"The Best of the Best of Trek Part Two" est un ouvrage de référence collectant les meilleurs articles parus dans le fanzine Trek.
- 4ème de couverture
- The Top-Rated Articles and Investigations That Have Become Trek Classics
- Featuring more of the intriguing, informative, and revealing contributions that made Part One so fascinating, The Best of the Best of Trek: Part Two is a must read for Trekkies everywhere. Selected by editors Walter Irwin and G. B. Love, these not-to-be-missed writings are by fans and experts alike - speculations, histories, analyses, opinions, and ongoing experiences that expand our understanding of why Star Trek has captured the imagination and hearts of millions. It's nothing less than the very cream of the series that beamed so much of America's favorite science fiction subculture to so many. So climb aboard - the adventure continues!
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