48 Votes in Poll
48 Votes in Poll
66 Votes in Poll
44 Votes in Poll
30 Votes in Poll
My recent rewatched lined up like this (this was neither planned nor contrived): “Birthright” (TNG 6x16 & 17), “Blood Oath” (DS9 2x19), “Day of Honor” (VOY 4x3).
So many Klingons!
Thank you Gene Coon!
My new Kllingon Blades arrived today. Designed the cad data myself and had them laser cut. There are two Bat'leths and four Mek'leths, one Bat'leth and two mekleths each for myself and my best buddy, so we can do a choreografy.
52 Votes in Poll
39 Votes in Poll
In all the shows from TNG-ENT there was a good mix of white and black actors who all wonderfully portrayed klingons. Is there as good of a mix of white and black actors that portray klingons in the new shows?
82 Votes in Poll
48 Votes in Poll
63 Votes in Poll
76 Votes in Poll
Tinkered this together lately:
Perhaps it's interesting for some of you.
Came back from the qepHom. It was absolutely great,