Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Littérature trekkienne
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Star Trek Speaks" est un ouvrage de référence.



4ème de couverture
Wit, wisdom, humor and philosophy culled directly from the scripts of the greatest TV adventure of all time created by Gene Roddenberry!
That the universe may live long and prosper… to ensure that the Human adventure is just beginning…
Star Trek Speaks
In the course of seventy-nine original one-hour dramas, Star Trek spoke about aspects of life, death, humanity, society and a host of universal concepts in a way never heard or seen, before or since, on television. Now, for the first time, in the words of Kirk, Spock, Dr. McCoy, Sulu and the bold denizens of their vast universe, here are the stirring messages that continue to echo from galaxy to galaxy.
Words of: war and peace – emotion and logic – society and government – Vulcans and aliens – the Human race… and the universal truths that bind us all together on life's great adventure!
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  • Bien que la date de publication officielle est datée au 15 octobre 1979, le livre n'est pas sorti publiquement avant la sortie de "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" en décembre 1979, étant considéré que le magazine Playboy a annoncé sa sortie imminente en janvier 1980 (p.310).