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Disambiguazione: attore Francis Guinan.

Guinan è la misteriosa barista del Bar di prora, il locale a bordo dell'USS Enterprise-D. E' ben nota per i suoi saggi consigli, che si sono rivelati molte volte inestimabili. E' una El-Auriana, una razza di "ascoltatori" che sono stati dispersi dai Borg. Q, comunque, ha detto una volta che c'è molto di più su di lei di quanto non si possa immaginare.


Guinan and Data (1893)

Guinan e Data sulla Terra nel 1893

Guinan è nata alla fine del XIX secolo terrestre sul pianeta natale degli El-Auriani. Quando era bambina, aveva una belva tarkassiana come amico immaginario. Quando aveva qualche problema, gli parlava e le piaceva raggomitolarsi sulla sua pancia calda. Crescendo, Guinan parla sempre meno con l'amico immaginario, ma l'idea rimane in lei. (TNG: "Un'amica immaginaria")

Da adulta, si nasconde da suo padre sulla Terra (precedentemente al primo contatto ufficiale del pianeta con una razza aliena), fingendo di essere una persona famosa a San Francisco. In quel periodo, incontra alcune importanti persone come Samuel Clemens. (TNG: "Un mistero dal passato - prima parte")

Guinan si trova lontana dal suo mondo natale quando questo viene assimilato dai Borg. Comunque, lei ascolta diverse storie sulla specie cibernetica, comprese alcune delle loro stesse storie. (TNG: "Chi è Q?")

Chekov meets Guinan

Guinan incontra Pavel Chekov nel 2293

Guinan viaggia molto per diverse centinaia di anni, finendo come rifugiata a bordo della SS Lakul nel 2293. Guinan, assieme al resto della sua nave, rimane quindi intrappolata nel Nexus, un'esperienza che lei descrive come "essere dentro la gioia". Guinan, assieme a molti altri El-Auriani rifugiati, rimane traumatizzata quando viene trascinata fuori dal Nexus. Nel 2371, il capitano Jean-Luc Picard incontra l'"eco" di Guinan che è rimasta nel Nexus e, con il suo aiuto, riesce a uscire. (Star Trek Generazioni)

Nel libro Engines of Destiny, un confronto tra un'alternativa Guinan e il guardiano dell'eternità rivela che la versione di Guinan nel Nexus è la fonte delle sue costanti "sensazioni", dato che questa versione di Guinan esiste fuori dal tempo: può quindi raggiungere le altre "sé stessa" e fornire visioni sulle azioni da intraprendere, anche se non sa cosa esattamente potrà succedere alla fine.

A bordo dell' USS Enterprise

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Guinan sistema una situazione tesa nel bar di prora con l'aiuto di un fucile phaser

Guinan arriva a bordo dell' Enterprise-D nel 2365 su richiesta personale del Capitano Picard. Guinan e Picard si conoscono da molto tempo e hanno una relazione che, secondo lei, va "oltre l'amicizia, oltre la famiglia". (TNG: "L'attacco dei Borg - seconda parte")

In precedenza, Guinan disse a Wesley Crusher che non conosceva Picard fino a quando venne a bordo dell' Enterprise. (TNG: "Il bambino") Questo sembra essere stato ignorato nelle storie successive, o forse Guinan stava solo cercando di essere discreta o disingenuous con il giovane Wesley. Inoltre, la prima apparizione di Guinan nell'episodio (TNG: "Il bambino") è in un certo senso misteriosa perché non si capisce la connessione con il capitano Picard né spiegazioni di come sia arrivata a bordo della nave.

Nel Bar di Prora, tiene una selezione di bibite alcoliche per occasioni speciali, in contrasto con le regole della Flotta Astrale riguardo il synthehol. Tiene anche una varietà di di bevande non alcoliche, compresa una bottiglia di whiskey di Aldebaran che le ha dato il capitano Picard. (TNG: "Relics") E' semrpe disponibile per chiunque abbia bisogno, in particolare per gli ufficiali superiori, come consigliere informale.

