Well, most of us aren’t Arnold Rimmer.
Nah. He was just a dick. It isn’t as if destroying Voyager would bring back his people.
If I recall, it was originally meant to be a Betazoid accent. Then Lwaxana was introduced and she didn’t use the accent, so they decided that she got the accent from her father. Then he showed up in flashbacks in Dark Page without using the accent, so they gave up on the accent and Sirtis just started using her natural British accent.
I don’t particularly want to do that, but I also wouldn’t lose my shit and phaser the clones if someone took my DNA to populate their planet with clones. If someone asked me for my DNA to make clones for their society, I wouldn’t necessarily be opposed.
It’s pretty hard to miss. Its Kovich’s only scene in the episode, and he directly states that he is Daniels and that he was on the Enterprise.
There’s the one where they all get high on spores. And I’m pretty sure those space hippies were all doing drugs off screen.
Technically, tomorrow is day one of Hannukah, but tonight is night one.
Armus is clearly a sentient being, so the Federation would probably have rules about studying him without his consent.
The Cerritos kept turning I to different starship classes that still exist in the prime universe. I assume it was the same with the Klingons. They turned into different types of Klingon that still exist in the prime universe.
The Duowd can kill entire species with a stray thought. The looms wouldn’t stand a chance.
I watched TV Land’s 40th anniversary TOS marathon.
No. Q doesn’t need a big machine to do Q stuff.
I binged all of season 2 the day it was released. Prodigy’s a great show.
Fissure Quest
Not really, but he didn’t have any other options,
Gwyn was really just a glorified slave herself and she was lied to about the prisoners.
Well, T’Pol, T’Lyn, and Tuvok all had Human besties too.
Yeah, this isn’t the right spot to suggest edits to the articles. Either edit the articles yourself, or bring it up on their talk pages.
Did the Vulcan master even mention humans in his episode?
O’Brien was able to, pretty much single-handedly, get the Starfleet and Cardassian technology to work on the station. The station can barely function without O’Brien to keep it functioning. By the distant future, O’Brien is considered the single most significant figure in Starfleet’s history.