L'histoire des Borgs montre le développement graduel de l'espèce Borg.
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Une Reine Borg
L'origine des Borgs est vague. Ce que l'on sait provient de rumeurs et de brefs contacts avec des survivants Borgs ou des Borgs eux-même.
Comme indiqué par la Reine Borg, l'espèce originelle Borg commenca son existence sous une forme de vie normale, sans implants cybernétiques il y a des milliers de siècles. À une certaine époque, ils évoluèrent vers un mélange de vie artificielle et organique. ("Star Trek: First Contact"; TNG: "Q Who"). Nous supposons que les Borgs sont originaires du Quadrant Delta où ils étaient déjà présents en 1484. A cette époque, seule une poignée de systèmes solaires étaient assimilés par eux et ont eu beaucoup de contacts avec une espèce appelée Vaadwaur. (VOY: "Dragon's Teeth")
En 2373, les Borgs avaient assimilé des milliers de systèmes solaires et le Quadrant Delta était devenu leur territoire. Leur territoire est sectionné en deux par un corridor spatial avec des distorsions gravimétriques connu aussi sous le nom de Passage Nord-west par l'équipage du vaisseau de la Fédération USS Voyager durant son combat contre l'Espèce 8472. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part I", "Scorpion, Part II") La plus lointaine bordure connue de l'espace Borg dans le Quadrant Delta semble être avec le territoire Nekrit. (VOY: "Fair Trade")
Le territoire précis des Borgs est inconnu. La Fédération a son propre territoire et s'aventure, au-delà, pour des missions d'exploration. À un certain moment, Voyager a été jeté 9500 années-lumière au-delà du territoire Borg, et dix ans plus proche de la Terre. (VOY: " The Gift") Quatre ans plus tard, l'équipage rencontra une nouvelle fois un vaisseau Borg. Qu'il soit ou non encore en territoire Borg n'est pas clair et dépend de la façon dont les Borgs perçoivent le terme «territoire». Une explication probable est que le domaine dans le Quadrant Delta reconnu comme "territoire Borg" est complètement assimilé par les Borgs ou bien restant naturel avec des civilisations non-assimilées. Depuis que les Borgs ont étendu des réseaux de transdistorsion à travers la galaxie, ils peuvent efficacement se déplacer n'importe où dans un court laps de temps. Par conséquent, bien que les Borgs ont une vaste étendue de leur propre territoire, il est délimité, et tous les autres sont simplement des incursions dans d'autres territoires.
Dans le Quadrant Delta, les Borgs disposent d'une vaste structure appelée Unicomplex. Cette structure est construite avec des milliers de sous-structures et est habitée par un nombre important de vaisseaux. On suppose que l'Unicomplex est le quartier général des Borgs. (VOY: "Dark Frontier, Part I")
Lorsque les Borgs utilisent leurs portails de transdistorsion, ils peuvent apparaître à n'importe quel endroit de la galaxie. Cela leur permet d'obtenir la possibilité d'assimiler des espèces sans éveiller leur attention sur des périodes très courtes.
- Nous ne savons pas quand les Borgs ont commencé à utiliser les portails de transdistorsion ni même quand ils ont assimilé ces derniers.
Les Borgs ont la capacité de contrôler l'espace-temps. Leurs vaisseaux sont spécialement conçus pour résister aux perturbations temporelles qu'ils subissent dans les conduits de transdistorsion. Bien qu'ils utilisent leurs connaissances pour garder leurs vaisseaux intacts, ils ont aussi montré leurs capacités de voyage dans le temps. ("Star Trek: First Contact")
- Il s'agit probablement de la seule utilisation de voyage dans le temps par les Borgs, puisque nous ne l'avons jamais vu se répéter. Une explication possible est que le matériel nécessaire pour voyager dans le temps est en nombre limité. Malgré ce manque de capacité infini de voyage dans le temps, Harry Kim découvrit un transpondeur temporel Borg dans un futur alternatif, ce qui pourrait permettre aux borgs de communiquer entre eux dans le temps.
Incursion Temporelle[]

Zefram Cochrane's Phoenix
Although the Borg were normally not active in the Alpha Quadrant in 2063, a Borg sphere traveled back in time from 2373 to that year. The craft's occupants had the sole purpose of preventing First Contact between Humans and Vulcans, thereby helping the Borg to assimilate the Human species. They attempted to achieve their outcome by destroying the Phoenix, the spaceship that Zefram Cochrane would use to historically perform the first warp-powered flight, subsequently bringing Earth to the attention of a passing Vulcan vessel. ("Star Trek: First Contact")
Although a Federation starship also from 2373, the USS Enterprise-E, ultimately thwarted the Borg attempt, a section of the Borg sphere's damaged hull landed in Earth's North Pole. ("Star Trek: First Contact"; ENT: "Regeneration")
A year later, Zefram Cochrane made a commencement speech at Princeton University and began to reveal that a group of cybernetic creatures from the future had tried to stop his first warp flight. According to Cochrane, the creatures' ultimate goal was to enslave the Human race, but they had been defeated by a group of Humans who were also from the future.
No one seriously believed Cochrane, as he was well-known for his imaginative stories and his habit of being frequently intoxicated. As a result, he recanted his claim a few years later, although a record of his speech still remained. (ENT: "Regeneration")
- One could speculate that Starfleet, or some of its officers, did not dismiss Cochrane's story in its entirety and that they might be the reason the Science Council investigated it. Some evidence of this might be that the A6 team leader, Drake, told Commander Williams that he owed him a bottle of Scotch. This might suggest a bet of some sort, that Drake would find what they were searching for.

