Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Littérature trekkienne
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Strange New Worlds 2016" est une anthologie de nouvelles originales (fanfictions).


  • TNG:
    • "A Christmas Qarol" de Gary Piserchio & Frank Tagader
    • "The Sunwalkers" de Kelli Fitzpatrick
    • "The Seen and Unseen" de Chris Chaplin
  • VOY:
    • "The Last Refuge" de Roger McCoy
    • "Life Among the Post-Industrial Barbarians" de John Coffren
    • "Upon the Brink of Remembrance" de Kristen McQuinn


4ème de couverture
From the ordinary to the extraordinary, here are ten all-new fan-created stories embraced by the vision of Star Trek®! When Gene Roddenberry first created this landmark television series fifty years ago, he also tapped a wellspring of human imagination. Viewers were immediately transformed, and over the decades turned the very definition of "fan" on its ear. However, when what was on the screen was simply not enough, fans started writing their own stories...
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Star Trek, here are the electrifying results of the 2016 Strange New Worlds writing contest – the best fan-created stories by new writers such as: Derek Tyler Attico, Neil Bryant, Chris Chaplin, John Coffren, Nancy Debretsion, Kelli Fitzpatrick, Roger McCoy, Kristen McQuinn, Gary Piserchio & Frank Tagader, and Michael Turner.
By the fans, and for the fans. Boldly going where no one has gone before.
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  • L'annonce du concours indiquait que l'illustration de l'anthologie serait également réalisé par le biais d'un concours d'illustrations auprès des fans, mais la couverture finale fut créée par Doug Drexler.
  • Les gagnants des premières places étaient Kerry F. Booth et James Corrigan; leurs histoires n'ont pas été publiées dans l'anthologie, mais ils furent récompensés par des packs de publications de livres non-Star Trek.

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Livre précédent:
"Strange New Worlds 10"
Strange New Worlds
Fin de collection