Riker, que informa que los sensores detectaron una nave no identificada viniendo hacia ellos desde la Zona Neutral Romulana. Mientras Picard y Data dejan el Holodeck, en el camino discuten el por qué Henry V en la obra se hace pasar por un común mortal entre sus tropas.

Picard arriba al puente, y Riker le informa que desde el Puesto de Avanzada de Sierra VI han confirmado que la nave es una Nave de Reconocimiento Romulana. Esta misma nave se comunica con el Enterprise y su piloto solicita ayuda urgente y asilo, pues está bajo persecución. Cuando la nave entra en rango visual y Worf activa la pantalla principal, se observa desfasarse a una Ave de Guerra Clase D'deridex.

Primer Acto:

El Ave de Guerra empieza a disparar a su perseguida. Picard Inmediatamente pone su nave en Alerta Roja e intenta comunicarse con la nave agresora. Le informa que han cruzado la Zona Neutral y están emprendiendo acciones hostiles, por lo que demanda una explicación. Al no recibir respuesta, se comunica con la Nave de Reconocimiento nuevamente, esta vez en forma visual. El piloto pide ayuda y el Enterprise se mueve para interceptar, pero la nave del Romulano recibe un impacto directo y la comunicación se pierde. La nave Romulana deriva hasta el espacio de la Federación y el Enterprise extiende sus escudos para defenderla. El Ave de Guerra ingresa también en espacio Federal, pero cuando Picard reclama que se retiren, simplemente da media vuelta y regresa a espacio Romulano, sin responder en ningún momento las comunicaciones. Cuando el Soporte de Vida empieza a fallar en la Nave de Reconocimiento, Picard ordena que el piloto sea transportado a bordo.

Worf and Riker go to the transporter room to meet the pilot. The pilot is injured, unable to move his left arm, and has severe burns on his face. He demands to see the Captain, and when Riker suggests he go to sickbay he refuses, insisting the information he has is vital to their survival. He claims to be a low-ranking logistics officer with vital information. In the observation lounge he tells them that the humiliating defeat suffered by the Romulans at the Battle of Cheron has not been forgotten and their new leaders have vowed to disregard the Treaty of AlgeronNelvana III is just the first step. The Romulans have already established a base there, and it will be operational within forty-eight hours. Riker is suspicious, wondering how the Federation sensors that monitor the Neutral Zone just missed this new base. The pilot insists that within two days a fleet of warbirds will be within striking distance of fifteen Federation sectors. Picard tells Worf to take the pilot, "Sublieutenant Setal," to sickbay. Picard, Riker, Data and Geordi La Forge discuss "Setal"'s intentions. Whether he is legitimate or not, this could be a ploy by the Romulans to make the Federation look like the aggressors. As Geordi talks about the scoutship the defector has left them, it explodes.

Riker questions "Setal" in sickbay. "Setal" insists that he is not a traitor and he set the ship's auto-destruct sequencer to prevent it from being captured. "Setal" is surprised when Dr. Crusher displays knowledge of Romulan medicine. She says she had gained experience recently, at the incident at Galorndon Core. Worf remains suspicious, asking how a clerk knew of that incident and questioning the authenticity of his credentials.

Segundo Acto:

Riker shows "Setal" to his quarters. When Riker leaves, "Setal" asks the replicator for water, giving the temperature in onkians. The computer does not understand and asks for the temperature in Celsius degrees. He impatiently asks for water at the cold side of whatever their temperature scale is. He then sits on his bed and removes a small, round object that was concealed in his boot.

On the bridge, Data reports that no unusual activity has been detected in the Nelvana system. A priority communication from Starfleet Command on Lya III arrives. Admiral Haden informs Picard that the Romulan government has officially demanded the return of the defector but the Federation Council has refused. He suggests taking the Enterprise to a Federation position proximate to Nelvana III. Picard then calls Lieutenant Worf to his ready room.