A metà del 2366, il tenente comandante Data pensa che passare tempo nel Bar di Prora osservando le interazioni sociali umane possa essere utile per sua "figlia", l'androide Lal. Con la guida di Guinan, Lal lavora come cameriera per un breve periodo. (TNG: "La figlia di Data")


Guinan at age twelve

Guinan è esperta delle armi a fase e riesce a battere Worf al Livello 14, usando la mano sinistra. (TNG: "Redemption") Quando nel 2367 alcuni membri dell'equipaggio privati del sonno REM iniziano ad abbozzare una teoria di cospitazione sull'incapacità dell' Enterprise di sfuggire al Tyken's Rift, Guinan riesce a prendere in mano la situazione, grazie a un fugile a raggio energetico che ha comprato su Magus III. (TNG: "Terrori notturni")

All'inizio del 2369, Guinan, insieme al capitano Picard, Ro Laren e Keiko O'Brien, vengono investiti da un'anomalia che riporta i loro corpi all'età di 12 anni a causa degli effetti di un campo di inversione molecolare. Mentre il capitano Picard lascia temporaneamente il comando, un gruppo di Ferengi prende il comando dell' Enterprise. Picard, Guinan, Ro Laren e Keiko O'Brien, però, con l'aiuto di Alexander Rozhenko, riescono a sottrarre la nave ai Ferengi. (TNG: "Giovani eroi")

Guinan, 2371

Guinan nel 2371

Nel 2371, Guinan è tra i superstiti dell'atterraggio di emergenza del' Enterprise. Prima dello schianto dell'Enterprise, aveva detto al capitano Picard che il dottor Tolian Soran stava cercando il modo di tornare nel "Nexus", che lei descrive come l'accesso a un luogo paradisiaco. Aveva anche avvertito Picard che chiunque fosse entrato nel Nexus non avrebbe mai voluto lasciarlo e che ci sarebbe voluto qualcun altro per portarlo via di lì a forza, e che il desiderio di tornare li avrebbe fatti diventare molto pericolosi. Quando Picard viene intrappolato nel Nexus poco dopo, un'"eco" di Guinan che è rimasta lì dopo che il resto di lei l'aveva lasciato, ricorda a Picard di focalizzarsi sulla missione: evitare che Soran distrugga il Sole di Veridian. Con l'aiuto del capitano Kirk, Picard riesce a fermare Soran e quindi scappa dal Nexus. (Star Trek Generazioni)

Gli alloggi di Guinan a bordo dell' Enterprise-D sono sul Ponte 8, stanza 3150. Il suo ufficio è sul Ponte 10, vicino al Bar di Prora. (TNG: "Chi è Q?")

Rapporti con Q

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Guinan nel 2366

Guinan ha "qualche scontro" con Q durante il XXII secolo e probabilmente anche con altri membri del Q Continuum, alcuni dei quali sono da lei definiti "quasi rispettabili". Quale sia esattamente la sua relazione con Q non è chiaro, anche se è evidentemente ostile. Q descrive Guinan come "folletto" e afferam che "dove va lei, seguono guai".

Quando si incontrano a bordo dell' Enterprise, nel 2365, Q è sorpreso di vedere Guinan. Q consiglia Picard di liberarsi di Guinan e aggiunge che sarebbe "più che felice" di vederla sbarcare. In risposta, Guinan solleva le mani, suggerendo di avere qualche abilità per difendersi dai poteri di Q, ma non è chiaro se Guinan possa respingere Q, dato che la sua attenzione viene quindi richiamata da Picard con uno sbrigativo insulto rivolto a Guinan: "basta con questa creatura, ci sta facendo dimenticare lo scopo per cui siamo qui."

Q quindi spiega che l'Umanità non è pronta per ciò che l'aspetta. Guinan difende gli Umani, dicendo che "hanno imparato ad adattarsi". Mentre Q continua a fare proposte a Picard, Guinan protesta contro l'idea di Q di sbattere l'Enterprise nello spazio aperto.

Dopo l'incontro, Guinan racconta a Picard di come Q abbia messo in moto una serie di eveti. Il loro contatto coi Borg, dice, è stato anticipato di molto. Un giorno, l'Umanità sarebbe stata pronta a stabilire una relazione con loro, ma ora l'uinico modo di trattare coi Borg, per l'Umanità, è quello di combatterli. Inoltre, ora che i Borg erano a conoscenza della loro esistenza, sarebbero arrivati presto. Picard risponde che Q potrebbe aver fatto la cosa giusta per motivi sbagliati, dato che la Federazione necessitava di una spinta per prepararsi a ciò che sta per avvenire. (TNG: "Chi è Q?")

