Archer is definitely the most personable of them. I feel as though the other Captains would be less reachable to others than the Bridge Crew. Most have a certain air about them that seems superior (whether they are trying to be or not). Archer is just a regular dude.
The Romulan D’Deridex Class is a really sleek design, not to mention a decent size, cloaking, and fairly powerful shields.
There are some really brutal fans out there that can be awful to each other, but I have found, in my experience, that the majority of the trash talking exchanges have been tongue-in-cheek, fun, camaraderie.
I’m a fan of the general history and lore.
And the best Scotty vs Computer would be Voyage Home.
Unpopular Opinion: ‘Space Seed’ would have been more forgettable if it weren’t for ‘Wrath of Kahn’.
Deep Space Nine. I like the intriguing characters and character development (even with recurring characters). I like the serialized format. Finally, and I probably shouldn’t say it, but I liked how anti-Gene Roddenberry it was. It broke the mold of Trek.
I find that a lot of my favorite Treks went against Roddenberry’s original vision: DS9, Undiscovered Country, Wrath of Khan (which was nothing like what Roddenberry had set as his vision of how people behaved in the future), and Final Frontier (I know I’ll get flack for liking that one)
Martok is obviously the better leader, but Gowron is the most Memeable
I know Archer isn’t the BEST Captain, but he definitely was the most approachable.
St. John Talbot and Caithlin Dar
The risqué Human/Romulan couple circa 2287.
I think it would be interesting to have a series set on Earth and the central character is an Andorian.
Learn what it is like to be on our planet when your from somewhere else.
Kor is definitely underrated.
Tie between 34 & 35
Audrid Dax...she was head of the Trill Symbiosis Commission while being a full time mother! She rocks.
Also, Armin Shimerman was great in the role.
This. This is everything!