Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Jeux de rôle / Jeux vidéos / Jeux en ligne / Courts-métrages / Fanfilms
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"Where Has All the Glory Gone?" est un ouvrage de jeu de rôle de la gamme "Star Trek: The Role Playing Game" de FASA.


4ème de couverture
It started as a routine patrol for the crew of the Chandley-Class USS Niwen. For weeks, the vessel had been picking up only normal subspace radio traffic along the patrol route near the Romulan Neutral Zone. Then came the distress signal from within the zone. Help was needed because the senders said that they had less than 24 hours remaining in their life-support system. If the Niwen pushed its limits of warp speed, they might make it in time – maybe.



  • Galaxie (planètes, phénomènes...):
  • Espèces intelligentes et organisations:
  • Personnages:
  • Vaisseaux, stations et engins:
  • Armement et technologie:
  • Autres:

Liens externes[]