Borg Sphere debris
In 2153, an A-6 Excavation Team discovered the Arctic debris field where much of the Borg sphere remained, severely damaged and buried under ice. After traveling to the wreckage, the team also found two frozen drones in the ice but accidentally recovered them. The Borg drones assimilated the entire team of scientists and commandeered their arctic transport, continually enhancing its warp drive and installing a weapon system.
Three days later, the Borg left Earth. Although they managed to assimilate several Tarkaliens, who tried to do the same to Denobulan doctor Phlox, the crew of the Earth Starfleet ship Enterprise, which included Phlox, was successful in preventing the Borg drones, of which there were more due to the original drones' assimilation of the Tarkaliens, from reaching their homeworld and resuming their attempt to enslave humanity. Enterprise was responsible for the destruction of the assimilated arctic transport and every Borg drone aboard the craft.
However, the ship's captain, Jonathan Archer, having determined that the cybernetic aliens had probably been the same as in Zefram Cochrane's Princeton commencement address, also learned that the Borg had sent a message before their destruction that contained spatial coordinates. Because Phlox had momentarily been a part of the Borg's hive mind, he had heard the message. However, the signal would take two hundred years to reach its destination, deep in the Delta Quadrant, alerting the Borg there.
During this entire encounter, no member of Starfleet learned the name of the Borg. (ENT: "Regeneration")
L'élimination des El-Auriens[]
In 2265, the Borg assimilated the homeworld of the El-Aurians. Only a handful of survivors managed to escape and tried to find refuge on other worlds. (TNG: "Q Who"; "Star Trek: Generations")
- It is unknown how many El-Aurians survived the Borg attack.

The Enterprise-B tries to rescue El-Aurian refugees
In 2293 two starships, the SS Lakul and SS Robert Fox, were carrying El-Aurian refugees to Earth when they became caught in an energy ribbon that caused the destruction of both ships. ("Star Trek: Generations") However, 47 El-Aurians from the Lakul - including Guinan, who would later serve as Ten Forward's bartender aboard the USS Enterprise-D - were saved by the Enterprise-B, and took with them the story of their species' dealings with the Borg. ("Star Trek: Generations"; TNG: "The Child")
As Starfleet had no record of the name "Borg" and – therefore, presumably – no-one thought to make a comparison between the cybernetic beings who had attacked the El-Aurian ships and the drones found 140 years before, it was erroneously believed that, at this time, Starfleet first became aware of the Borg and, on stardate 9521.6, opened a file on them. (ENT: "Regeneration"; VOY: "Scorpion, Part I")
24ème siècle[]

Erin and Magnus Hansen

Annika Hansen
During the years 2354 through 2356 the Borg were studied by Human exobiologists Magnus Hansen and his wife Erin. Together with their daughter Annika they ventured out in the USS Raven to seek the Borg.
On stardate 32623.5, a Borg cube exiting a transwarp conduit encountered the Raven, which at this point had changed its course without informing Starfleet. The Raven was beyond the Romulan Neutral Zone and disobeyed a direct order to return. At 2,000 kilometers the cube scanned the Raven and found it no threat, unwittingly proving Magnus' theory that the Borg would not attack as long they were no threat or a target for assimilation. The Borg vessel turned away and was followed by the Raven at a distance of five million kilometers, matching the cube's heading and speed.
After three months, on stardate 32629.4, the Borg cube opened a transwarp conduit and traveled to the Delta Quadrant, the Raven following in its wake. Unknown to the Borg, the Hansens developed new technologies to keep hidden from Borg sensors, such as multi-adaptive shielding to hide the Raven and a personal bio-dampener so someone could visit a Borg vessel without being detected. Without the Borg's knowledge, the Raven was now very close to the cube while Magnus Hansen studied them. He witnessed how two drones from another sub-unit de-activated a drone who was damaged beyond repair when a plasma conduit exploded, removing its usable components.
Some time later, the Borg cube linked with another vessel and received over 50,000 new drones. The Hansens stealthily beamed over newly-arrived drones to identify them. A tactical drone, a former Ktarian male, was beamed over to the Raven while he was regenerating in his alcove. Because its previous designation was Three of Five Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix One, this drone was tagged with a subdermal probe so he could be traced by the Hansens. Magnus believed this drone worked for the Borg Queen and searched its cranial transceiver logs for evidence.
Once Erin Hansen even stayed overnight within the cubes maturation chamber when the Ravens transporters failed.
In 2356 the Borg detected the Raven and perceived her as a threat when it was visible on their sensors for 13.2 seconds. This occurred because the Raven was hit by a subspace particle storm which knocked out their multi-adaptive shields. The Borg cube required three hours to track down the Raven because Magnus masked their warp trail. The cube exited a transwarp conduit only 3.2 light years from the Raven and intercepted it in less than an hour.
The Borg assimilated the Hansens. From then on Annika Hansen was known as Seven of Nine, and was a Borg drone until she was rescued in 2374 by USS Voyager. In 2375, father and daughter would meet once again, although Magnus was still a drone serving in Unimatrix 01. It is unknown what happened to the drone formerly known as Erin Hansen. The USS Raven was partially assimilated and crashed on a remote moon in B'omar space. (VOY: "Dark Frontier", "The Raven")
In 2362 the Borg assimilated the crew of the USS Tombaugh, which was under the command of Captain Blackwood. (VOY: "Infinite Regress")
In 2364 the Borg were believed to be responsible for the destruction of several Romulan and Federation outposts along the Romulan Neutral Zone in sectors 30 and 31. This became evident when the Enterprise-D encountered a similar outpost with an almost identical signature a year later. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")

