52 Votes in Poll
52 Votes in Poll
59 Votes in Poll
If Pike was a Fleet Captain and no longer Captain of the enterprise when his accident happened in the prime timeline then why would avoiding the accident have meant he was still Captain of the enterprise in this alternate time line?
It seems like Kirk was already on the enterprise when the accident happened. Am I mistaken?
48 Votes in Poll
40 Votes in Poll
30 Votes in Poll
33 Votes in Poll
38 Votes in Poll
She was watching Captain Pike in his room during Kirk's discussion with Commodore Mendez regarding Talos IV. She looked away for a moment, then noticed that Pike was gone. Interesting speculation: the Talosians caused some kind of mental distraction to get her to look away so Pike could either be quickly taken from his room by Spock, or beamed aboard the Enterprise.
73 Votes in Poll