44 Votes in Poll
44 Votes in Poll
Andoria, a founding member of the United Federation of Planets, is located near Vulcan. Because of this, the locals of this planet, Andorians were constantly at war with the Vulcans, locals of Vulcan, before the founding of the UFP. It has a cold climate, and because of this the cities are located underground. A notable Andorian is Thy'lek Shran, played by the actor Jeffrey Combs, who is no stranger to Star Trek. A Fun Fact about Andoria is that another species, the Aenar, genetic cousins of the Andorians, who also resembled the Andorians, lived near the poles of the planet.
52 Votes in Poll
42 Votes in Poll
If you could make any planet you want, as your very own planet to live on, what would you choose, and why? (Type, location, environment, weather, atmospheric composition, continents, oceans, wildlife, geography, etc.). Also, would you share it with anyone, or keep it as a private planet for yourself?
Make one up from scratch, or if you want to, use an existing one in star trek and modify it to your liking.
53 Votes in Poll
52 Votes in Poll
50 Votes in Poll