The Borg extracts a part of the USS Enterprise-D
In 2365, a Borg cube traveling near the System J-25, 7,000 light years away from Federation space, detected a starship. The sixth planet in that system, a Class-M, seemed to have the same characteristics as some Federation and Romulan outposts near the Neutral Zone. Their cities were removed from the planet's surface. When the Borg cube arrived, it scanned the unknown vessel.
The strange vessel hailed the Borg but they did not respond to it. Instead, they transported a drone to the engineering section of the unknown starship, right through the vessels shields. The drone paid no attention to the lifeforms present and walked towards a com panel. Before he could reach it, a phaser shot knocked him down. Moments later another drone was sent and after he materialized, continued towards the panel. Again he was fired upon but this time his personal shield stopped the shot. The Borg had adapted. After the drone extracted information from the com panel, it reached over to the fallen drone and removed some components, after which both drones dematerialized.
After the Borg analyzed the information, they knew with whom they were dealing, the Federation starship USS Enterprise-D under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. They also concluded that the Enterprise-D was unable to withstand them, since her defensive capabilities were insufficient. The Borg hailed the Enterprise and told them to not defend themselves as they would be punished for it, interrupting Picard's greeting, and they locked a tractor beam onto the ship. The beam held the starship in place and drained their defensive shields.
The Borg cube was fired upon by the Enterprise when it tried to escape, but to no avail. After eighteen seconds, their shields were gone and the Borg used a cutting beam to remove a part of the ship, saucer sections 27, 28 and 29 on decks 4, 5 and 6. Again the cube was fired upon by the Enterprise. This time, the Borg released the tractor beam; they had sustained twenty percent damage.
Unknown to the Borg, an away team from the Enterprise had boarded their vessel and had watched how a drone performed some tasks. As the away team scouted the ship, they found a Borg maturation chamber and also noticed that the Borg vessel was repairing itself. Immediately, the away team was beamed back to the Enterprise.
When the Borg discovered the Enterprise running, they started to pursue it. Although the Enterprise was reaching warp 9, the Borg cube could easily match their speed and even gained on them. Photon torpedoes fired on them by the Enterprise detonated without causing any damage to the cube.
The Borg fired weapons at the Enterprise designed to drain their shields and was still closing in, even though the Enterprise seemed to have reached her maximum speed. After a second shot, the Enterprise again fired photon torpedoes at the Borg, but without any effect. After the Borg fired their third shot, the shields of the Enterprise were gone and they were able to knock the ship out of warp. After the Enterprise lost warp speed, the Borg immediately re-established their tractor beam, but without any warning the Enterprise broke free and sped away from the Borg.
Unknown to the Borg, the entity known as Q had returned the Enterprise back to its original position. He was the one who brought the ship in contact with the Borg in the first place. (TNG: "Q Who")

The Borg encounter the Enterprise
In 2366 the Borg sent a cube to the Alpha Quadrant. Its mission was to assimilate Earth.
Within the Alpha Quadrant, the Borg first assimilated the inhabitants of the Federation colony New Providence, all nine hundred of them. Analysis of the soil revealed the same magnetic-resonance trace the Borg left on the hull of the Enterprise-D the year before. This proved the Borg were not only responsible for the destruction of the New Providence colony, but also the Federation and Romulan outposts in 2364.
The Borg cube continued its journey and encountered the USS Lalo while on a freight run to Sentinel Minor IV. Although the Lalo managed to send a distress call to starbase 157, they were assimilated as well.
Two hours later the Borg cube noticed the USS Enterprise-D and altered its course to intercept, with a speed of warp 9.3 When it reached the Starfleet vessel, the cube dropped out of warp and hailed Captain Jean-Luc Picard personally. The Borg informed him to lower the shields and to transport to the Borg vessel. If Picard failed to comply, the Enterprise would be destroyed. After Picard accused the Borg of aggression against the Federation, the Borg told him that the Enterprise was no match for the Borg cube.
The Borg tried to lock a tractor beam on the Enterprise but failed. Within a short moment the Borg adapted to the modulating shields of the Enterprise and locked the tractor beam, draining the ships shields. Although the Enterprise fired torpedoes and its phaser banks against them, the tractor beam remained in place. Then the Borg began to cut into the Enterprise hull, causing a decompression in engineering, but the Enterprise managed to break free. The Borg cube immediately started pursuing the fleeing Enterprise.
When the Enterprise hid within the Paulson Nebula the Borg had trouble locating them and decided to wait. To force the Enterprise out of the nebula, the Borg launched magnetometric-guided charges into it. The cube again locked its tractor beam onto the Enterprise as she tried to flee the nebula. A drone was beamed to the Enterprise bridge and tried to reach Picard, but was shot down by Chief of Security Worf. Two more drones were sent, and one of them captured Picard as the other one threw the charging First Officer Riker against a bulkhead. After this skirmish, the drones transported back to the cube with Picard.
Then the Borg cube disengaged its tractor beam and left the Enterprise behind, resuming its course for sector 001.

Locutus of Borg
In the Borg cube Picard was told that he would serve to introduce the Borg into Federation culture. Despite his arguments, Picard was told that strength, self-determination, even death, were irrelevant. Resistance was futile; Picard was chosen to speak for the Borg. Some time later, the Borg detected an away team inside the Borg cube. They were trying to locate Picard and to sabotage the cube, but the Borg sent drones after them. While drones were pursuing the away team, they ran into their captain, who had been assimilated, and were forced to flee. The Borg cube was forced out of warp by the away team's sabotage, but the Borg restored their warp capability within a short period of time.
Then the Enterprise was hailed by the Borg. Their former Captain introduced himself as Locutus of Borg and told them to surrender. Although the Enterprise's navigational deflector was used as a weapon and fired at the cube, there was no effect and Riker was told by Locutus that his resistance was hopeless. The knowledge Picard possessed was part of the Borg Collective. After this, the Borg resumed their course towards Earth.
The Borg cube was met and engaged by Starfleet at Wolf 359 by forty starships. The battle was a disaster for the Federation; all but one ship was destroyed with the loss of 11,000 lives, and the Borg vessel immediately returned to its previous heading towards Earth.
While en route, the Borg were contacted by Riker, now Captain of the Enterprise-D, who offered to end the hostilities and to prepare for assimilation. Despite that the Borg had Picard, they had not foreseen that this was a ruse and that Picard's knowledge had been used against them. When the Enterprise engaged the cube the Borg did not notice the shuttle which was closing in on them. When the Borg noticed that Worf and Data transported to the cube, they were too late to prevent the kidnapping of Locutus. Although the Borg lost Locutus, they again resumed their course for Earth.
Locutus was brought to the Enterprise, where Data investigated how he was connected to the Borg. There, Data found an opportunity to stop the Borg.

