56 Votes in Poll
If it had the same sort of budget it did for its first season, then yes, I'd have been down for that, but that almost certainly was never going to be the case, and as I understand it, that was a large part of what really cut TOS's run short--the networks wanted the profits but not the money they'd have to pay to produce it with enough quality to be worth it.
Possibly, but like @Scyphi said, the main reason why TOS was cut short was due to a small tight budget, so if TOS had a stronger budget it would allow for more seasons and more variety in each episode. Also even if the number isn’t explicitly seven seasons exact, it should be as many seasons as the show can balance between keeping fans happy and keeping up a good storyline.
No, but the originally planned five would have been nice
Hard to say especially @ that time. I mean I like the idea but live-action cost a lost back like today.
I’m not an advocate of any series going for seven seasons. Those that did (TNG, DS9, VOY) were not able to maintain consistency all the way through. I would argue that there aren’t more than 100-100 episodes of any of those series (fewest for VOY) that bear rewatching — this doesn’t mean the other 60-70 were bad, just forgettable.
This also doesn’t mean that there weren’t great episodes across all seven seasons of each (less so for TNG; it had the weakest first and seventh seasons of the three); DS9 had a great seventh season, even if the finale was underwhelming. Conversely, VOY had a fantastic finale.
While easier said than done, what I would love to see would be 5 solid, 20-episode seasons of a series that are all killer, no filler. I know this is a tall order, as even the overall very good SNW is only 10 episode seasons (and probably 7-8 “killer,” 2-3 “filler” eps per season).
What do you think?