Makman12994·7/2/2024in Trek Series/FilmsWhich of these TNG VHS tapes would you rather watch?RedemptionTimes ArrowDesentGambitVote25 Votes in PollStar Trek: The Next GenerationDescent (episode)Descent, Part II (episode)Time's Arrow (episode)Redemption (episode)Gambit, Part I (episode)Gambit, Part II (episode)Time's Arrow, Part II (episode)Redemption II (episode)
Michael Benucci·1/5/2024in GeneralIs lore an interesting character?yessort of (please explain)noVote39 Votes in PollLoreSoong-type androidDescent (episode)Noonien SoongDataDatalore (episode)Brothers (episode)
JMills095·10/25/2022in Trek Series/FilmsHow much do you enjoy episodes of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" that feature Lore?Very much, the Lore arc makes up some of my favs!Quite a bit, the Data-Lore dynamic adds a lot!...meh...they are ok, not great, not TNG favs...The Lore arc represents the nadir of TNG, blech!Vote77 Votes in PollBrent SpinerLoreSoong-type androidDescent (episode)Descent, Part II (episode)Noonien SoongBorgDataDatalore (episode)Brothers (episode)
JMills095·4/20/2022in Trek Series/FilmsI prefer:“Descent”, (TNG 6x26 & 7x1)“Gambit” (TNG 7x4 & 5)Vote47 Votes in Poll(Edited by JMills095)LoreHughDescent (episode)Descent, Part II (episode)Gambit, Part I (episode)Gambit, Part II (episode)Robin CurtisArctus Baran
JMills095·4/14/2022in Trek Series/FilmsConsidering Data stories, and TNG villains in general, the Lore arc is:Amazing, one of the best arcs of the franchise!Terrific, top notch TNG & a personal favorite!Good, Data centric is at least good, not great/fav…meh…Silly & poorly constructed…pass. Terrible, a ridiculous waste of time & energy!Vote61 Votes in PollBrent SpinerLoreSoongDescent (episode)Descent, Part II (episode)DataDatalore (episode)Brothers (episode)Silicon Avatar (episode)
Michael Benucci·11/11/2021in Trek Series/FilmsBest example spiner is basically a one man show?datalorebrothersa fistful of datasbirthrightdescentmasksVote48 Votes in PollDescent (episode)A Fistful of Datas (episode)Datalore (episode)Brothers (episode)Masks (episode)Birthright, Part I (episode)
JMills095·8/7/2021in Trek Series/FilmsOf these two TNG two-parters, I prefer:“Descent” (6x26 & 7x1)“Gambit” (7x4 & 7x5)Vote52 Votes in PollLoreStar Trek: The Next GenerationHughDescent (episode)Descent, Part II (episode)Gambit, Part I (episode)Gambit, Part II (episode)Arctus BaranStone of Gol
Captain Jonathan Glover·6/29/2020in GeneralWhich Borg episode do you like moreI BorgDescentVote75 Votes in PollBorgDescent (episode)Descent, Part II (episode)I Borg (episode)
Captain Jonathan Glover·12/5/2019in GeneralDescentWhat are your thoughts on these episodes?Star Trek: The Next GenerationDescent (episode)Descent, Part II (episode)
Captain Jonathan Glover·12/2/2019in GeneralWhich episode do you like betterI BorgDescentVote46 Votes in PollStar Trek: The Next GenerationDescent (episode)Descent, Part II (episode)I Borg (episode)
Michael Benucci·7/18/2019in GeneralYour favorite borg episode? Part 1RegenerationDescentThe best of both worldsQ whoDark frontierUnimatrix zeroVote45 Votes in Poll(Edited by Michael Benucci)Regeneration (episode)Descent (episode)Descent, Part II (episode)The Best of Both Worlds (episode)The Best of Both Worlds, Part II (episode)Q Who (episode)Dark Frontier (episode)Unimatrix Zero (episode)Unimatrix Zero, Part II (episode)