"Henry IV" ("Henry IV, Part I" & "Henry IV, Part II" ) est une pièce de théâtre en 2 parties, écrite par l'Humain William Shakespeare vers 1597 -1598 . Ces deux pièces font partie de la seconde tétralogie de Shakespeare, incluant également "Richard II " et "Henry V " . (Réalité extrapolée * )
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Cette œuvre était reprise dans l'ouvrage "The Annotated Shakespeare , Volume II" .
Les pages 412-413 de cet ouvrage sont apparues à l'écran dans TNG : "
The Pegasus "
. Visible à l'écran sous plusieurs angles, mais non clairement identifiable, cette information est reprise dans le cadre des politiques d'extrapolation sur la réalité et d'obtention de ressources de production de meilleure qualité.
En 2270 , James T. Kirk fait référence à la première partie de cette pièce, citant "discretion is the better part of valor " en ordonnant le départ de trois vaisseaux romuliens . (TAS : "The Practical Joker " )
En 2293 , le Général Chang paraphrasa une ligne de la seconde partie de la pièce, citant "Have we not heard the chimes at midnight? " après le dîner organisé à bord de l'USS Enterprise -A . ("Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country " )
En 2371 , Quark décrivait un ancien dicton ferengi mentionnant que la discretion était la meilleure partie de la bravoure. (DS9 : "The House of Quark " )
En 2374 , Jack cita une ligne de la seconde partie de la pièce : "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown " alors qu'il écoutait le discours de Gul Damar . (DS9 : "Statistical Probabilities " )
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Page 412 - King Henry IV, Part I, Act I, Scene I :
{Illustration du couronnement d'Henri IV}
In forwarding this dear expedience.
My liege, this haste was hot in question,
And many limits of the charge set down
But yesternight; when, all athwart, there came
A post from Wales loaden with heavy news;
Whose worst was, that the noble Mortimer ,
Leading the men of Herefordshire to fight
Against the irregular and wild Glendower ,
Was by the rude hands of that Welshman taken;
A thousand of his people butchered,
Upon whose dead corpse' there was such misuse,
Such beastly, shameless transformation,
By those Welshwomen done, as may not be
Without much shame re-told or spoken of.
It seems, then, that the tidings of this broil
Brake off our business for the Holy Land .
This, match'd with other, did, my gracious lord ;
For more uneven and unwelcome news
Came from the North , and thus it did import:
On Holy-rood day the gallant Hotspur there,
Young Harry Percy , and brave Archibald ,
That ever-valiant and approved Scot ,
At Holmedon met;
Where they did spend a sad and bloody hour,
As by discharge of their artillery,
And shape of likelihood, the news was told;
For he that brought them, in the very heat
And pride of their contention did take horse ,
Uncertain of the issue any way.
Here is a dear and true-industrious friend,
Sir Walter Blunt , new lighted from his horse,
Stain'd with the variation of each soil
Betwixt that Holmedon and this seat of ours;
And he hath brought us smooth and welcome news.
The Earl of Douglas is discomfited:
Ten thousand bold Scots, two-and-twenty knights ,
Balk'd in their own blood, did Sir Walter see
Page 413 - King Henry IV, Part I, Act I, Scene I & II :
{Illustration de William Thomas Lewis (acteur ayant interprêté le Prince de Galles )}
On Holmedon's plains: of prisoners , Hotspur took
Mordake the Earl of Fife and eldest son
To beaten Douglas; and the Earls of Athol ,
Of Murray , Angus , and Menteith .
And is not this an honourable spoil,
A gallant prize? ha, cousin , is it not?
Faith, 'tis a conquest for a prince to boast of.
Yea, there thou makest me sad, and makest me sin
In envy that my Lord Northumberland
Should be the father to so blest a son,—
A son who is the theme of honour's tongue;
Amongst a grove, the very straightest plant;
Who is sweet Fortune's minion and her pride:
Whilst I, by looking on the praise of him,
See riot and dishonour stain the brow
Of my young Harry . O, that it could be proved
That some night-tripping fairy had exchanged
In cradle-clothes our children where they lay,
And call'd mine Percy, his Plantagenet!
Then would I have his Harry, and he mine:
But let him from my thoughts. What think you, coz,
Of this young Percy's pride? the prisoners,
Which he in this adventure hath surprised,
To his own use he keeps; and sends me word,
I shall have none but Mordake Earl of Fife.
This is his uncle 's teaching, this is Worcester ,
Malevolent to you in all aspects;
Which makes him prune himself, and bristle up
The crest of youth against your dignity.
But I have sent for him to answer this;
And for this cause awhile we must neglect
Our holy purpose to Jerusalem .
Cousin, on Wednesday next our Council we
Will hold at Windsor ; so inform the lords:
But come yourself with speed to us again;
For more is to be said and to be done
Than out of anger can be uttered.
I will, my liege.
Scene II. The same. An Apartment of Prince Henry's.
[Enter Prince Henry and Falstaff .]
Now, Hal, what time of day is it, lad?
Thou art so fat-witted, with drinking of old sack, and
unbuttoning thee after supper, and sleeping upon benches
after noon, that thou hast forgotten to demand that truly which
thou wouldst truly know. What a devil hast thou to do with the
time of the day? unless hours were cups of sack, and minutes
capons, and the blessed Sun himself a fair hot wench in
flame-coloured taffeta, I see no reason why thou shouldst be
so superfluous to demand the time of the day.
Indeed, you come near me now, Hal; for we that take purses go
by the Moon and the seven stars, and not by Phoebus,—he, that
wandering knight so fair. And I pr'ythee, sweet wag, when thou
art king,—as, God save thy Grace—Majesty I should say, for
thou wilt have none,—
What, none?
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