"Live by the Code" est un roman de la série "Enterprise".
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- 4ème de couverture
- Admiral Jonathan Archer has barely settled in as Starfleet Chief of staff when new crises demand his attention. The Starfleet task force commanded by Captain Malcolm Reed continues its fight against the deadly Ware technology, but one of the task force ships is captured, its Andorian crew imprisoned by an interstellar Partnership that depends on the Ware for its prosperity. Worse, the Partnership has allied with a renegade Klingon faction, providing it with Ware drone fleets to mount an insurrection against the Klingon Empire. Archer sends Captain T'Pol and Endeavour to assist Reed in his efforts to free the captured officers. But he must also keep his eye on the Klingon border, for factions within the Empire blame Starfleet for provoking the Ware threat and seek to take revenge. Even the skill and dedication of the captains under Archer's command may not be enough to prevent the outbreak of the Federation's first war!
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- Galaxie (planètes, phénomènes...):
- Espèces intelligentes et organisations: Andorien / Dénobulien / Empire Klingon / Fédération des planètes unies / Humain / Klingon / Starfleet / Vulcain
- Personnages: Jonathan Archer / Travis Mayweather / Phlox / Malcolm Reed / Hoshi Sato / T'Pol / Charles Tucker III
- Vaisseaux, stations et engins: Enterprise NX-01
- Armement et technologie:
- Autres:
Liens externes[]
- (en) Live by the Code sur Memory Beta, wiki Star Trek non-canon.
Livre précédent: Rise of the Federation: "Uncertain Logic" |
Pocket ENT | Livre suivant: Rise of the Federation: "Patterns of Interference" |