Q and Guinan (2366)

Un Q senza poteri incontra Guinan: non è un incontro in cui lui sperava

Il secondo incontro di Guinan con Q a bordo dell' Enterprise avviene un anno dopo, nel 2366. Q, al momento, è rimasto senza i poteri, che gli sono stati tolti dal Continuum, e richiede asilo a bordo dell' Enterprise: una richiesta che Picard, con riluttata, accetta. Quando Data la informa che il capitano e molti membri dell'equipaggio non sono ancora del tutto convinti che Q sia davvero umano, Guinan raccoglie con nonchalanche una forchetta dal bancone e la infilza nella mano di Q. Quando questi si mette a urlare per il dolore, Guinan conclude: "A me sembra abbastanza umano!" Dice a Q che è un pessimo umano e che l'unico modo con cui può sperare di sopravvivere è la generosità degli altri. In seguito, a Q vengono restituiti i poteri dagli altri membri del Continuum. (TNG: "Deja Q")

Q dice che il nome di Guinan nel XX secolo non era Guinan. Si viene a sapere quale sia questo altro nome del XIX secolo negli episodi "Time's Arrow" e "Time's Arrow, Part II".

Interessi personali


Picard and Guinan (2368)

Picard e Guinan, dopo dopo che lei ha perso un incontro di scherma

Alla fine del 2368, Guinan prende lezioni di scherma da Picard. Nel novembre di quell'anno, inizialmente lei perde uno degli incontri, asserendo quindi di non amare questo sport. Picard ribatte che le piaceva due settimane prima, quando aveva fatto due punti. Dpopo il loro primo incontro, in un momento di riposo, iniziando a parlare di Hugh, il drone borg a cui Picard ha permesso di salire a bordo. Quando Guinan gli chiede se ritiene che la decisione sia stata saggia, Picard risponde che è stata una scelta imposta dalla pietà e che la dottoressa Crusher ha deciso di prendersi cura di lui per motivi umanitari.

Quando riprendono, il gioco entra in stallo per qualche minuto, fin quando Guinan cade, prendendosi una gamba nella mano e dicendogli di aver stirato un muscolo. Picard abbassa la spada e si avvicina a lei, preoccupato. Improvvisamente, Guinan si rialza e, velocemente, gli strappa la spada. "Hai sentito pietà verso di me," dice. "Guarda a cosa ti ha portato.". (TNG: "Io, Borg")

Relazioni personali


Guinan was born sometime prior to the 19th century, Earth calendar. Her father, at the time, was already over two hundred years old. (TNG: "Giovani eroi") In her life Guinan had married 23 times and had "a lot" of children. (Star Trek La nemesi; TNG: "Evoluzione") She had a good relationship with her uncle Terkim, the black sheep of the family. (TNG: "Illusione o realtà?")


Riker Wesley Guinan

Riker pretends to be flirting with Guinan

Immediately upon coming aboard the Enterprise, Guinan was able to draw the attention of many people because of the mysteries surrounding her age and origins. Except for Captain Picard, she had not met previously with any of the Enterprise crewmembers, but would soon develop a friendly relationship with many members of its senior staff. (TNG: "Il bambino")

In 2365, Guinan and William Riker attempted to counsel Wesley Crusher regarding his relationship with Salia. As Riker pretended to flirt with Guinan, they proved their own advice inadvisable. (TNG: "La delfina")

Jean-Luc Picard

Guinan and Jean-Luc Picard shared a long-term relationship, which, according to her, went "beyond friendship and beyond family". (TNG: "L'attacco dei Borg - prima parte") She also once said to Geordi La Forge that she was attracted to bald men. (TNG: "Trappola spaziale") In return, Picard once remarked Guinan to be "very selective about whom she calls a friend". (TNG: "Il guardiamarina Ro")

Responding to a question as to the nature of Guinan's friendship with Picard, Gene Roddenberry said: "I will say that friendship is a much broader thing than most people understand." (Star Trek: The Official Fan Club Magazine issue 79, pg. 5)
Guinan and Picard (2365)

Picard and Guinan talk about Data's rights as a sentient being. "...the past always resonates in the present, and decisions made today reach into the future."

