セクション31(Section 31)は宇宙艦隊情報部の非公式な下部組織であり、惑星連邦及び宇宙艦隊の安全保障を担保するために存在する組織の名称である。
また、彼らは秘密裏に新たな工作員候補となる人物を探す必要があった。セクション31が使用した勧誘方法の一つが候補となる人物を拉致し、その人物の連邦への忠誠度をテストを行い、合格したならば組織に勧誘するというものであった。また、候補者にセクション31の工作員としての完全な権限を付与することはせずに、本来の業務を続けさせる中でセクション31としての使命を実行するよう要求するケースもある。(DS9: 記憶なきスパイ、心の決死圏、ENT: 優生クリンゴン)
組織名の「セクション31」は宇宙艦隊憲章の第14条31項(アーティクル14セクション31)が由来である。この条項は「非常事態発生時に限りルールを曲げることを認める」という規則を述べている。(ENT: クリンゴンの苦境)
この記事は書きかけだ。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみて欲しい。記事を書く際は、画面上部の「編集」をクリックするように。 |
The organization's title came from the original Starfleet Charter, Article 14, Section 31, which allowed for extraordinary measures to be taken in times of extreme threat. At some point before 2151, a young Ensign Malcolm Reed was recruited by Section 31 through former Starfleet Security officer Harris. By the time Reed was posted to the テンプレート:EnterpriseNX, he was no longer actively involved in covert operations.
However, in late 2154, when Reed was investigating the kidnapping of Doctor Phlox, he was contacted by Harris again. Harris' organization had entered into a secret agreement with Klingon Fleet Admiral Krell, in which Harris facilitated Phlox's forcible transportation to a Klingon colony to help in finding a cure for the Klingon augment virus in exchange for a mutually-beneficial alliance.
Harris ordered Reed to slow down Enterprise's investigation until Phlox could develop a cure. Reed complied, but his tampering was discovered by Captain Jonathan Archer and Commander T'Pol, and Reed was thrown in the brig. (ENT: Affliction)
T'Pol reconstructed Reed's communication logs and discovered that he had been in contact with Harris. When confronted with this information, Reed confessed that he had been following Harris' orders. Later, Archer had Reed put him in contact with Harris, and Harris told Archer that, if Phlox was successful, the Klingon Empire would stabilize. An outcome that would be quite favorable for Starfleet. Archer remained suspicious of Harris's motives. After the plague was cured, Harris contacted Reed again, but Reed rebuffed him, saying that he only answered to one commanding officer: Jonathan Archer. (ENT: Divergence)
In 2155, Harris agreed to provide intelligence on the Earth-based Human terrorist group Terra Prime to the Enterprise crew when it was discovered that Terra Prime was attempting to disrupt the creation of the Coalition of Planets, and to drive all non-Humans out of Earth's solar system. Harris implied to Reed that this information would come at a price to be exacted at a later time. (ENT: Demons、Terra Prime).
In 2374, Section 31 attempted to recruit the chief medical officer of space station Deep Space 9, Doctor Julian Bashir, after putting him through psychological testing on the holodeck of a ship to which he had been abducted. Subjecting Bashir to an elaborate deception designed to test his loyalty to the Federation, Section 31 operative Luther Sloan presented himself to Bashir as the Deputy Director of Starfleet Internal Affairs, and placed Bashir in a scenario wherein it appeared that he had defected to the Dominion. Eventually, Sloan became convinced of Bashir's loyalty and, citing his genetically engineered background and fascination with spy stories, offered him a position within Section 31.
Bashir, appalled at the thought of an organization that regularly violated the very principles and core values upon which the Federation was founded and which was not accountable to anyone, declined Sloan's offer, although Section 31 continued to regard him as a potential asset. After the agency returned him to Deep Space 9, Bashir alerted the station's senior staff, including his commanding officer, Captain Benjamin Sisko, and Bajoran Militia officers Major Kira Nerys and Constable Odo, of Section 31's existence and its attempt to recruit him. Sisko advised Bashir to accept Section 31's offer to join them should they ask again so Bashir could spy on the organization for Sisko. (DS9: Inquisition)
In mid-2375, Sloan resurfaced and assigned Bashir to diagnose the health of Koval, Chairman of the Tal Shiar, during an upcoming conference on Romulus.
In the course of his efforts to expose Section 31, Bashir discovered that he had actually been manipulated by Sloan into convincing Romulan Senator Kimara Cretak to access Koval's personal database, on suspicions that Section 31 planned to assassinate Koval. This gave Koval sufficient evidence to have Cretak arrested and charged with treason, which assured his own seat on the powerful Continuing Committee. Bashir learned that Koval was an agent of Section 31 after discovering Starfleet Admiral William Ross' complicity in the scheme.
