"All the Other Things I Really Need to Know I Learned From Watching Star Trek: The Next Generation" est un ouvrage de référence qui examine, sur un style humoristique, les grandes leçons de vie enseignées par Star Trek: The Next Generation.
- Introduction
- Picard
- Riker
- Data
- Geordi La Forge
- Worf
- Beverly Crusher
- Deanna Troi
- Lwaxana Troi
- A "Light" Diversion
- Wesley Crusher
- Tasha Yar
- Guinan
- Ro Laren
- Hugh
- Q
- Further Explorations
- A Side Trip to The Original Series
- We Now Return You to the 24th Century...
- A Brief Stopover at Deep Space Nine
- Back Aboard the Enterprise-D...
- A Short Rendezvous with Voyager
- Back in the Alpha Quadrant...
- Acknowledgments
- 4ème de couverture (1ère édition - traduction)
- This sequel to "All I Need to Know I Learned From Watching Star Trek", takes the reader on a tour of the human condition mapped across the adventures of Captain Picard, Riker, Data, Worf and the rest of the crew of the Enterprise-D.
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- Ce livre est la suite de "All I Really Need to Know I Learned from Watching Star Trek".