In 2365, Data's rights as an individual were challenged when cybernetics expert Commander Bruce Maddox wanted to disassemble the android for study. Picard challenged Maddox's assessment before the local Judge Advocate General. As the hearing neared its end, Picard admitted to Guinan he feared he was losing the case. Guinan asked what Maddox gained if he would be successful in disassembling and reassembling Data. Picard responded he would possess the ability to build many more androids. He remembered Guinan's words that the decisions we make today have implications for the future, and so Picard reasoned that if it would be decided that Data was indeed Starfleet property, all future androids would be also. Guinan noted there was an ancient word for that – slavery. Eventually, Picard would win Data's case by pointing out that an entire race of Datas would be used as slaves – strictly against Federation principles. (TNG: "La misura di un uomo")

In 2367, Guinan featured as cousin Gloria in one of Picard's Dixon Hill holonovels. She, however, was not much impressed with the program. (TNG: "Indizi")

Besides joining Picard on the holodeck, they would occasionally share a game of chess, and Guinan was also coached in fencing by Picard in 2368, begun when she considered exercise to strengthen her arm. Shortly prior to their match, the Enterprise had taken a Borg drone, at that point named Hugh, on board. Although Guinan initially questioned Picard's decision to have done so, she was convinced by La Forge to speak with the former drone. She could not but acknowledge this Borg was developing a personality, becoming an individual. Upon her conversation with Hugh, she convinced Picard to speak with him as well. (TNG: "Io, Borg")

Beverly Crusher

Beverly Crusher and Guinan (2366)

Beverly and Guinan talk about Wesley

In 2366, Beverly Crusher, while seeing her son socialize with other teenagers, asked Guinan whether she had any children. Guinan replied she had a lot and Beverly inquired whether she had ever had trouble with any one of them. Guinan said she had with one who went through a phase when "he wouldn't listen to anybody" – something unusual "in a species of listeners." Asked about how he had grown out of it, Guinan explained a mother shapes her child in ways she doesn't even realize; sometimes just by listening. (TNG: "Evoluzione")

When Crusher was relieved of duty in 2369, Guinan visited her in her quarters, claiming she sought treatment for her tennis elbow. As Crusher began to talk about her recent actions, she explained she had illegally performed an autopsy on the Ferengi scientist Reyga who had appeared to have committed suicide. As Crusher later found out, the Takaran scientist Jo'Bril had in fact murdered Reyga in order to discredit the Ferengi. Upon Guinan's encouragement, Crusher eventually discovered Jo'Bril's plan, prevented him from stealing Reyga's research data, and proved the technology was valid. She was exonerated and returned to duty shortly following the incident. In order to thank Guinan for her encouragement, she presented her with a state-of-the-art tennis racket, upon which Guinan admitted she had never played tennis. (TNG: "Suspetti")

Wesley Crusher

In early 2365, Wesley Crusher was reluctantly preparing to leave the Enterprise and join his mother, who had departed to become head of Starfleet Medical. When he was staring out of the windows of Ten Forward, Guinan approached him, asking him whether he wanted anything to drink. As they talked, Guinan asked him three more times during their conversation, and when Wesley pointed that out, she replied it was what she was expected to do, asking if he didn't always do what was expected of him? He replied he tried to, because sometimes you have to consider others more than yourself. Guinan responded that the question was to know when to consider yourself more than others and to give yourself permission to be selfish. Their conversation made Wesley decide to stay on board the Enterprise after all. (TNG: "Il bambino")

Geordi La Forge

Guinan and Geordi La Forge (2366)

La Forge asks Guinan for advice after his date with Christy Henshaw went troubled. "Always room at the bar for another broken heart."

Guinan would often advise, or rather cheer up, Geordi La Forge after one of his dates went poorly. Thus, in early 2366, La Forge sought her advice after his date, Christy Henshaw, admitted she was not in love with him. When La Forge asked about what Guinan sought in a man, she replied she was attracted to bald men, because long ago one saved her life (Picard had "saved" the 19th century Guinan by remaining with her as she was injured by a time portal, as help came by). La Forge went on explaining he never knew what to say around women. When Guinan remarked he did not appear uncomfortable at the time, La Forge replied that he wasn't "trying" when he was speaking with her. Guinan replied: "Exactly", making him realize he was only uncomfortable when trying to chat up a girl. A few days later, La Forge found himself rather smitten with a holographic recreation of Dr. Leah Brahms. (TNG: "Booby Trap") A little over a year later, he got the chance to meet the real Dr. Brahms and found her much less charming than her holographic version. At the time, he again sought Guinan's advice. (TNG: "Il figlio della galassia")


