Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Littérature trekkienne
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Cacophony" est un roman audio de la série "Captain Sulu Adventures".


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4ème de couverture
Cacophony, the second Star Trek adventure created solely for audio, takes off in an explosion of ambisonic 3-D sound for the most elaborate Star Trek audio program ever.
On the planet Stentor, silence is not only golden; it is the key to maintaining peace in a world devastated by a great war. But that calm is shattered when a group known as the Ghazi create a new technology that intercepts old Earth radio signals and rebroadcasts them across the planet – each day the din growing ever more deafening. When Captain Sulu and the crew of the U.S.S. Excelsior are summoned to investigate subspace interference emanating from Stentor, Sulu and his communications officer Terra Spiro discover that the Ghazi believe the signals are the voices of the gods.
Now, Sulu must somehow convince the Ghazi – without violating the prime directive – that the transmissions are not a divine voice, before violence erupts on Stentor once again.
Enhanced with sound effects and an original score, Cacophony is the ultimate Star Trek audio experience.
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Informations de production[]

  • Narrateurs:
    • George Takei est Hikaru Sulu
    • Maryann Plunkett est Terra Spiro
    • Simon Jones est Lt. Commander Stuart Mulligan
    • Lynne Thigpen est Kandravex
    • Lee Wilkof est Ghazi
  • Durée : 1 heure et 6 minutes


  • Sur la couverture artistique, Sulu portait le col roulé et les insignes corrects pour le département de commandement, mais sa veste arbotait l'insigne de Commander au lieu de Capitaine.


Liens externes[]

Roman audio précédent:
"Captain Sulu Adventures" Roman audio suivant: