51 Votes in Poll
51 Votes in Poll
66 Votes in Poll
58 Votes in Poll
Fan theory: Since Seven couldn't actually scan the whole galaxy, the map of the relay network is from the network itself. Assuming the network is only dilapidated because the Hirogen are spread so thin, the quadrants shown are their definition, rotated somewhere between 30 & 50 degrees from Starfleet's. Their homeworld is probably somewhere along the line that goes thru the middle of the network. Thoughts?
54 Votes in Poll
105 Votes in Poll
92 Votes in Poll
What are your favorite Hirogen episodes? Mine are Flesh and blood, tsunkatse, the killing game, and message in a bottle.
I could not help wonder if a technology like the holodeck could help even the Borg simulate assimilations. Ive noticed that the holo technology has even become a character in this series and should be regarded as such, much like the doctor. It may not have lines in this series but it is well integrated as a member of this cast.
Also, after this incident, I wonder how many times Tom went back and activated the WW2 simulation as he feels right at home with it 😂
78 Votes in Poll