Guinan beats Worf at phaser range

With ease, Guinan defeats Worf on the phaser range

In mid-2366, Guinan first approached Worf, introducing him to the Terran beverage of prune juice. Although the drink was generally unpopular among Humans, Worf called it "a warrior's drink". As Guinan sat down at his table, she asked why Worf always sat alone. Worf looked at her with vague irritation as the conversation was venturing into areas he'd rather avoid. Worf replied he would require a Klingon woman for companionship as human females were too fragile. Despite Guinan's claim she knew one or two women on board who may have found him a bit tame, Worf refuted this as "impossible". Guinan teasingly called him a coward for not wanting to meet them, upon which Worf replied he was merely concerned for the safety of his crewmates. (TNG: "L'Enterprise del passato")

When the Klingon Civil War erupted in 2367, Worf was torn between remaining in Starfleet service and joining Gowron against the House of Duras. While practicing their skills in the phaser range, Guinan asked Worf about how his son, Alexander, was doing. Worf replied he was having difficulties adjusting to life on Earth, to which Guinan responded that the time would come when Alexander would find out what it really meant to be Klingon, just as the time had now come for Worf. Worf would later request a leave of absence and with the help of Captain Picard, would reveal Romulan assistance to the Duras cause in the civil war. (TNG: "La via di Klingon - prima parte")

Ro Laren

Guinan and Ro Laren (2368)

Guinan talks with Ensign Ro Laren

When the Bajoran Ensign Ro Laren came aboard the Enterprise in 2368, she immediately drew everyone's attention. After discussing Ro with La Forge, Guinan sat next to Ensign Ro in Ten Forward. Although Ro initially claimed she did not want any company, Guinan remarked she would have stayed in her quarters if that were true. As they talked, Ro commented that Guinan was not like any bartender she had ever met, to which Guinan responded that Laren was unlike any Starfleet officer she had ever met and that this might be the start of an interesting relationship. Ro objected mildly to this, saying she never stayed anywhere long enough to make friends. Guinan said that she had just made one.

When Ro was later confined to her quarters, Guinan visited her in her quarters where Ro decided to confide in Guinan after her new friend told her that people like themselves, who had lost their homes, sometimes felt they have no control over their own lives. Ro confessed she was in great trouble. Guinan advised that she herself was in great trouble once and that she would still have been had she not trusted one man. This conversation was instrumental in Ro's decision to reveal to Captain Picard that Admiral Kennelly had made a pact with the Cardassians in order to eliminate Bajoran "terrorists". (TNG: "Il guardiamarina Ro")

When Guinan, Ro, Picard and Keiko O'Brian were transformed into children, Guinan took this opportunity to enjoy her 'second childhood'. Ro however found the idea of 'enjoying' their current situation, not only idiotic and pointless, particularly since Ro herself did not have much of a first childhood. Guinan took her feelings as a challenge, and during the time that followed, began to try and provoke Ro into enjoying their situation, such as jumping on the bed. Later, after they aided in defeating a group of Ferengi who had taken over ship, Geordi and Data managed to return everyone to their proper age. Ro surprisingly now found herself reluctant to return to adulthood. When she didn't show up for treatment, Guinan went in search of Ro, who was in her quarters drawing pictures of her mother with crayons. Guinan reminded Ro that she would need to 'grow-up' again, but also said there was no rush, as she joined Ro in drawing. (TNG: "Giovani eroi")

Ro remained on board the Enterprise and continued her friendship with Guinan until 2370, when she decided to join a Maquis faction. (TNG: "Il tenente Ro")

Timeline alternative

In an alternate version of 2366 created when the USS Enterprise-C disappeared from the year 2344, Ten Forward was suitably altered to befit the military nature of the new timeline. Luxuries were limited, besides Guinan, the civilian wait staff was gone, and crewmembers were often forced to consume TKL rations since replicator power was generally diverted to the defensive systems. Guinan was the only one aboard who noticed the changes that had followed upon the Enterprise-C's appearance, as her species can perceive alternate timelines. At her suggestion, Captain Picard sent the Enterprise-C back to its own time to restore the timeline. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise") She remained aware of these changes in the restored timeline. (TNG: "La via di Klingon - seconda parte")

Since Guinan's incident with the Nexus, where time has no meaning, she simultaneously exists there as well as in the "normal" universe although, as her Nexus self said, she can never enter the "normal" universe as there is already a version of her present there.