It seemed Section 31 had been planning for what it regarded as a likely war with the Romulan Star Empire following the Dominion War. The agency projected that the Dominion was likely to end up confined to the Gamma Quadrant with the Cardassian Union occupied and left a shambles, and the Klingon Empire left to spend at least ten years rebuilding from the damage left by the Klingon-Cardassian War, the Federation-Klingon War of 2372 to 2373, and the Dominion War itself. Section 31 regarded Cretak as a potential threat to the Federation in the post-war Alpha Quadrant, as her primary loyalties were to the Star Empire's interests, while Koval could be counted on to influence Romulus in the Federation's favor.
Admiral Ross attempted to defend his actions to Bashir by stating that the high cost of the war justified the extreme measures being taken, but Bashir refused to concede that the ends justified the means. Ross responded by dismissing Bashir from his office and forbidding him from repeating and otherwise acknowledging their conversation. (DS9: Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges)
Later that year, while researching the morphogenic virus which was ravaging the Great Link and Odo, Bashir discovered that Section 31 had actually engineered the disease and deliberately infected Odo during a visit to Starfleet Medical three years previously, in a preemptive attempt to neutralize the threat posed by the Founders and the Dominion. Despite the risk that a cure for the disease might reach the Changelings and thus not only strengthen them but also continue the genocidal war they had initiated, Bashir decided to still pursue the matter and find a cure to help Odo. He lured Sloan to Deep Space 9 with false claims of having developed a cure. Sloan, who was committed to the cause of protecting Federation and Starfleet interests at all costs, committed suicide in an attempt to prevent the cure from being discovered, nearly killing Bashir and Chief Miles O'Brien in the process. Unable to revive him, Bashir and O'Brien used a multitronic engrammatic interpreter to link their minds to Sloan's in order to finally retrieve the information before Sloan's brain injuries rendered him brain dead. (DS9: When It Rains...、Tacking Into the Wind、Extreme Measures)
After the cure was discovered, the Federation Council decided against sharing it with the Founders, an act which Odo likened to abetting genocide. The cure was later given to the Female Changeling by Odo as a condition for surrendering her forces and end the war. These events ruined the organization's plan to eradicate the Founders. The Changeling's surrender ended the war and allowed the Founders to live. Odo eventually returned to the Great Link distributing the cure to the rest of the Founders, saving his people. (DS9: The Dogs of War、What You Leave Behind)
- セクション31本部(2257年壊滅)
- 30隻以上の艦船(2257年)
- イオ施設
- USSヴェンジェンス(2259年破壊)
- 高機能長距離魚雷
- ポータブル・トランスワープ転送装置
- ケルヴィン記念アーカイブ(2259年破壊)
- ハリス
- マルコム・リード(以前に所属/工作員としての能力を評価されていた)
- ガブリエル・バーナム
- マイク・バーナム
- カムラン・ガント
- フィリッパ・ジョージャウ
- パタル
- リーランド
- アッシュ・タイラー
- アレクサンダー・マーカス
- ジョン・ハリソン
- トーマス・ヘアウッド
- USSヴェンジェンスの無名クルー
地球の情報機関 |
ナチス・ドイツ:ゲシュタポ • ソビエト社会主義共和国連邦:KGB |
イギリス:MI5 • アメリカ合衆国:CIA • FBI • NSA |
地球連合:セクション31 |
宇宙艦隊の機関 |
地球連合: 宇宙艦隊司令部 • 宇宙艦隊物資補給司令部 • 宇宙艦隊医療部 • 宇宙艦隊任務管制部 • 宇宙艦隊保安部 • セクション31 • 宇宙艦隊訓練司令部 |
惑星連邦: 宇宙艦隊管理部 • 行政部 • 宇宙艦隊高度技術部 • 宇宙艦隊司令部 • 宇宙艦隊通信部 • 宇宙艦隊管制部 • 宇宙艦隊歯科部 • 宇宙艦隊機関部 • 宇宙艦隊探査部 • 宇宙艦隊広報部 • 監察官室 • 宇宙艦隊情報部 • 内務監査局 • 法務総監 • 宇宙艦隊物資補給司令部 • 宇宙艦隊医療部 • 宇宙艦隊作戦部 • 宇宙艦隊任務サポート部 • 宇宙艦隊管制部 • 宇宙艦隊軌道管制部 • 宇宙艦隊労働安全衛生部 • 宇宙艦隊調査・開発部 • 宇宙艦隊科学部 • セクション31 • 宇宙艦隊保安部 • 宇宙艦隊造船所管理部 • 宇宙艦隊星図作成部 • 宇宙艦隊戦術部 • 宇宙艦隊訓練司令部 • ワープ技術開発グループ• 宇宙艦隊上級宇宙艦設計部 |
The organization seen in "Affliction" and "Divergence" was never explicitly referred to as "Section 31", although interviews with Enterprise production staff confirm that it is intended to be the same as the organization seen on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Harris wears a leather uniform similar to the one worn by Sloan two hundred years later, and refers Captain Archer to "Article 14, Section 31" of the Starfleet Charter. This is consistent with Sloan's comment that Section 31 was created as part of the "original" Starfleet charter, but not with Bashir's statement that 31 has managed to stay hidden for "over three hundred years" in DS9: Tacking Into the Wind. Writer Ronald D. Moore considered this figure a mistake and stated that it should have been only around two hundred. The figure was later corrected. (AOL chat, 1999)
