Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Littérature trekkienne
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Star Trek Movie Memories" est un autobiographie de William Shatner, relatant son implication sur les films Star Trek dans les années 1970 à 1990.


  • Acknowledgments
  • Dog Days
  • Meanwhile...
  • Deja Vu All Over Again
  • Star Trek: The Emotional Picture
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Bennett... and Meyer, and Montalban, and Diller, and Eisner, and Katzenberg, and...
  • Star Trek III: The Perch for Spock
  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Roams
  • Star Trek V: The Frantic Frontier
  • Star Trek VI: Discovered Country
  • Star Trek VII: Regenerations
  • Captain's Epilogue


4ème de couverture
Following up on ar Trek MemoriesWilliam Shatner covers approximately 1968 to 1994, explaining his role in "Starrek" in tt time. Starting with the final season of the original "Trek," through his somewhat lean in-between years, he then goes into rather extensive detail into the development and production of the first seven feature films.
On top of Shatner's tale, written by himself and Chris Kreski, are narratives written or spoken by dozens of actors, writers, producers, and directors who worked on "Star Trek," resulting in a much more well-rounded piece.
Of particular interest are his descriptions of early plots to the films, particularly his lengthy summary of his original plan for "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" before it got bogged down in a terrible chain of events, and the many early stories pitched for what would be come "Star Trek: The Motion Picture".
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  • En 1995, Shatner participera au documentaire "William Shatner's Star Trek Memories".