"Gods of Night" est le premier roman de la trilogie "Destiny".
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- 4ème de couverture
- Half a decade after the Dominion War and more than a year after the rise and fall of Praetor Shinzon, the galaxy's greatest scourge returns to wreak havoc upon the Federation – and this time its goal is nothing less than total annihilation.
- Elsewhere, deep in the Gamma Quadrant, an ancient mystery is solved. One of Earth's first generation of starships, lost for centuries, has been found dead and empty on a desolate planet. But its discovery so far from home has raised disturbing questions, and the answers harken back to a struggle for survival that once tested a captain and her crew to the limits of their humanity.
- From that terrifying flashpoint begins an apocalyptic odyssey that will reach across time and space to reveal the past, define the future, and show three captains – Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise, William Riker of the USS Titan, and Ezri Dax of the USS Aventine – that some destinies are inescapable.
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- Galaxie (planètes, phénomènes...):
- Espèces intelligentes et organisations:
- Personnages: Beverly Crusher / Ezri Dax / Erika Hernandez / Geordi La Forge / Jean-Luc Picard / William T. Riker / Simon Tarses / Deanna Troi / Tuvok / Worf
- Vaisseaux, stations et engins: USS Aventine / Columbia NX-02 / USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E / USS Titan
- Armement et technologie:
- Autres:
Liens externes[]
- (en) Gods of Night sur Memory Beta, wiki Star Trek non-canon.
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Destiny | Livre suivant: "Mere Mortals" |