The Borg cube self-destructs
The Borg dropped out of warp when they reached Sector 001. They were tracked by Jupiter Outpost 92 and attacked by ships launched from Mars, but the Borg vessel continued its way towards Earth.
The Borg cube was stopped when it was ordered to enter its regeneration cycle. This was done by Data, who connected himself to Locutus and ordered the regeneration command, effectively putting all the drones to sleep. The command also started a self-destruct mechanism which destroyed the cube.
The Borg not only lost their vessel, but also Locutus when his link with the hive mind was severed when the cube exploded. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds", "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")
The Borg attack the Brunali homeworld for the first time. (VOY: "Child's Play")

Emblem of the Rogue Borg led by Lore
In 2368 a Borg scoutship crashed in the Argolis Cluster with only one surviving drone, Third of Five, although critically injured.
The drone was found by the USS Enterprise-D who gave it medical attention after placing it within a subspace dampening field to prevent any contact with the Borg hive mind.
Picard knew the Borg would investigate the crash and wanted to take advantage of the situation by implanting a hostile program into the drone. When it would be re-integrated within the Borg Collective, the program would destroy the Borg from the inside, like a virus. However, this plan was abandoned under pressure of Doctor Beverly Crusher and Geordi La Forge, who had doubts. Instead, the drone was allowed to grow as an individual, since it no longer was a part of the Borg Collective. It even had a name, Hugh.
Eventually Hugh was returned to the crash site with his individuality intact. After he was rescued by a Borg vessel, the former drone was re-integrated within the Collective, but the Borg could not cope with his individuality. As a result, the Borg vessel fell into a state of disarray, and drifted through space until it was found by Lore, Data's brother. In 2369 and 2370 he used the Borg drones for his own purposes, but they resisted him and eventually, with the help of the Enterprise, defeated Lore. (TNG: "I Borg", "Descent, Part I", "Descent, Part II")

Freed drones
In the Delta Quadrant, a Borg vessel crashed and its survivors, the drones with the designations Two of Nine, Three of Nine, Four of Nine and Seven of Nine regained their individuality. Because Seven of Nine had been assimilated at a very young age, she could not cope with her individuality. So, she decided to create a small collective between the four of them when the other drones refused to await their rescue and to rejoin the Collective. This action created a collective within a collective.
By 2376, after Seven of Nine had been rescued from the Borg Collective, the other drones escaped from the Borg and had their implants removed on Inavar Prime. The drones went in search for Seven of Nine to break the link which held their Collective intact. Although the link was finally severed, they only had a month to live due to the extensive integration of the link. (VOY: "Survival Instinct")
The Borg attacked the Brunali homeworld for the second time. (VOY: "Child's Play")
In 2371 the Borg assimilated Species 6339, a humanoid warp-capable species located in the Delta Quadrant, grid 124, octant 22 theta. Eleven billion individuals were assimilated, and only a handful managed to escape. (VOY: "Infinite Regress")

Former drone and Starfleet Officer Riley Frazier
In 2373 on stardate 50614.2 a Borg cube in the Delta Quadrant traveling through the Nekrit Expanse was hit by an electrokinetic storm, killing most drones on board. The survivors lost their connection with the hive mind, which caused the reappearance of their own identity, and transported themselves to a nearby Class-M planet. Because they had found their individuality again, they also regained the hatred towards other species they had before they were assimilated into the Borg Collective.
This resulted in fights between the different species. There was one group who tried to live in coexistence; they called themselves the Borg Cooperative. However, they were continuously attacked by other former Borg drones, and to stop this they had send out a Federation distress call in the hope someone would answer. The call was answered by a shuttle commanded by Commander Chakotay of the starship Voyager.
Chakotay was injured and Ensign Kaplan was killed after they landed the shuttle. Chakotay was cared for by Riley Frazier, a former drone and Starfleet Officer, who used the Borg link to heal Chakotay's wounds. The Cooperative forced Chakotay to re-establish the neural link, via their residual link by which the Cooperative healed him, by starting the neuro electric generator on board the heavily damaged Borg cube for a few minutes. After the Borg Cooperative was a fact they destroyed the cube. (VOY: "Unity")
On stardate 50893.5 a single Borg cube was sent to assimilate Earth. This would be the Borg's second attempt, and on board was a Borg Queen. During this attempt the Borg tried to alter Earth's past by traveling to the year 2063 and preventing First Contact with the Vulcans. The skirmish that followed with Starfleet became known as the Battle of Sector 001.
Although the cube was destroyed by Starfleet, a Borg sphere contained within reached Earth and successfully traveled to 2063. Although the Borg Queen herself was present, they failed to prevent First Contact and were defeated by Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-E. The remains of the destroyed Borg Sphere came to rest on Earth's North Pole, where they were found in 2153. The Queen, together with several drones, died in engineering. Her organic components were dissolved by very corrosive plasma coolant and her artificial spinal cord was broken to ensure she was dead. This was the first time that the existence of a Borg Queen was confirmed. ("Star Trek: First Contact")

