Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Littérature trekkienne
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Unworthy" est un roman de la série "Star Trek: Voyager".


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4ème de couverture
Freed with a thought, the greatest menace to humanity, the Borg are gone, absorbed into the Caeliar gestalt. But are they? Can this deadly menace, that has hovered over humanity for decades truly be gone? Might some shadow of the Caeliar remain? The Federation decides that they have to know and Starfleet is ordered to find out.
The Starship Voyager leads a fleet into a region of space that has lived in fear of instant annihilation for generations, home of the Borg, the Delta Quadrant. Afsarah Eden – the new captain of Voyager is charged getting answers, to reach out to possible allies, and resolve old enmities in the Delta Quadrant.
The perfection that was given to the Borg was withheld from Seven of Nine. Left behind she is living a twilight existence – neither Borg nor Human – and slowly going mad. The whispers of the Collective, comforting mummers she has always known, is replaced with a voice deep within her that keeps insisting she is Annika Hansen. Chakotay, the former captain of Voyager, offers to help Seven rendezvous with the ships that Starfleet Command has sent into the Delta Quadrant, the probable destination of the mysterious Caeliar.
These are not the friendly stars of the Federation, the unknown and the unexpected are the everyday.
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  • Galaxie (planètes, phénomènes...):
  • Espèces intelligentes et organisations:
  • Personnages:
  • Vaisseaux, stations et engins:
  • Armement et technologie:
  • Autres:

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Livre précédent:
"Full Circle"
Pocket VOY Livre suivant:
"Children of the Storm"