With the reformed Borg Collective and Starfleet's vessels harmonizing their respective deflector shields together to fend off the neutrino beam from the mysterious transwarp conduit, and Jurati's Borg Queen requesting provisional membership to monitor it, it kinda makes one wonder who's on its other side. While it was great to see The Next Generation crew reunite and work alongside both Seven of Nine and Raffi Musiker, a small part of me was kind of somewhat disappointed that season 3 didn't at all delve into the nature of the conduit and who built it. Because Borg Agnes believed the conduit to constitute a potential threat, it made me scratch my head wondering who or what it could be, and what its ramifications could be. If anything, I'd like to see the potential Star Trek: Legacy series delve into it since season 3 of Picard did not.
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