Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Jeux de rôle / Jeux vidéos / Jeux en ligne / Courts-métrages / Fanfilms
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Core Game Book" est un ouvrage de jeu de rôle de la gamme "Roleplaying Game" de Last Unicorn Games.


4ème de couverture
The frontiers of the Federation
In the Federation core worlds, life is almost utopian... but on the frontier, it's balanced on a knife's edge! See if you can survive the adventures of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, where empires clash, smugglers flourish and intrigue runs thicker than blood on a Klingon's blade. Everything you need to experience this shadowy new dimension of Star Trek Roleplaying is in this book!
Star Trek: Deep Space 9 includes:
  • Complete, easy to use Icon System rules
  • Five new templates (Bajoran, Cardassian, Ferengi, Klingon, Trill – including rules for Trill "past lives")
  • Eight new Overlays (Colonist, Diplomat/Politician, Maquis/Rebel, Merchant, Mystic, Pirate/Smuggler, Spy, Warrior)
  • Dozens of new Background History packages
  • New Skills, Advantages, and Disadvantages
  • A description of Deep Space 9 itself, including detailed write-ups of the station's crew
  • Rules for creating and using outposts and space stations along the frontier
  • Extensive discussion of life on the frontiers of the Federation and in other major societies, including discussions on how to set and run your series in these tumultuous border regions
  • New ships, including the USS Defiant, Danube-class runabout, and Bajoran, Cardassian and Dominion vessels
  • "Idol Threats," an introductory adventure

Jim Cambias et John Snead ont été crédités dans "Raiders, Renegades & Rogues" pour leurs contributions au "DS9 Core Game Book" non-créditées par erreur.



  • Galaxie (planètes, phénomènes...):
  • Espèces intelligentes et organisations:
  • Personnages:
  • Vaisseaux, stations et engins:
  • Armement et technologie:
  • Autres:

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