Back on the bridge, Picard, La Forge, Data and Dr. Crusher watch sensor recordings from the chase. La Forge reports that the warbird deliberately slowed down to avoid catching the scoutship. Data also reports that the Romulans have the same ability to direct the impact of their weapons as they do. Crusher admits that despite the severity of his wounds, it is conceivable that "Setal" could have inflicted them upon himself.

Picard receives another communication from Admiral Haden. The USS Monitor and the USS Hood are on their way but will not arrive in time. All Federation outposts have been warned, and all starships have been placed on yellow alert. Starfleet does not want a war, but is prepared to take them on if that is what they want. He orders Data to prepare a Class-1 probe to scan "every meter of Nelvana III". Picard also asks for Data's clarity of thought, asking Data to keep a clear record of these events, so that history will have an unbiased account. He also asks about the crew's spirit, confessing that, unlike King Henry, he cannot disguise himself and walk amongst his men.

Tercer Acto:

Riker and Deanna Troi interrogate "Setal". Riker tries to make him prove that he is not a spy by asking about the strength and locations of the Romulan battle fleet. Setal says he does not know. He tells them he is a logistics officer for only one sector, under Admiral Jarok. He responds with the exclamation "Irrelevant!" to the rest of Riker's questions. The Enterprise receives a priority message from the security officer on the IKS Bortas, which Worf leaves the bridge to deal with. Data, in the meantime, launches the probe. In Main Engineering, Data and Geordi analyze the probe's telemetry. The probe has picked up low-level subspace radio communications and ionization disturbances coming from the planet, which may be evidence of cloaked Romulan ships. However, they have not detected a base. The only way to be certain is to go to the planet and look for themselves.

In Ten Forward, Data observes "Setal". "Setal" recognizes him as the android he had heard about. He apparently knows of a number of Romulan cyberneticists who would love to study him, but Data realizes that that is not something he would want. "Setal" asks if the replicators are capable of producing Romulan ale but Data says they are not as they do not have the appropriate pattern, as their knowledge of Romulan culture is limited. "Setal" and Data discuss the possibility that he will never be allowed to return to Romulus. Data takes him to the holodeck where he recreates the Valley of Chula on Romulus, but he does not need to stay for long. He tells Data to arrange a meeting between himself and Captain Picard, and to tell him that Admiral Jarok wishes to speak with him.

Cuarto Acto:

Admiral Hayden confirms that "Setal" is, in fact, Admiral Alidar Jarok, the commander responsible for the massacre at the Norkan outposts. Jarok is brought in to the ready room, where Picard questions his credibility. He suggests that the massacres at the Norkan Outposts are an example of the fact that Jarok is not a man of peace. Jarok counters, saying what Picard calls massacres were called the Norkan Campaigns on his homeworld. Picard asks Jarok is he is willing to help them overcome the Romulan B-type warbirds, and deactivate their cloaking shields. Jarok says nothing, but then asks if Picard has children. He says he looked at his daughter and realized he must change the world for her. He pleaded with the Romulan High Command, telling them that another war would destroy the Empire but they would not listen. They censured him and sent him off to command some distant sector. His daughter will now grow up believing her father is a traitor, but at least she will grow up… if Picard acts. Picard demands complete cooperation from Jarok, refusing to act otherwise.

In the observation lounge, Picard announces that Jarok has given him the strengths and locations of the Romulan fleet and will provide them with technical data on Romulan ships. Picard orders the ship to Nelvana III.

Quinto Acto:

El Enterprise entra a la Zona Neutral, violando el tratado, pero sospechosamente no encuentra resistencia. La nave arriva, pero no encuentra formas de vida, sistemas de energía,armas o algún signo que pueda detectar la base. Data realizes that the signs are coming from a unknown source in orbit about the planet. Jarok arrives on the bridge. He is stunned when Picard confronts him – he claims to have seen the tactical communiqués, the timetables describing this base, et cetera. Picard asks if the whole incident could have been a test of Jarok's loyalty.