Borg vessels being attacked by Species 8472
On stardate 50984.3 the Borg faced their destruction after they invaded Species 8472's Fluidic space with intent to assimilate this species. Unfortunately – for the Borg – Species 8472 DNA encoding was so dense that nanoprobes could not assimilate their cells. Species 8472 responded with an all out attack on the Borg. They used the Northwest Passage in Borg space as their entry point, via a quantum singularity, and destroyed any Borg vessel they could find.
The Borg had lost millions of drones and thousand of worlds when, after assimilating a Starfleet probe in the Delta Quadrant, fifteen of their vessels encountered USS Voyager. One of the Borg cubes scanned Voyager with a polaron beam and when finished joined the other vessels en route to Species 8472.
In the following battle all fifteen Borg ships were destroyed. Unknown to the Borg at the time, Voyager had found those ships and one of the vessels who destroyed them, a Species 8472 bioship. On one Borg cube, Species 8472 had stacked Borg remains on each other, as if to scare them off. As far as Species 8472 was concerned, "the weak will perish".
In five months the Borg were attacked more than a dozen times and lost every single time.
A few days later a Borg cube encountered USS Voyager and locked a tractor beam on her and informed the crew that they would be assimilated. Instead, the Borg were offered an alliance. The Borg Collective learned that Voyager had found a way to attack Species 8472 on a microscopic level. The Doctor had discovered a way when he was treating Harry Kim, who was infected by Species 8472 cells. In turn for free passage of Voyager through their space, the Borg would gain their knowledge.
Although at first the Borg would not negotiate with Voyager they became interested when they received a sample of Voyager's technique to attack Species 8472. They beamed Captain Janeway on board their vessel and asked her what she wanted. At first the Borg refused Janeway's plan to give them the technology after Voyager cleared Borg space and made clear that it was essential for their and her survival. When Janeway told them there was no alternative other than her proposal, the Collective agreed. If the Borg did try to assimilate Voyager, the Doctor would destroy the data on how to attack Species 8472. The Borg would need to work together to develop a weapon while escorting Voyager through their space.
At this time the cube came under attack from Species 8472 who were attacking the nearby planet. The cube managed to escape and took Voyager with it, still attached to the cube via a tractor beam. The Borg/Species 8472 conflict extended to the year 2374.

Seven of Nine
Two Borg drones escorted Janeway and Tuvok. Janeway asked them to join her at grid 92 of sub-junction 12, near the center of the Borg cube, were they would work on the weapon. For efficiency, the Borg wanted to link Janeway and Tuvok with the Borg Collective, as they found verbal communication primitive and inefficient, via a neural transceiver. Although Janeway told them that they worked better via verbal communication and as individuals, not linked into the Hive mind, the Borg were not interested. Only when Janeway suggested that they choose a single Borg to speak for them like Locutus, and threatened them that the deal would be void otherwise, did the Borg listen. The Borg choose Seven of Nine to speak for them.
The Borg concurred with Janeway's suggestion for a large scale weapon but dismissed using photon torpedos. Instead the Borg devised a multi-kinetic neutronic mine, a weapon of mass destruction. The Borg heard Janeway's objections, that it would take too long to fabricate the necessary nanoprobes and by that time the Borg would have lost the war, among other things. The Borg agreed based on their present situation.
While studying Voyager's data on the bioship, the Borg ship was hailed by Commander Chakotay and they were informed that Species 8472 seemed to be in telepathic contact with Kes. Which might suggest that they already would know about the plans to attack them. Upon hearing this the Borg altered course. Although this would postpone an attack the Borg asked Janeway for the modified nanoprobes so they could start constructing a prototype weapon. Janeway refused, she first wanted to have left Borg space, and did not budge even when the Borg threatened to send five hundred drones to Voyager. Voyagers crew would fight to the death if this would happen and the Borg would lose the nanoprobes.
The Borg dropped their demand and told Janeway and Tuvok to develop a launching system. Moments later Voyager and the Borg cube were attacked by a single bioship. To prevent the destruction of Voyager and their nanoprobes the Borg cube positioned itself between Voyager and the bioship. After the first hit the cube crashed deliberately into the bioship, destroying both of them. Before their destruction the Borg Collective beamed Seven of Nine, together with some drones, Borg alcoves, Janeway and Tuvok to one of Voyager's cargo bays.
The Borg explained, by means of Seven of Nine, they destroyed their vessel to protect Voyager. Because of this the Borg wanted to modify their agreement with Voyager and demanded to be brought to the nearest Borg cube some forty light years away. Unknown to the Borg Commander Chakotay, who was now in command because Captain Janeway was severely wounded when the cube was hit, was altering their agreement.
The drone Seven of Nine was brought to the Captain's ready room. Here the Borg learned that the agreement was changed and they would be transferred to a planet or moon with the modified nanoprobes. When the Borg optioned to assimilate Voyager, Commander Chakotay told them if a single drone would leave the cargo bay he would decompress that entire deck. A drone floating in space would not pose a threat. The Borg told him that humans were erratic, disorganized, every individual entitled to their own small opinion, every decision debated. They lacked harmony, cohesion, greatness. This would be their undoing. The Borg suspected something like this might happen before they entered Janeway's agreement.
Back in the cargo bay Seven of Nine was ordered to take control of Voyager and to enter the realm of Species 8472 when Matrix 010, Grid 19 was attacked by bioships. Eight planets were destroyed, 312 Borg vessels disabled and 4,000,621 drones were killed. The Borg took control of the navigational deflector and created a singularity which pulled Voyager into the realm of Species 8472. Although the cargo bay was decompressed by Chakotay the drone Seven of Nine survived. She informed Chakotay of their situation and to prepare for combat with bioships. At that time Chakotay realized that the Borg started the war and not Species 8472. In their search for perfection the Borg made a grave tactical error.

