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MONDE RÉEL: Jeux de rôle / Jeux vidéos / Jeux en ligne / Courts-métrages / Fanfilms
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Narrator's Toolkit" est un ouvrage de jeu de rôle de la gamme "Roleplaying Game" de Last Unicorn Games.


4ème de couverture
Storytelling on the frontier...
Welcome to the shadowy universe of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Give new life and greater depth to your Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Roleplaying Game episodes. This indispensable guide provides Star Trek: DS9 Narrators with all the tools they need to create and run engaging adventures set in this compelling universe. An extensive gazetteer also includes a detailed look at the Bajor Sector, including its planets, inhabitants, and neighboring starfaring powers. Finally, a handy, fold-out reference screen includes all of the key charts and tables from the game. Prepare to experience the thrill of creating and directing your own Star Trek: DS9 roleplaying episodes!
The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Narrator's Toolkit includes:
  • Basic and advanced storytelling fundamentals
  • Guidelines for scene creation and episode construction
  • Information and suggestions on running static series centered on a station or frontier outpost
  • An extensive guide to the Bajor Sector, its worlds, and its people
  • Detailed examinations of the Bajoran people, the Cardassian Union, the Ferengi Alliance, and the Maquis rebels




  • Galaxie (planètes, phénomènes...):
  • Espèces intelligentes et organisations:
  • Personnages:
  • Vaisseaux, stations et engins:
  • Armement et technologie:
  • Autres:

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