アメリカ合衆国(United States of America)は通称、合衆国、US、USA、単にアメリカとも呼ばれる、地球の北アメリカ大陸に存在した国家であった。アメリカは18世紀に成立し、地球の歴史の中で世界統一のための重要な役割を果たした。アメリカの人々や文化はアメリカンとして認知されており、その統治機構は合衆国政府として知られていた。
ポール・スタッブス博士によると、何世紀も前において野球はアメリカの最高の国民的娯楽であったとされた。(TNG: 進化の刻印)
フェア・ヘブンプログラムのキャラクターである、マイケル・サリバンがUSSヴォイジャーのブリッジに訪れた際、彼は自分がアメリカに連れてこられたと勘違いした。(VOY: フェア・ヘブンの反乱)
- 1600s - English colonization
- English settlers established colonies on the eastern coast of North America. The New England colonists acquired the moniker, Yankees, a nickname eventually used to refer to Americans in general.
- 1692 - Salem witch trials
- An alien race, the Megans briefly mingled among the Puritan population of Massachusetts, until their presence kindled the Salem witch trials. (TAS: The Magicks of Megas-Tu)
- 1775 to 1783 - American Revolution
- The colonies declared their independence from the British Empire in 1776. Under the military leadership of General George Washington and with the support of the French King, the rebellion was successful. (TOS: The City on the Edge of Forever; TNG: The High Ground)
- 1788 - Constitution
- The Constitution of the United States is adopted, and thereafter George Washington was elected President. (TOS: Court Martial、The Omega Glory)
- 1861 to 1865 - American Civil War
- The US was divided over the issues of slavery and limitations of the Federal government, leading to the secession of the Southern states (forming the Confederate States of America) and the Civil War in the 1860s. Under the political leadership of Abraham Lincoln, with a military led by Ulysses S. Grant, the Union was restored and slavery was abolished within the nation. (TOS: The Savage Curtain; VOY: Death Wish、The Q and the Grey)
- 1917 to 1918 - World War I
- The US became involved in the European conflict that broke out in 1914. (TOS: Bread and Circuses)
- 1920s - Prosperity and prohibition
- The US was in a period of great prosperity until the Crash of 1929. (TOS: A Piece of the Action)
- 1930s - Great Depression
- After the Crash of 1929, the US entered a period of economic upheaval and misery. (TOS: The City on the Edge of Forever)
- 1940s - World War II
- The USA was instrumental in the defeat of Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan in the Second World War.
- 1940s to 1990s - Cold War
- High tensions emerged between the US and the Soviet Union, the two largest military and economic powers. (DS9: Little Green Men、Our Man Bashir; VOY: Future's End)
- 2001 - Terrorist attack
- Two airliners were piloted into New York City's World Trade Center. (ENT: Storm Front, Part II)
- 2020 to 2024 - Sanctuary Districts
- The US established the Sanctuary Districts in an effort to alleviate rising unemployment and poverty, leading to the Bell Riots. These Riots, led by Gabriel Bell, led to the dissolution of the Sanctuary Districts. (DS9: Past Tense, Part I、Past Tense, Part II)
- 2026 to 2053 - World War III
- The US participated in, and survived, the devastating Third World War in the mid 21st century, as part of a Western (North American and European) alliance against the Eastern Coalition. In 2053, a peace treaty was negotiated and signed in the American city of San Francisco.
- 2033
- The US added a 52nd star to its flag, indicating the inclusion of a 52nd state to the union. The flag had 52 stars until 2079. (TNG: The Royale)
- 2063
- The Vulcans made first contact with Earth in the North American town of Bozeman, Montana. (スタートレック:ファーストコンタクト)
- 2153 - Xindi incident
- The region of the United States known as Florida was devastated by the first Xindi superweapon. (ENT: The Expanse)
- 22nd century - United Earth
- The United States of America joined in the establishment of a United Earth government in 2150 as well as the United Federation of Planets in 2161.
- アラバマ州
- アラスカ州 - ウィリアム・T・ライカーの故郷
- アリゾナ州 - 1881年にOK牧場の決闘が行なわれた場所。
- アーカンソー州
- カリフォルニア州 - サンフランシスコ、及びヨセミテ国立公園の所在地であり、宇宙艦隊本部とアカデミーがある。また、ヒカル・スールーと、クリストファー・パイクの故郷でもある。
- コロラド州
- コネチカット州
- デラウェア州 - home of a tribe of Native Americans transplanted by Preservers
- フロリダ州 - チャールズ・タッカー三世の故郷であったが、2153年にズィンディ偵察機の攻撃を受けた。
- ジョージア州 - 州都はアトランタ、レナード・マッコイの故郷でもある。
- ハワイ州 - 1941年12月6日、真珠湾攻撃の舞台となった場所。
- アイダホ州 - ジェイムズ・T・カークの叔父がいる。
- イリノイ州 - シカゴの所在地であり、ダニエルスの出身地となる場所
- インディアナ州 - キャスリン・ジェインウェイの故郷。ブルーミントン、インディアナポリスの所在地
- アイオワ州 - 新時間軸でない、ジェイムズ・T・カークの故郷
- カンザス州 - アマンダ・ロジャースの故郷
- ケンタッキー州 - フォート・ノックスの所在地であり、エイブラハム・リンカーンの故郷
- ルイジアナ州 - ニューオーリンズの所在地。ベンジャミン・シスコの故郷であり、ジョセフ・シスコのレストランもここにある。
- メーン州
- メリーランド州 - USSメリーランドの艦名の由来
- マサチューセッツ州 - ボストンとセイラムの所在地。マサチューセッツ工科大学がある。
- ミシガン州 - デトロイトの所在地。
- ミネソタ州 - ダルースの所在地
- ミシシッピー州 - ミシシッピー大学の所在地。
- ミズーリ州 - サミュエル・クレメンズの出身地。また、カンザスシティ、セントルイス、リーズ・サミットなどの所在地。
- モンタナ州 - ボズマンの所在地。2063年のファーストコンタクトの舞台となった。
- ネブラスカ州 - オマハの所在地。
- ネヴァダ州 - ラスベガスの所在地。
- ニューハンプシャー州
- ニュージャージー州 - クレア・レイモンドの息子たちの出身地。
- ニューメキシコ州 - ロズウェル事件の舞台となった、ロズウェルの所在地。
- ニューヨーク州 - ジョナサン・アーチャーの故郷。
- ノースカロライナ州 - 1903年にライト兄弟が人類史上初めて航空機を飛行させた場所。
- ノースダコタ州
- オハイオ州 - クリーブランド、カントンの所在地であり、ケント州立大学がある。
