Monde réel
(article ou section(s) écrit(es) à partir du point de vue: "monde réel")
"It's Federation Day!" est le titre d'un article de presse distribué par le Solar News Network le 11 octobre 2161. Il chronique les évènements de la fondation de la Fédération Unie des Planètes. L'Album de la famille Picard contient une copie de l'article.
- Ces éléments conçus pour "Star Trek: Generations" par Larry Nemecek n'ont jamais été visibles à l'écran.
- 5 sign new UFP constitution
- SAN FRANCISCO, Earth (SNN) -- Declaring it a landmark day in the history of each of
- their worlds, five envoys today breathed life into the fledgling United Federation of
- Planets with the signing of the new organization's Constitution amid much pomp and
- circumstance.
- "We are truly entering a brave new world of peace, exploration and security with the
- establishment of this Federation, declared Earth ambassador Thomas Vanderbilt,
- whose remarks were echoed by representatives from Vulcan, Andor, Tellar, and Alpha
- Centauri.
- "Following the end of your world's war with the unseen Romulan enemy, such a union
- as we create here today is the most logical course of action any of our peoples can
- take," added Ambassador T'Jan of Vulcan.
- UESPA Maj. Gen. Georges E. Picard, an aide to Vanderbilt, noted afterward the irony
- of the conference -- which met in exactly the same fashion as the founders of the Earth's
- old United Nations, who came together only 215 years earlier in the same city in the
- aftermath of the horrors of another costly war.
- "What is occurring here today is one sign that some good can come of such a
- scourge," Picard noted.
- "We defy anyone, even the Romulans, to test our resolve now for collective security,"
- declared Ambassador Natha Kell of Tellar, while Sarahd of Andor spoke of future
- greatness for the infant union and predicted rapid expansion. Ambassador Titus Oleet
- signed for the newly independent Centauri system.
- Today's events were but the ceremonial endgame for the often-tumultuous
- negotiations, which began in earnest after the defeat of hostile forces at Cheron
- effectively ended the Romulan War only a little more than a year ago. Even today,
- some sources reported a later fracas involving the Tellarite Kell and Sarahd.
- Although those taking part today waived off revealing many specific details, the five
- after signing immediately convened the first-ever meeting of the UFP Council long
- enough to elect Vanderbilt as president, with Sarahd as vice president.
- Also, the Council sources unanimously voted to continue meeting in San Francisco, with an all-
- new building in the design stages near the historic old Presidio fort and Golden Gate
- Bridge. Council sources predicted at least three months would be needed before the
- fledgling UFP bureaucracy would be ready for business.