Michael Benucci·8/18/2023in GeneralMost interesting planet? Part 1areolusazati primeba'kubenzarborethcharonVote31 Votes in Poll(Edited by Michael Benucci)Ba'ku (planet)PlanetBorethBenzarAreolusAzati PrimeCheron
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Michael Benucci·1/5/2020in GeneralBest planet to raise a family on, and why?earthbajorvulcanqo'nosbetazedba'kuVote75 Votes in PollVulcanQo'noSBetazedBajorEarthBa'ku (planet)
Michael Benucci·7/1/2019in GeneralWhich planet is cooler? Part 3EarthGenesisVeridian iiiBa'kuOcampaNimbus iiiVote50 Votes in Poll(Edited by Michael Benucci)Genesis (planet)EarthVeridian IIIBa'ku (planet)Ocampa (planet)Nimbus III