Memory Alpha



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  • The Romulan Admiral Alidar Jarok defects to the Federation, with faulty information about a new outpost on Nelvana III, designed to lure the Enterprise-D into the Neutral Zone. (TNG: "The Defector")
  • The USS Enterprise-C emerges from a temporal rift. It temporarily remains in this year, causing an alternate timeline where the Federation is fighting a losing war with the Klingon Empire. Captain Rachel Garrett is killed in a Klingon attack, and Lieutenant Richard Castillo is forced to take command. The ship returns to the year 2344 and the changes to the timeline are averted, although an alternate version of Natasha Yar returns to the past with the Enterprise-C. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")
  • Data creates another Soong-type android, known as Lal. Unfortunately, Lal's positronic net destablizes and Data is forced to deactivate her. (TNG: "The Offspring")
  • The Klingon High Council gives Worf a discommendation when his father, Mogh, is accused of aiding the Romulans at the Khitomer massacre. However, the Enterprise crew discovers data which indicates that Duras's father, Ja'rod, was the traitor, and Worf accepts discommendation in order to keep the Klingon Empire from delving into civil war. (TNG: "Sins of the Father")
  • Ambassador Sarek is diagnosed with Bendii Syndrome, shortly before he conducts final negotiations with the Legarans. (TNG: "Sarek")
  • The United Federation of Planets is attacked by a Borg cube, which annihilates the New Providence colony on Jouret IV, as well as the freighter USS Lalo. The Enterprise-D intercepts the Borg near the Paulson Nebula, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard is abducted and assimilated. The Enterprise prepares an energy weapon based on its deflector dish, but Picard, as Locutus of Borg, gives the Borg knowledge which renders the deflector weapon useless. The Borg continue on a course to Earth. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part I")


  • Rien pour l'instant
2365 24ème siècle