There are no canonical references to Section 31 activity in the 23rd century, but the non-canonical novels published by Pocket Books posit that Section 31 was involved in the theft of the Romulan cloaking device by the USS Enterprise (TOS: The Enterprise Incident), the development of the Omega molecule and the subsequent destruction of subspace in the Lantaru Sector (VOY: The Omega Directive), and spying upon Federation civilian attorney Samuel T. Cogley (TOS: Court Martial). Starfleet Admiral Lance Cartwright was established to be a Section 31 agent in the novel Section 31: Cloak, suggesting the possibility that the Khitomer conspiracy was, from the Federation end, a Section 31 operation.
Although the televised appearances of Section 31 have been limited to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Enterprise, a short series of novels, Star Trek: Section 31, has also been published, documenting encounters with Section 31 in the other Star Trek series. These stories were largely designed around, and serve to explain or provide background to, certain canon events. In the novels it is revealed that Section 31:
- had a hand in the disastrous test of the Omega molecule (see VOY: The Omega Directive)
- had Admiral Cartwright and Cortan Zweller as agents (see スタートレック6:未知の世界, TNG: Tapestry)
- placed an agent aboard the USSVoyager before it was transported to the Delta Quadrant in 2371 (see VOY: Scientific Method)
- attempted to recruit USSEnterprise-E conn officer Lieutenant Hawk (see スタートレック:ファーストコンタクト)
- was responsible for Admiral Dougherty's mission to forcibly and illegally relocate the Ba'ku (see スタートレック:叛乱)
- continues to regard Julian Bashir as an asset
- had a hand in the events of TOS: The Enterprise Incident
- attempted to kill the former Borg drone Seven of Nine
Section 31 is also revealed to be responsible for allowing the Dominion to engage in an infamous massacre of Federation civilians during the war as part of an attempt to recruit a potential agent.
In The Good That Men Do, by Andy Mangels and Michael A. Martin, Section 31 recruited Commander Charles Tucker III to enter Romulan territory.
Section 31 has also appeared in the Star Trek: A Time to... series. In A Time to Kill and A Time to Heal by David Mack, it is revealed that Section 31 has a hand in a coup d'etat organized against the President of the United Federation of Planets, Min Zife, whom they assassinate.
All of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine DVDs feature several "Easter eggs" known as "Section 31 hidden files."
In Star Trek: Starfleet Command III in a mission in the Romulan campaign, the player is inspecting the damage to the Unity One starbase. While listening to the Federation-Klingon Alliance broadcasts one Starfleet officer suggests, "Why don't you ask Section 31?" as to how Starfleet could know if the Unity One scans could detect cloaked Romulan vessels.
After the events of the novel Section 31: Cloak, Captain Kirk briefed Starfleet Captains Phil Waterson and Nick Silver and Commodores Aaron Stone and José Mendez of his discoveries and suspicions about Section 31 and the five men formed the Kirk Cabal, a secret group designed to oppose Section 31 whenever it was involved in any known activity. The Kirk Cabal was still active as of 2376 when Elias Vaughn recruited Julian Bashir into its ranks.
According to The Good That Men Do, the existence and activities of Section 31 were exposed to the general public by the early 25th century and its agents were eventually brought to justice for their crimes. The public release of Section 31's files and records ended over 300 years of the bureau's illegal and unsanctioned black-ops and infiltration programs.
In the MMO game Star Trek Online Section 31 tests player characters on a mission in a fashion similar to that of Dr. Julian Bashir.
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