High yield warhead detonation
When Seven of Nine met Captain Janeway, the Doctor had healed her wounds, on the bridge. She was told Voyager would fight Species 8472 on their own territory. She would work together with Tuvok on the modified nanoprobes and to adapt Voyager's weapons and defensive systems. Voyager was attacked by four bioships and fired their nanoprobe enhanced photon torpedoes, destroying all four ships. Afterwards Seven of Nine brought Voyager back into the Delta Quadrant were they again were attacked by bioships. When Voyagers high yield warhead exploded thirteen bioships were destroyed and the other ships fled. This forced all remaining bioships in the Delta Quadrant to return to fluidic space.
After Seven of Nine regained full contact with the Borg Collective they broke their alliance with Voyager. The Borg had prevailed and Voyager and its crew would be assimilated. Seven of Nine took over helm control via her assimilation tubules. Unknown to the Borg Commander Chakotay made a link with Seven of Nine via a neural transceiver to distract her, via images of her past and reminding her of her humanity. This gave Chief Engineer B'Elanna Torres the opportunity to create a power surge which knocked the drone unconscious and permanently severed her link with the Hive mind.
This ended the Borg/Species 8472 war and left the drone Seven of Nine stranded aboard USS Voyager. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part I")
In mid 2374, the Borg assimilated Species 116, after they had managed to elude the Borg for several centuries.
23 outposts were assimilated in a matter of hours after which hundreds of Borg vessels attacked and assimilated the Species 116 homeworld. About ten or twenty thousand were able to escape. Arturis was one of them. He blamed Captain Kathryn Janeway for the assimilation of his world because the alliance between Voyager and the Borg prevented the Borg's destruction, and he tried to get Voyager assimilated. (VOY: "Hope and Fear")

A Borg of 29th century technology in a maturation chamber
In 2375 the Borg were contacted by a 29th century Borg drone. The existence of this drone was the result of a transporter accident where Seven of Nine's nanoprobes interacted with the mobile emitter of The Doctor. Afterwards Ensign Mulcahey's DNA was used to create its Human form. It would be the first time a Borg drone was reproduced instead of assimilated. The drone's designation was One and its curiosity caused it to seek contact with the Borg Collective.
The Borg detected a proximity signal in Unimatrix 325, Grid 006 (somewhere in the Delta Quadrant) and a Borg Sphere altered its course accordingly. Via a transwarp conduit it would reach the coordinates within approximately three hours.
The Borg made contact with Voyager. After a scan they used a tractor beam to hold Voyager and hailed them, informing them of their oncoming assimilation. Suddenly the tractor beam disengaged because Voyager's shields were re-modulated. A moment later they were fired upon but the Borg were able to invert Voyager's phaser beam with a feedback pulse, taking out their warp drive.
One transported himself into the Sphere and told the Collective to stop the attack on Voyager. The Borg told him he would be assimilated and that resistance was futile. When One tried to reach a Borg alcove, drones tried to stop him, but they failed. The Sphere's navigational controls were taken over by One and he directed the vessel to a nearby proto-nebula. Although the Collective warned One to stop and terminate his interface with the Borg Collective, he steered the Sphere into the nebula, causing the Borg vessel to implode.
One survived the destruction. Although severely wounded, he would not allow treatment because he felt that as long he was alive, the Borg Collective would try to assimilate him. (VOY: "Drone")

The pathogenic virus
On stardate 52356.2 a Borg cube was destroyed in the Delta Quadrant. Its debris field was about 120 kilometers wide. This happened after they assimilated a Species 6339 vessel. The vinculum of the cube was infected by a synthetic pathogenic virus which was carried by members of this species. Unknown to the Borg this virus was specifically designed to attack them.
Although normally the Borg would investigate a destroyed Borg vessel it is unknown if they did so with this one. Future events suggest Species 6339 were not successful in re-introducing the virus into the Borg Collective. (VOY: "Infinite Regress") Between stardates 52542.3 and 52619.2 a Borg probe in the Delta Quadrant detected the Intrepid-class Voyager in Unimatrix 424, Grid 116. The Borg informed them of their imminent assimilation and although Voyager could match their firepower, the Borg attacked. During this skirmish the Borg's primary shield matrix went off line and a photon torpedo was beamed on board. Although a drone tried to disarm it, the torpedo detonated. Because the detonation took place near their power matrix, it caused a chain reaction which destroyed the entire ship, killing everyone on board. Unknown to the Borg, Voyager salvaged eight kilotons of debris in search for components they could use. Although Voyager's crew found a transwarp coil, it was of no use to them because it was damaged beyond repair. They did find data nodes, one of them containing tactical data and Borg ship movements. At this point, they devised a plan to steal a transwarp coil from the Borg.
Eight light years away, a heavily damaged Borg scout ship, traveling at warp 2, was regenerating after it was hit by an ion storm. This had damaged a great deal of the ship and shields, weapons systems and transwarp drive were off line. Three days later the Borg vessel was joined by Voyager, who had masked their warp signature to prevent detection by the Borg.
Although Voyager tried to hide, they were detected. The Borg contacted Seven of Nine via her neural transceiver and she was told the Borg knew about Voyager's plans to infiltrate the Borg Sphere. They threatened to destroy Voyager if Seven did not returned to the Borg Collective. The Borg found Seven unique and wanted her back.
At 0600 hours, the Sphere detected a vessel, a Federation shuttle, and tractored it into a docking port along the central radius for assimilation. When they dropped their shields an away team from Voyager beamed over to the Borg Sphere. Unknown to the away team Seven of Nine was contacted while they were en route to the transwarp coil.
An explosion in one of the corridors brought the Sphere defensive shield down and one of their transwarp coils was transported to Voyager. While the away team fled to their assembly point Seven of Nine remained behind. At the same time the Sphere charged its weapons and altered course for Voyager. Although Janeway tried to convince Seven to go back she had no choice other to leave her when a force field was erected between them.

