I really love SNW. I've been watching it illegally because of solidarity but i can say without a doubt that I absolutely love it.
I do not like Dis and its arcs very much, even as a DS9 fan (Michael was fine but i did not like the mycelium stuff and the mirror universe annoys me), but SNW is good.
I think Anson Mount is great as Pike, real charismatic and funny and he does the cooking thing like Sisko that i loved. The crew is great, charismatic. The uniforms seem natural and well designed. And given that every series needs a boogeyman, in my opinion the gorn are a very good and scary choice for pre-TOS Starfleet.
The only criticism i really have is that the Enterprise has too many screens and digital readouts to seem like the same ship as Kirk's but that is relatively petty.
But nevertheless I have seen plenty of criticism for SNW in a few places online and I was wondering what things people have against it. Of course it has flaws but it seems, to me, campy and fun in the same way as TOS. Please tell me what if anything you do not like and excuse me if the spelling or English is bad.