Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Jeux de rôle / Jeux vidéos / Jeux en ligne / Courts-métrages / Fanfilms
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Captain's Log" est un magazine consacré aux différents jeux de l'univers Star Fleet Universe ("Star Fleet Battles", "Federation & Empire", "Federation Commander", ...) développé par Task Force Games et Amarillo Design Bureau, fournissant des scénarios, fictions et ressources.


  • #3004 "Captain's Log" #1 (1983)
  • #3008 "Captain's Log" #2 (1983)
  • #3010 "Captain's Log" #3 (1984)
  • #3012 "Captain's Log" #4 (1986)
  • #3026 "Captain's Log" #5 - "Day of the Eagle!" (1987)
  • #3027 "Captain's Log" #6 - "B-10 Briefing" (1988)
  • #3028 "Captain's Log" #7 - "What Price Victory?" (1989)
  • #5701 "Captain's Log" #8 - "Cease Fire Collapse!" (1990)
  • #5702 "Captain's Log" #9 - "Fighters Inbound!" (1991)
  • #5705 "Captain's Log" #10 - "Special Tactics Issue!" (1992)
  • #5706 "Captain's Log" #11 - "Origins of the General War!" (1993)
  • #5708 "Captain's Log" #12 - "Preview: Early Years" (1993)
  • #5709 "Captain's Log" #13 - "The Best of Nexus" (1993)
  • #5710 "Captain's Log" #14 - "Betrayal at Oxvind V" (1994)
  • #5711 "Captain's Log" #15 - "Too Close to the Flame" (1994)
  • #5712 "Captain's Log" #16 - "A Sense of Obligation" (1994)
  • #5713 "Captain's Log" #17 - "A Brief History of the General War" (1995)
  • #5714 "Captain's Log" #18 - "A New Start" (1999)
  • #5719 "Captain's Log" #19 - "From Another Point of View" (1999)
  • #5720 "Captain's Log" #20 - "The Eye of the Storm" (2000)
  • #5721 "Captain's Log" #21 - "The Art of Duty" (2000)
  • #5722 "Captain's Log" #22 - "Fire Fight" (2001)
  • #5723 "Captain's Log" #23 - "First Blood" (2001)
  • #5724 "Captain's Log" #24 - "Flashpoint" (2002)
  • #5725 "Captain's Log" #25 - "Return of the Hood" (2002)
  • #5726 "Captain's Log" #26 - "Combat Rescue!" (2003)
  • #5727 "Captain's Log" #27 - "Battle for Rimworld" (2003)
  • #5728 "Captain's Log" #28 - "Wings of Terror" (2004)
  • #5729 "Captain's Log" #29 - "A Mission of Vital Importance"' (2004)
  • #5730 "Captain's Log" #30 - "Threads of War" (2004)
  • #5731 "Captain's Log" #31 - "Shield of the Federation" (2005)
  • #5732 "Captain's Log" #32 - "Introducing... Federation Commander"' (2006)
  • #5733 "Captain's Log" #33 - "Return of the Juggernaut" (2006)
  • #5734 "Captain's Log" #34 - "For the Good of the Empire" (2006)
  • #5735 "Captain's Log" #35 - "Duty, Honor, Empire" (2007)
  • #5736 "Captain's Log" #36 - "Web of Deceit" (2008)
  • #5737 "Captain's Log" #37 - "The Magnificent Panzers" (2008)
  • #5738 "Captain's Log" #38 - "Doomward and the Vortex" (2008)
  • #5739 "Captain's Log" #39 - "Burden of Duty Debt of Revenge" (2009)
  • #5740 "Captain's Log" #40 - "The Nature of the Beast" (2009)
  • #5741 "Captain's Log" #41 - "Igneous: Glass Colonies" (2010)
  • #5742 "Captain's Log" #42 - "Wings over Arcturia" (2010)
  • #5743 "Captain's Log" #43 - "A Measure of Fear" (2011)
  • #5744 "Captain's Log" #44 - "A Call to Arms" (2011)
  • #5745 "Captain's Log" #45 - "Race to Confrontation" (2012)
  • #5746 "Captain's Log" #46 - "For Duty, All Things" (2013)
  • #5747 "Captain's Log" #47 - "Into the Eagle's Nest" (2013)
  • #5748 "Captain's Log" #48 - "The Battle with Tribbles" (2014)
  • #5749 "Captain's Log" #49 - "A Brief History of the Andromedan War" (2014)
  • #5750 "Captain's Log" #50 - "Day of the Dragon" (2015)
  • #5751 "Captain's Log" #51 - "Night Hounds" (2016)
  • #5752 "Captain's Log" #52 - "Escape from Xylad" (2017)
  • #5753 "Captain's Log" #53 - "Practice to Deceive" (2019)
  • #5754 "Captain's Log" #54 - "The Return of the Darwin" (2020)


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