Memory Alpha



 オリンピック級は2370年代初期には宇宙艦隊で運用されていた。(DS9: ディープ・スペース9奪還作戦・後編LD: キューピッドの外れ矢) 反時間の未来では、オリンピック級は緊急医療のための医療艦として運用されていた。(TNG: 永遠への旅



 オリンピック級は第一船体推進部ワープ・ナセルという宇宙艦隊の標準的な艦の基本要素を満たしていたが、22世紀の宇宙艦隊初期のダイダロス級の様に円盤状の第一船体ではなく、球体の第一船体を有することが特徴である。ディフレクター盤は第一船体の下部に溝状に配置されている。インパルス・ドライブは第一船体の後部の上部に設置されている。大型のシャトルベイは第一船体と第二船体を繋ぐドーサルネック部の第二船体側に設置されている。(TNG: 永遠への旅


 反時間の未来では、オリンピック級のセンサー及び防衛システムは非常に限られていた。従って、クリンゴンネグヴァー級の攻撃にはほとんど耐えることができない耐久性であった。尚、同クラスの最高速度はワープ13であった。(TNG: 永遠への旅




  • USSパスツール (NCC-58925)
  • USSノーベル (NCC-55012)
  • USSキト
  • 名称不明オリンピック級




Olympic class, lcars

Okudagram image

USS Pasteur dedication plaque

Dedication plaque featuring the designation, "Hope-class"

In an interview with Mike Okuda in Journey's End: The Saga of Star Trek: The Next Generation, it was stated, and shown on his computer-generated dedication plaque, that the USS Pasteur was of the Hope-class, named after the WWII hospital ship, USS Hope (AH-7). It was later revealed in the Star Trek Encyclopedia that the name "Hope-class" had only existed in an early version of the plaque, and was later renamed as Olympic-class, honoring the original name of Bill George's model.

An image of the Olympic-class, drawn by Doug Drexler for use in the Encyclopedia, which first appeared on an okudagram in "All Good Things...", would also later appear on a background bridge monitor in "Sacrifice of Angels".


USS Enterprise early design concepts by Matt Jefferies

Jefferies' early design concepts

USS Pasteur studio model

George's studio model

Hoerter with Olympic class model

Dennis Hoerter with the model at Image G.

The ship itself had been previously designed and built by ILM's Bill George in his spare time a year earlier as an homage to one of the earliest design sketches that Matt Jefferies created for the original Enterprise and he offered it for usage in the upcoming episode. According to the script, the Pasteur was described as "a small and sleek vessel with the 24th century equivalent of "Red Cross" markings." [1] "Bill's model was perfect for the Pasteur, because the spherical front would hold more beds than a sleeker shape like the Enterprise. It's a very stately, peaceful looking ship which is exactly what we needed", Visual Effects Producer for the episode Dan Curry elaborated. (Cinefantastique, Vol. 25, No.6/Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 64-65) Normally the series' policy forbade accepting unsolicited models, however due to extreme time pressures at the time of production of All Good Things..., co-producer Peter Lauritson got dispensation in this one instance. (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion, 3rd ed., p. 303) The model has the distinction of being one of the very few studio models that was neither commissioned by the studio nor designed or built by Star Trek's own production team (the other ones are the Batris and the Promellian battle cruiser}. George originally named his model USS Olympic, though the registry has been maintained. [2] That name was carried over in the class-designation. Apart from the name change, very few further modifications were necessary before shooting the model.

