Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Jeux de rôle / Jeux vidéos / Jeux en ligne / Courts-métrages / Fanfilms
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Star Trek: The Next Generation First Year Sourcebook" est un ouvrage de jeu de rôle de la gamme "Star Trek: The Role Playing Game" de FASA.


4ème de couverture
Update your game with new stats!
The First Year Sourcebook gives information and game statistics based on the first year of the new Star Trek: The Next Generation television show.
With this book, you can integrate the characters, new civilizations, and equipment used in the first year of the show into your Star Trek: The Role Playing Game campaign.
New Ship Positions – Learn the jobs of the new personnel on the Enterprise.
Personal history and game statistics for all the major characters, including:
Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander of the Enterprise
Lieutenant Commander Data, the android Helmsman
Lieutenant Worf, the Klingon Security Officer
New equipment like the Holodeck, new tricorders, new phasers, and Lieutenant La Forge's visor.
New races and planets that have been encountered.
A section of tables and skills for generating characters for The Next Generation.




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