"Transformations" est un roman audio de la série "Captain Sulu Adventures".
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- 4ème de couverture
- In the most spellbinding Star Trek audio program ever, experience the incredible sensation of ambisonic 3-D sound as it envelops your mind and transports you to the center of the action in STAR TREK: TRANSFORMATIONS, the first Captain Sulu audio adventure.
- Stardate 11611.8: As Starfleet diplomat Captain Hikaru Sulu speeds across the galaxy in his state-of-the-art shuttlecraft, he is abducted by powerful, frightening dreams that return him to the once desolate, desert world of Sigma Cameron Four. It was here, as commander of the USS Excelsior twenty years earlier, that he discovered traces of the ancient Shalakai – a ruthless culture, who, legend held, had once uncovered the secret to eternal life. Driven to find that secret, Sulu's brilliant science officer, Commander Flynn Konner launched a fateful mission whose outcome would forever haunt the Excelsior crew.
- Now, twenty-years later, as the distinguished archaeologist Dr. Constance Allenwood moves closer to uncovering the Shalakai's secrets on Sigma Cameron Four, Sulu must race to stop her before she unleashes a disastrous chain of events. With its dazzling audio effects and original score, STAR TREK: TRANSFORMATIONS is sure to leave you breathless.
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Informations de production[]
- Narrateurs:
- George Takei est Hikaru Sulu
- Dana Ivey est Constance Allenwood
- Daniel Gerroll est Flynn Konner
- Durée : 1 heure et 12 minutes
- Sur la couverture artistique, Sulu portait un col roulé doré et des insignes de pilote, au lieu du col de commandement de son grade de capitaine.
- Galaxie (planètes, phénomènes...): Sigma Cameron IV
- Espèces intelligentes et organisations: Fédération / Humain / Shalakai / Starfleet
- Personnages: Constance Allenwood / Flynn Konner / Hikaru Sulu
- Vaisseaux, stations et engins: USS Excelsior NCC-2000
- Armement et technologie:
- Autres: archéologue
Liens externes[]
- (en) Transformations sur Memory Beta, wiki Star Trek non-canon.
Début de collection | "Captain Sulu Adventures" | Roman audio suivant: "Cacophony" |