Guinan San Francisco Register

Guinan, pictured in the 1893 San Francisco Register on Earth

Guinan hides from her father on Earth
22nd century
Guinan has dealings with Q
Guinan is rescued by the USS Enterprise-B after her transport ship, the Lakul is caught in the Nexus ribbon.
Guinan comes aboard the Enterprise-D at Captain Picard's personal request
When REM sleep-deprived crewmembers began to draft conspiracy theories about the Enterprise's inability to escape the Tyken's Rift, Guinan is able to defuse the situation, thanks to an energy-beam rifle she had acquired on Magus III
Guinan convinces the former-drone Hugh that, despite the Collective's claim, resistance is not futile, and that her own survival is the living proof of that
Guinan, together with Captain Picard, Ro Laren and Keiko O'Brien, is reverted to the body of a twelve-year-old due to the effects of a molecular reversion field.
Guinan is among those who survived the crash of the Enterprise-D
Guinan is present at the wedding of William Riker and Deanna Troi


  • TNG:
    • "The Child" (Season Two)
    • "The Outrageous Okona"
    • "The Measure Of A Man"
    • "The Dauphin"
    • "Q Who"
    • "Evolution" (Season Three)
    • "Booby Trap"
    • "Deja Q"
    • "Yesterday's Enterprise"
    • "The Offspring"
    • "Hollow Pursuits"
    • "The Best of Both Worlds"
    • "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" (Season Four)
    • "Family"
    • "The Loss"
    • "Clues"
    • "Galaxy's Child"
    • "Night Terrors"
    • "In Theory"
    • "Redemption"
    • "Redemption II" (Season Five)
    • "Ensign Ro"
    • "Imaginary Friend"
    • "I Borg"
    • "Time's Arrow"
    • "Time's Arrow, Part II" (Season Six)
    • "Rascals"
    • "Suspicions"
  • Film:


Guinan has a well-known taste for large hats. The first time she is seen without a hat is on the fencing court in "I Borg"; the first time she is seen without headgear of any kind is in Star Trek Generazioni. (When in Human costume, or disguise, in "Clues" or "Time's Arrow", she accessorized with an era-appropriate hat.)


  • Guinan was played by Whoopi Goldberg, who was first introduced in the episode "The Child". Goldberg got the role after she expressed interest to the producers, being a fan of the original series - mostly due to Nichelle Nichols, one of the first black women to be regularly featured in an American television series.
  • Also, Roddenberry intended the Enterprise's bartender to be played by "the most beautiful girl in all creation." (Star Trek 25th Anniversary Special) But when Whoopi Goldberg asked him for a role in his new Star Trek show, he gave it to her and re-wrote the character in the process. (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations': The Multicultural Evolution of Star Trek, Heidelberg: Winter, 2004) During a television interview, aired as part of The Star Trek Saga: From One Generation To The Next, Gene said that Goldberg called him up and said "I am a Star Trek fan, I was a Star Trek fan long before I was ever Whoopi Goldberg and I'm wondering if there's some part I can play in your show?"
  • In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Rivals" the writers, Jim Trombetta and Michael Piller, intended the character of Martus Mazur to be a son of Guinan. Guinan herself was to appear in the episode but Whoopi Goldberg was unavailable. All the references to Guinan were removed and only Martus's status as an El-Aurian was retained. That episode was the first to name Guinan's species and Guinan herself was not identified as an El-Aurian until Star Trek Generazioni.
  • Commenting on Guinan's absence in Star Trek: Primo contatto, Ronald D. Moore said: "We decided fairly early on that Guinan wouldn't be in the movie because she wasn't part of our storyline and we didn't want to shoehorn the character in." [1]
  • Guinan was named for Texas Guinan, a famed female saloon owner from Texas during the early 20th century.
  • Guinan was slated to appear in an episode planned for the unproduced fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise entitled "The Treatment". Under the assumed name "Claranna", she would have been acting personal assistant of the head of the United Earth Space Probe Agency. More of her background would have been revealed, including what she was doing there since the time of Mark Twain.
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