Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Littérature trekkienne
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Lost Federations: The Unofficial Unmade History of Star Trek" est un ouvrage de référence.


Lost Federations traces the story of unmade projects across the Star Trek franchise from the 1960s to the present day, examining why they never happened. The production of Star Trek was never an easy road, from the cancellation of the original, iconic 1960s series, through failed revival attempts, and a 1980s-1990s heyday. But the franchise suffered a slow decline before 2009's big-screen revival, "Star Trek (film 2009)", starring Chris Pine.
Lost Federations maps the story of the unmade Star Trek adventures alongside the successes and failures of the Star Trek series and movies that do exist, and considers how these unmade projects might have influenced not just the Star Trek franchise, but wider production trends within film and television – making a case for how much of our popular culture and entertainment has been driven by Star Trek’s almost 60-year vision, and how differently that story might have evolved.
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