- オクラホマ州 - ブロークン・ボウの所在地であり、2151年に人類とクリンゴンがファーストコンタクトをした場所。
- オレゴン州
- ペンシルベニア州 - カーボン・クリークの所在地。1957年にトゥミアらが訪れた。
- ロードアイランド州 - USSロードアイランドの艦名の由来
- サウスカロライナ州 - ハリー・キムの故郷
- サウスダコタ州
- テネシー州
- テキサス州 - 1836年にアラモ砦の戦いがあった場所。
- ユタ州
- バーモント州
- バージニア州 - ジョージ・ワシントンの出身地。
- ウェストバージニア州
- ワシントン州 - ジョージ・ワシントンに因んで名づけられた州
- ウィスコンシン州
- ワイオミング州 - USSワイオミングの艦名の由来
The United States of America was the location of some of Earth's most important and largest cities. Among these include New York City, New Orleans, Los Angeles, and San Francisco which would later become the location of Starfleet Headquarters.
The capital of the United States was Washington which was located in the District of Columbia, with the city of Washington and the District having exactly the same boundaries. (TOS: The Cage) The District of Columbia was not granted status as a state to avoid any particular state being able to claim possession of the US capitol. The District of Columbia was also the location of all the major United States government headquarters as well as several monuments and museums, among them the Smithsonian Institution. (スタートレック:ファーストコンタクト)
The United States also maintained several overseas territories, protectorates, and possessions, such as Midway Island and Wake Island. (TOS: The Cage)
- 合衆国大統領
- United States law enforcement
- United States law enforcement personnel
- National Security Agency
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Central Intelligence Agency
- United States armed forces
- United States armed forces personnel
- US Air Force
- US Army
- US Marine Corps
- US Navy
- USS Enterprise aircraft carrier (CV-6)
- USS Enterprise aircraft carrier (CVN-65)
- USS Monitor (ironclad)
- スペース・シャトル
- アメリカ人の一覧
In The Royale, Data states that the American flag with 52 stars determines the date of the Charybdis wreckage as originating between 2033 and 2079. From this it can be inferred that:
- In 2033 the number of states in the US became 52
- In 2079 the United States could have:
- Added one or more states
- Seceded or dissolved one or more states
- Changed or modified the flag format
Ominously, 2079 was also mentioned in Encounter at Farpoint. It was the year of Q's court, defined by the time period post-atomic horror. Evidence from スタートレック:ファーストコンタクト and Star Trek: Enterprise indicate that parts of the planet, particularly Zefram Cochrane's area (Montana), were improving due to contact with the Vulcans.
A San Francisco address seen on-screen in Affliction included "USA, Earth", suggesting that "USA" exists at least as a political/geographic designation in 2154. Also, during the NX-01 holoprogram seen in These Are the Voyages..., Malcolm Reed tells Chef, played by Commander Riker, that "his countrymen" might describe Florida native Trip as a hick, suggesting the US was still intact when the Federation was founded in 2161. Since the United Kingdom's Royal Navy continued to exist in 2154, this indicates that all nations did not completely surrender their sovereignty in joining the United Earth Government in 2150. Certainly, James T. Kirk was well-versed in, and quite passionate about, United States documents and customs, so much so that he was able to give an impassioned, memorized recital of the Preamble to the Constitution to the Yangs of planet Omega IV in The Omega Glory. Samuel T. Cogley referenced the Constitution to the court at Kirk's trial in Court Martial, so the United States obviously looms large in the minds of Starfleet officers in the 23rd century. There are many references to individual American states throughout the run of all the series, but it is not specified if the references are solely geographical or if they retain a political implication as well.
The 52-star flag seen in The Royale is unusual in that the field of stars rests on a red stripe instead of a white stripe. The 15-star "Star-Spangled Banner" flown over Fort McHenry during the War of 1812 was the last such flag, and since then, all flags (then returning to 13 instead of 15 stripes) have had the familiar arrangement of the field being to the left of the first seven stripes and resting on the 8th, a white. This was probably an error in the art department, but being a future flag, it could be "official," with the government making that change for one reason or another, though it seems unlikely.
The Omega Glory makes it clear that the war there occurred generations ago, and that post war the lifespan lengthened to about a thousand years. This places the war well before 1200 AD, meaning that Omega IV had the United States of America, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the United States Constitution several centuries (at least) before Earth.
The German map of the continental United States from the episodes Storm Front and Storm Front, Part II includes a combination of real and fictious locations. Alongside Springfield, IL and Annapolis, MD, there is Crossroads, MO and Sun Valley, AL.
- アメリカ合衆国:非正史スタートレックWiki Memory Beta英語版
- アメリカ合衆国:Wikipedia日本語版