MONDE RÉEL: Jeux de rôle / Jeux vidéos / Jeux en ligne / Courts-métrages / Fanfilms
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)
"The Romulan War" est un ouvrage de jeu de rôle de la gamme "Star Trek: The Role Playing Game" de FASA.
- 4ème de couverture
- While on a routine survey mission, the crew of the USS Sparon receives an urgent message from the Star Fleet Museum at Memory Alpha. As the closest available ship, the Sparon is ordered to investigate an attempted break-in of one of the museum's storerooms. The investigation leads to the planet Daran V and a group of dissatisfied Star Fleet veterans who voice the opinion that much stronger measures should be taken against the Federation's enemies.
- Decisive action is needed when the museum reports the successful theft of a mothballed battleship, the USS Juggernaut, a relic of the Romulan War. If this ship were fitted with modern warp engines and other equipment, it would be a very potent vessel. The adventurers must find those responsible for the theft before the Juggernaut can be used against Star Fleet.
- This adventure module also includes a separate book describing the Romulan War, fought between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire. Included are essays by Federation experts on the causes of the war, the major battles, and the political, social, and economic factors involved.
- Crédits
- Concept et écriture : John A. Theisen
- Editeur en chef : L. Ross Babcock III
- Editeur senior : Donna Ippolito
- Editeur : Todd Huettel
- Managers de production : Jordan K. Weisman, Karen Vander Mey
- Illustration de couverture : Dana Knutson
- Illustrations : Cliff Van Meter, Dana Knutson
- Typographie : Tara Gallagher
- Mise en page et collage : Karen Vander Mey, Dana Knutson, Jeff Laubenstein
- Cet ouvrage est accompagné d'un second ouvrage appelé "Old Soldiers Never Die".
- Galaxie (planètes, phénomènes...):
- Espèces intelligentes et organisations:
- Personnages:
- Vaisseaux, stations et engins: Memory Alpha
- Armement et technologie:
- Autres:
Liens externes[]
- (en) The Romulan War sur Memory Beta, wiki Star Trek non-canon.