A Borg Queen
When the away team left the Borg Sphere opened a transwarp conduit and traveled to the Unicomplex. Here, Seven of Nine, escorted by two drones, was welcomed home by the Borg Queen.
The Queen explained to Seven that her escape from the Collective was not really an escape but that she was allowed to leave. In fact she was the only drone ever to leave the Collective. Her experiences on Voyager would add to the Borg perfection and she was told to regenerate in an alcove, to order her thoughts. When Seven's regeneration cycle ended the Borg had enhanced her visual cortex and added a neural processor adjunct, designed to increase her synaptic efficiency. Her memory was also assimilated by the Borg. The Borg did not want another drone, but instead the individual Seven of Nine for the sole purpose of assimilating Humanity. The Borg failed the first time and with the help of Seven of Nine's human perspective they hoped to assimilate the humans definitively.
The Borg forced Seven of Nine to help assimilate Species 10026, all 392,000 of them, just to remind her what it was to be Borg. Upon arrival at their homeworld the Borg were attacked by them. Although the Borg had already assessed the strength and weaknesses of species 10026 the Borg Queen was willing to destroy the ship they were on simply to coerce Seven to come up with a solution. After the shield geometry was altered their ships were no longer a threat to the Borg. Because of Seven's hesitation to monitor the assimilation process in the primary assimilation chamber she was assigned to help with repairs on the shield matrix.
While en route, Seven was injured, but two Borg drones healed her wounds. She even stopped someone who tried to avoid assimilation. Afterwards she managed to beam several members of species 10026 to a damaged vessel. Seven was told by the Queen that species 10026 was already enhancing the Borg perfection but she detected the refugees Seven beamed onto the ship. The Queen used this moment to force Seven to abandon her human sentiments, such as compassion and guilt, about the destruction of a species. To make clear that they were one. To Seven's surprise the Queen let the vessel go. When Seven asked her if she thought compassion was irrelevant the Queen did not answer.
Unknown to the Borg, Voyager had devised a plan to rescue Seven of Nine.
Seven of Nine was given the task to program nanoprobes for a new mode of assimilation, via a biogenic weapon detonated in a planet's atmosphere, which would release nanoprobe viruses causing a gradual assimilation of the target species. This weapon was meant for highly-resistant species. Because the species in question was Species 5618, humanity, Seven refused to cooperate. Even a threat to turn her into a drone could not persuade her. When Seven accused the Borg of murdering her family the Queen denied, stating they were given perfection. She then made a drone step forward, Seven of Nine's father, Magnus Hansen.
At that time Seven's interplexing beacon received a message from Captain Janeway telling her that they were on the way to rescue her. Because Seven was linked to the Borg Collective the Queen also knew they were coming.
The Borg found Janeway's shuttle within a few moments. They used technology the Hansens developed and the Borg assimilated: multi-adaptive shielding. Although the Borg had detected the vessel, with three lifeforms and a hologram on board, the Borg Queen tried to persuade Seven to rescue them. Unknown to the Borg, Tuvok and Captain Janeway had entered the unicomplex and were on their way to the Queen's chambers. When the Borg finally tracked the Federation shuttle and locked a tractor beam on it Seven tried to attack the Borg Queen but was stopped by her. At that moment Captain Janeway walked in and threatened to destroy the Queens chambers if she did not let Seven of Nine go, willing to die herself. After the Queen ordered drones to assimilate them Seven told Janeway to destroy the power node above the Queen's alcove. This would disrupt her command interface. After this the shuttle Delta Flyer was able to beam them out of the unicomplex.
Several Borg cubes pursued the fleeing shuttle. When it opened a transwarp conduit a Borg diamond followed them in. The Borg vessel gained on them while it fired at their engines. When the shuttle entered normal space Chakotay ordered a full spread of photon torpedoes to collapse the transwarp exit aperture. The Borg diamond was destroyed, presumably by the collapse of the aperture.
Voyager managed to get twenty thousand light years, a good fifteen years closer to the Alpha Quadrant, out of the Borg transwarp coil before it failed, as was noted in the captain's log on stardate 52619.2. (VOY: "Dark Frontier")
The Borg attacked the Brunali homeworld for the third time. (VOY: "Child's Play")
In 2376 a Borg sphere detected a 9.8 warp signature strong enough to penetrate subspace. The location of this signature was the Brunali homeworld, less than a light year from a transwarp aperture. When the sphere exited the aperture it detected a Brunali transport vessel and the starship USS Voyager.
The Borg locked a tractor beam on both ships and informed the occupants of their upcoming fate: being assimilated by the Borg. Although Voyager fired her phasers the Borg vessel kept both ships locked.
When the Brunali transport vessel was tractored inside the Borg sphere it exploded, causing severe damage to the sphere. This gave Voyager the opportunity to escape. Unknown to the Borg, Voyager had beamed a photon torpedo on board the vessel set to detonate when it was inside the Borg sphere. (VOY: "Child's Play")

Unimatrix Zero
Also in 2376, the Borg became aware of Unimatrix Zero when its interlink frequency and carrier band were found by the Borg Queen herself.
Unimatrix Zero was a virtual construct made by Borg drones with a genetic mutation. The Borg perceived this mutation as an illness and wanted to eradicate it. To protect themselves the Unimatrix Borg devised a nanovirus which would make them undetectable by the Borg Collective but they were unable to introduce the virus into the Collective. So they contacted the former drone Seven of Nine for help. Together with the crew of USS Voyager the nanovirus was improved so they would be aware of Unimatrix Zero after leaving it.
In an effort to destroy it the Borg Queen sent drones into Unimatrix Zero, and even visited it herself. When she became aware of Captain Janeway's plans she tried to tempt her by sending Voyager directly to Earth, as long as she would not interfere between the Borg and Unimatrix Zero. Janeway refused.
The central plexus of a Borg cube was infiltrated by a Voyager away team, whose members were assimilated by the Borg but retained their individuality because The Doctor had prevented the link with the Hive mind. After they released the nanovirus the Borg started to loose contact with drones. The Borg captured Captain Janeway, now a Borg drone, and she was interrogated by the Borg Queen to give her an antidote. The Queen even destroyed some cubes on which she could no longer hear a few drones to persuade her.

