Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Littérature trekkienne
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Strange & Amazing Facts About Star Trek" est un ouvrage de référence.


  1. The History of Star Trek
  2. Captain Kirk
  3. William Shatner
  4. Mr. Spock
  5. Leonard Nimoy
  6. The Crew
  7. The Enterprise
  8. Star Trek Technology
  9. Villains
  10. Aliens and Alternate Universes
  11. The Films
  12. The Fans
  13. Star Trek Trivia Quiz


4ème de couverture
Are you a Trekker?
Do you know how a Vulcan's eyes are different from an Earthling's eyes?
Do you know who played Captain James T. Kirk in the pilot episode of Star Trek? (It wasn't William Shatner.)
Do you know how Khan Noonien Singh escaped from Earth?
Whether you know the answers to these questions or not, if you like Star Trek, you'll enjoy this book. It's filled with facts and trivia about:
  • Captain Kirk and William Shatner.
  • Mr. Spock and Leonard Nimoy.
  • villains and aliens.
  • fans and films and more!
  • PLUS – a Trekker trivia quiz, and lots of photos.
So open the cover of this book, and get ready to go "where no man has gone before."
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  • L'une des notes sur la 4ème de couverture est incorrecte, étant donné que William Shatner n'a incarné le Capitaine James T. Kirk qu'à partir du second pilote de Star Trek.