Memory Alpha

"I've Got the World on a String" est une chanson sortie sur Terre au 20ème siècle. (Réalité extrapolée *)

Cette chanson faisait partie du répertoire de Vic Fontaine. (DS9: "It's Only a Paper Moon")


I've got the world on a string
sitting on a rainbow
Got the string around my finger
What a world, what a life - I'm in love

I've got a song that I sing
I can make the rain go
Any time I move my finger
Lucky me, can't you see - I'm in love

Life is a beautiful thing
As long as I hold that string
I'd be a silly so-and-so
If I should ever let it go

I've got the world on a string
sitting on a rainbow
Got the string around my finger
What a world, what a life - I'm in love

Life's a beautiful thing
As long as I hold the string
I'd be a silly so-and-so
If I should ever let her go

I've got the world on a string
sitting on a rainbow
Got the string around my finger
What a world and this is a life, hey now - I'm still in love


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