The destruction of Unimatrix Zero
Although the Borg could not stop the nanovirus they managed to alter it. The virus would also stop a drone's autonomic functions, making it die within minutes. The Borg Queen gave Janeway an option: make the drones return to the Collective or let them die. Although Janeway ordered her First Officer that Unimatrix Zero could no longer exist the Queen was fooled. It was an order to destroy Unimatrix Zero.
The Borg already lost control over a Borg sphere which was now under the command of Korok, a Klingon Borg drone and former occupant of Unimatrix Zero. Together with Voyager the Sphere destroyed Unimatrix Zero by interrupting the interlink frequency via their modified deflectors.
This action caused the Borg to lose control over several vessels in the Delta and Beta Quadrants. One of those ships was a Borg scout vessel at the edge of the Beta Quadrant. The Unimatrix Zero drones would make up a resistance movement under the same name. It is unknown what the current status of this movement is. (VOY: "Unimatrix Zero, Part I", "Unimatrix Zero, Part II")

A transwarp hub
In 2378, a Borg cube almost collided with the Voyager when it left a nebula, located in Spatial Grid 986, within the Delta Quadrant. Although the Borg noticed the Federation vessel, they did not pursue it. Voyager immediately left the nebula upon this encounter.
Some time later, the Borg Queen monitored a viewscreen conversation between Captain Janeway and an Admiral Janeway, who had entered the Delta Quadrant via a temporal rift. She had traveled back in time to bring the crew of Voyager home.
The Borg Queen contacted Seven of Nine when she entered her alcove to regenerate and mentioned the visitor from the future, Admiral Janeway. She knew Voyager was about to return to the nebula and wanted to know why. The Queen warned Seven that if Voyager would enter the nebula they would be assimilated.
Despite this warning the Borg found Voyager entering the nebula again and they send three Borg cubes to intercept. Although the Borg fired their weapons, and even tried locking their tractor beam, Voyager kept moving on, unhindered. It seemed they were protected by some sort of new armor. While the Borg tried to adapt, the lead cube was fired upon by Voyager with two transphasic torpedoes. The cube exploded almost immediately. The Borg called off the attack on Voyager when the second cube was destroyed. When Voyager reached the center of the nebula they discovered a transwarp hub. At this point the Borg noticed that Voyager turned around and left the nebula. Unknown to the Borg, Voyager's crew was planning to use and destroy the transwarp hub.

A future Kathryn Janeway with the Borg Queen
Several cubes scanned Admiral Janeway's shuttle when she entered the nebula and used the transwarp hub, but the Borg did not intervene. In the Unicomplex, the Borg Queen was visited by the future Admiral Janeway, who was connected to the hive mind via a synaptic interface. The Queen was told by Admiral Janeway that Captain Janeway was determined to destroy the transwarp hub. Admiral Janeway was willing to help the Borg if a cube would tractor Voyager and transport it back to the Alpha Quadrant. The Borg Queen appreciated that Admiral Janeway wanted to protect the Voyager collective but she wanted her shuttle and its database in return. The Admiral's former offer, how to adapt to their torpedoes, was found insufficient. The Queen didn't trust Admiral Janeway because she had already lied to Captain Janeway. Meanwhile the Borg had found Janeway's position and beamed her into the Queen's chambers.
The Borg Queen congratulated her with hiding right on the Borg's doorstep. When she asked Janeway if she planned to attack the Borg from inside the Unicomplex Janeway didn't answer. A few seconds later the Borg Queen assimilated Admiral Janeway.
The Borg detected that Voyager had entered aperture 823, transwarp corridor 09 of the transwarp hub. When vessels were redirected to intercept, the Borg Queen shook and parts of her chamber started to explode. It turned out the Borg were infected with a neurolytic pathogen, which was carried by Admiral Janeway and designed to disrupt the Hive mind, to bring chaos to order. This infection also caused the destabilization of the force fields surrounding the transwarp conduits, making it possible for Voyager to destroy the transwarp hub.
While the Queen detached an arm from her body, the pathogen started to affect her, she managed to send a Borg Sphere after Voyager. After this, the Queen lost a leg and fell to the floor. She told the partially assimilated Admiral Janeway that Captain Janeway would die, that way the Admiral's actions would not happen as she would not exist at all. After this her cybernetic parts detached from her organic part and the Queen died, causing a cascade effect throughout the Unicomplex which started to explode.
The Sphere sent after Voyager managed to attack the ship. Moments before Voyager's shields and armor went down, she turned around and entered the Sphere itself. When the Borg Sphere left the transwarp conduit in the Alpha Quadrant it was met by a fleet of Starfleet ships. Although it was fired upon it was not damaged but suddenly the Sphere started to explode. Voyager emerged from its wreckage. After Captain Janeway made her excuse about their surprise entry, they were welcomed home by Admiral Paris. And so, after a decade, the Federation had finally defeated the Borg. (VOY: "Endgame")