Memory Alpha

– ウィリアム・T・ライカーオウ将軍に向けて 2399年理想郷・後編

 インクワイアリー級(Inquiry class)は24世紀終盤から25世紀初期にかけて宇宙艦隊が運用していた宇宙艦である。(PIC: 理想郷・後編, スターゲイザー


 2399年、インクワイアリー級宇宙艦で構成される大艦隊ウィリアム・T・ライカー艦長代理となったUSSジェンヘイに率いられて、コッペリウスに住む人工生命体らをロミュランの艦隊から守護した。(PIC: 理想郷・後編

In 2401, five ships of this class were sent by Starfleet to join an armada opposing a unknown Borg vessel. The Borg liaison sent to the USSStargazer briefly commandeered this vessel and others, before the crew managed to engage their auto-destruct system. (PIC: The Star Gazer)


 インクワイアリー級宇宙艦は、第一船体第二船体(機関部)/ワープ・ナセルからなる一般的な宇宙艦隊の艦船と共通する構造をしていた。ワープ・ナセルには2種類のバリエーションがあった。(PIC: 理想郷・後編

As of 2399, Inquiry-class ships were the fastest and most tactically capable ships in the Federation fleet. They were equipped with phasers and deflector shields. (PIC: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2)


 メイン・ブリッジはデッキ1にあり、中央に指揮官、その前面に透過型のウィンドウビュースクリーンが設置されていた。(PIC: 理想郷・後編


  • USSマゼランNCC-86509)
  • USSネイサン・ヘイル(NCC-86501)
  • USSルスタシュ(NCC-86503)
  • USSシャクルトン(NCC-86517)
  • USSヴァリアン・フライ(NCC-87883)
  • USSジェンヘイ(NCC-86505)
  • 名称不明インクワイアリー級
  • USSカボット(NCC-86539)
  • USSコクレーン(NCC-86516)
  • USSノルゲイ(NCC-86538)




The Inquiry class was identified by name by Michael Chabon. He identified the class as "a heavy cruiser: the Inquiry-class. That's the Zheng He." Originally, when asked by fans on his Instagram account, he identified the USS Zheng He as a Curiosity級 ship, but he later amended the classification of the ship. [1]

According to the Star Trek Universe collection gift issue 6 magazine (pp. 6-7), three additional starships were named and may have been among those that appeared in the class' first appearance: USS Maui (NCC-96761) (β), USS Toussaint (NCC-87111) (β), USS Varian Fry (NCC-87883) (β). While not confirmed in canon, all contents therein is compiled from valid background information provided by the production staff. The Zheng He, Toussaint, Varian Fry and Maui incidentally, each received its own individual model/magazine outing in the collection, as a regular, gift, and two bonus issues respectively. The latter three vessels may well have been part of Riker's fleet in "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2", as class designer John Eaves is known to habitually provide his producers with additional back-up names/registries when requested to come up with one. It is for this reason that the USS Inquiry is not listed here, as no mention of this vessel was made in the Universe publications.


Star Trek Universe Starships Collection issue 2 Star Trek Universe Starships Collection gift issue 6
The publication version of the Inquiry-class CGI model in and on its own dedicated magazines

The class was designed by John Eaves, who in turn based it off one of the three starship designs he had originally submitted for Perpetual Entertainment's ultimately abandoned 2007 version of the Star Trek Online computer game. (Star Trek Universe: The Official Starships Collection, issue 2, p. 9) Eaves' designs were not labeled with names or registries, but he was asked at the eleventh hour to submit one endowed with the name Zheng He and a corresponding registry, which Eaves decided upon as "NCC-86505", even though they remained indiscernable on the production-used CGI model (constructed in Autodesk Maya at Pixomondo by Tobias Richter [2]) as seen onscreen in the episode. (Star Trek Universe: The Official Starships Collection, issue 2, p. 14)

A publication version of the model became prominently featured in several issues of the Star Trek Universe: The Official Starships Collection, the first of which released in the Spring of 2021 and each accompanied by a physical display model based off the production CGI model. The model had to be re-rendered in LightWave 3D, as that was the software package of choice for the publisher of the publication, Eaglemoss Collections. The re-rendering was done by publisher mainstay Fabio Passaro, who also created the corresponding CAD files needed for the construction of the master from which the display models were produced. After its debut in the Universe publication, the publication version became also prominently featured in the August 2021 second edition of the Star Trek: Shipyards - Starfleet Ships 2294 to the Future reference book.


The (current) Star Trek Online game features the USS Inquiry (NCC-86500) (β) as the class-vessel. The notion was also adopted in the Shipyards - Starfleet Ships 2294 to the Future second edition book.


  • Star Trek Universe: The Official Starships Collection
    • Issue 2, March 2021
    • Gift issue 6, September 2021
    • Bonus issue 1, November 2021
    • Bonus issue 2, November 2021
  • Star Trek: Shipyards - Starfleet Ships 2294 to the Future, 2nd ed, pp. 222-227, August 2021