Archivo:Nelvana III confrontation.jpg

Three Giant Klingon Birds-of-Prey assist the USS Enterprise-D in confronting two D’deridex-class Warbirds

The Enterprise prepares to withdraw but two warbirds decloak and attack them. Picard tells Worf not to fire back and then receives a hail from the lead Romulan ship. Commander Tomalak appears and tells them that this time it is they who have made an aggressive move across the Neutral Zone. Tomalak reveals that the communications they picked up were coming from an orbiting probe sent to conduct archaeological research. He announces that they will dissect the Enterprise and display its broken hull in the center of the Romulan capitol. There it will serve as inspiration for their troops and a warning to any other potential traitors. Jarok confronts Tomalak, but Tomalak refuses to listen, demanding that Jarok be returned and then the Enterprise crew surrender as prisoners of war. Picard refuses to accept Tomalak's terms, and Tomalak is not at all surprised. He asks if Picard is willing to risk the lives of his crew for a lost cause, and Picard says if the cause is just and honorable, his crew will follow him. He asks if Tomalak is also prepared to die, and Tomalak scoffs at him, expecting more than an idle threat, to which Picard replies "You shall have it." He instructs Worf to signal three cloaked Klingon Birds-of-Prey to reveal themselves—surrounding the Romulan ships. Tomalak boasts that Enterprise will still not survive their assault and Picard tells Tomalak that they will not survive his and the Klingons' assault and asks if they shall die together. Tomalak then tells Picard he looks forward to their next meeting and closes the channel. Worf reports the Romulan disruptors are powering down and the Warbirds retreat from the Nelvana system. Picard asks Worf to extend the appreciation of the Federation and his personal gratitude to the Klingons. Extremely bitter, Jarok laments to no one in particular, "I did it for nothing. My home, my family; for nothing."

Later, Jarok is found in his quarters—dead, having committed suicide with a Felodesine chip, leaving only a letter for his family. Data remarks that Jarok must have realized that they could not deliver it, given current relations with the Romulan Empire. Picard replies that if others show the courage of Admiral Jarok then, perhaps they will see a day of peace when, they can take his letter home.

Notas de Producción:

En El Mundo:

  • Latinoamérica / España: El Traidor
  • Italia: Il Traditore (El Traidor)
  • Alemania: Der Überläufer (El Desertor)
  • Francia: Le transfuge
  • Brasil: O Desertor
  • Japón: Boumei-sha (El Desertor)


  • El título de trabajo del guión era "A Question of Trust" (Una Cuestión de Confianza). Junto a "The Child" y "Devil's Due", este guión es una reescritura del preparado para el fallido proyecto "Star Trek Phase II", en el cual el desertor era un Klingon.
  • Patrick Stewart interpreta el papel de Michael Williams en el comienzo del episodio como un homenaje a la película "Henry V" de Kenneth Branagh realizada dos meses antes de la emisión del episodio, y Data toma al actor irlandés como fuente de inspiración.
  • Originalmente, la historia del Holodeck iba a ser nuevamente sobre Sherlock Holmes, pero fue descartado por inconvenientes con los derechos de autor del personaje.

Créditos y Referencias:

Estrellas Invitadas:


Historia y Guión:




Instalaciones de la Flota Estelar:




Mar Apnex, Tipo-B, Batalla de Cheron, Kenneth Branagh, George Armstrong Custer, Cápsula de Felodesina, Gal Gath'thong, Henry V, Kullnark, Batalla de Little Bighorn, Laurence Olivier, Onkian, PetaQ, William Shakespeare, Shapiro, Tratado de Algeron, Tohzah, Valle de Chula, Veruul.


Notas al Pie

  • (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
Episodio Anterior:
The Vengeance Factor
Star Trek: The Next Generation
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The Hunted