46 Votes in Poll
46 Votes in Poll
88 Votes in Poll
This may be relatively old news, but I for one am somewhat disappointed that this great program isn't planned to proceed any further after its planned three seasons. But then again, as Q once said in Part 2 of "All Good Things...", "All good things must come to an end." I'm just really gonna miss seeing Jean-Luc....
53 Votes in Poll
57 Votes in Poll
After sixteen matches, our champion is The Best of Both Worlds. Here is the seeding:
The Best of Both Worlds beat All Good Things in the championship (1st Place) 🥇
The Trouble with Tribbles lost to All Good Things in round 2
The Inner Light lost to In the Pale Moonlight in round 2
Mirror, Mirror lost to The City on the Edge of Forever in round 2
The City on the Edge of Forever lost to In the Pale Moonlight in the bronze match
In the Pale Moonlight beat The City on the Edge of Forever in the bronze match (3rd Place) 🥉
All Good Things lost to The Best of Both Worlds in the championship (2nd Place) 🥈
The Visitor lost to Ensign Ro in round 1
Ensign Ro lost to The Best of Both Worlds in round 2
The Andorian Incident lost to All Good Things in round 1
Cause and Effect lost to In the Pale Moonlight in round 1
Year of Hell lost to The City on the Edge of Forever in round 1
Future's End lost to Mirror, Mirror in round 1
Scorpion lost to The Inner Light in round 1
Yesterday's Enterprise lost to The Trouble with Tribbles in round 1
The Defector lost to The Best of Both Worlds in round 1
44 Votes in Poll
45 Votes in Poll
38 Votes in Poll
49 Votes in Poll
56 Votes in Poll
80 Votes in Poll
69 Votes in Poll
What do you think of the future uniform from TNG: All good things, DS9: The visitor, and VOY: Endgame.
75 Votes in Poll
Ronald D. Moore and Brannon Braga conceived of a two-parter for season six titled "All Good Things". In the story, Starfleet recalled the Enterprise back to Earth and was planning to split the crew up, reassigning the officers to various different posts. The Enterprise would become, in Moore's words, "the Queen Mary, basically," and the crew, on the way home, would all decide what they were going to do with their lives. However, on the course of returning home, a battle with an alien ship took place, the saucer section separated from the battle section, which exploded, and the saucer crashed on an alien planet. Braga claimed there was a desire among the writing staff to destroy the Enterprise-D and give the crew a new ship, and the show a new style, in its last season. The story was rejected because, in Moore's words, the producers hated the idea. It was rejected most likely because of the plans for The Next Generation to transition to film, the following year, where the Enterprise-D and other familiar elements were desired. This pitch, however, ended up influencing the series finale "All Good Things...", which got its name from this pitch, and Star Trek Generations, where Moore and Braga were able to realize their desire of having the Enterprise-D be destroyed, in an identical crash scene envisioned for the episode.. (The Fifty-Year Mission: The Next 25 Years, p. 326)
According to Ronald D. Moore, no script was written, as the episode never progressed past the story stage. (AOL chat, 1997)