Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Littérature trekkienne
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Envoy" est un roman audio de la série "Captain Sulu Adventures".


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4ème de couverture
While on the U.S.S. Excelsior, Captain Sulu receives top priority orders to proceed by shuttlecraft to Starbase Three. He is to act as the Federation's envoy to a historic peace ceremony between the Krikiki and the Den-Kai – the two dominant, warring races in that sector. The Federation has made it clear to Sulu that it is vital that this mission be successful.
Sulu's role is to hand over a young Krikiki prince to the Den-Kai as a symbol of peace, but once Sulu learns of the physical hardships and isolated life that are to befall the prince, he is faced with one of the most difficult choices of his career: carry out his orders and protect another being's life only to see it taken away, or interfere and risk destroying the fragile peace… and violate the prime directive in the process.
Enhanced with sound effects and recorded in binaural 3-D sound, ENVOY is a listening experience that no Star Trek fan will ever forget.
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Informations de production[]


  • Sur la couverture artistique, Sulu portait le col roulé et les insignes corrects pour le département de commandement, mais il manquait son insigne de Capitaine sur sa veste.


Liens externes[]

Roman audio précédent:
"Captain Sulu Adventures" Fin de collection