Memory Alpha

 タイプ3・フェイザー(type-3 phaser)は、単にフェイザー・ライフルとも呼ばれる宇宙艦隊の標準的なライフルフェイザー兵器である。

 24世紀のフェイザー・ライフルは16段階の出力設定、完全自律式再充電機能、複数目標ロック機能、ジャイロ安定期を有し、カーデシアフェイズ・ディスラプター・ライフルよりも威力には劣るが、標準的なフェイザーよりも強力な武器である。しかし、高性能ではあるが操作が複雑であるため、戦場には向かないという評価もある。(DS9: 新たなる戦線


Phaser rifle, alternate reality



Section 31 phaser rifle



Kirk with phaser rifle


 2260年代宇宙艦隊では、フェイザー・ライフルは宇宙艦隊艦船の上陸班が標準装備として用いる携行武器ではなく、タイプ2・フェイザーよりも重火器が必要と判断された場合のみに装備されていた。一例として2265年デルタ・ヴェガへの上陸任務の際にスポックはフェイザー・ライフル携行のために特別な要請を行う必要があった。[3]TOS: 光るめだま

 ロミュラン製の偽フェイザー・ライフルは精巧に作られており、本物同様に出力は1.05メガワットだった。しかし、放射クリスタルのエネルギー変換効率が94.1%であり、本物に比べて変換効率が良すぎたこと(一方、宇宙艦隊の正規品では87%までが限界だった)。また、フェイザー・ビームの初期発射スパイクのテラヘルツ・レンジでのパワーセルチャージ時のサインが本物と違っていたことなどから、これはロミュラン・ディスラプターで使用されている技術であることをデータ少佐ジョーディ・ラフォージ少佐が突き止めた。(TNG: 裏切りの序曲


 フェイザー・ライフルは膨張エネルギー・パルスの発射も可能である。これは出力を抑えれば機械に当てても機械を破壊することはないが、出力を上げれば可変種に対してダメージを与えることが可能であった。(DS9: 忍び寄る可変種の脅威

Compression phaser rifle, 2373


 2370年代初期には圧縮フェイザー・ライフルも採用され、イントレピッド級ノヴァ級他の宇宙艦に配備されていた。(VOY: 遥かなる地球へ異空生命体を呼ぶ者達・前編プロメテウスの灯を求めて

Picard and Data hunt Borg


Worf firing phaser rifle




 24世紀の宇宙艦隊のフェイザー・ライフルはいくつかのコンポーネントによって構成されていた。(TNG: 裏切りの序曲DS9: 戦争の影-AR558攻防戦-

  • ビーム・コントロール・アセンブリ
  • 放電結晶
  • 発射口
  • エネルギー・セル
  • パワー・パック
  • 予備薬室
  • 急速ナディオン・パルス
  • セーフティー・インターロック
  • 照準


  • ベイジョー・フェイザー・ライフル
  • レガリア・フェイザー・ライフル



  1. 宇宙大作戦』のいくつかのエピソードではタイプ2・フェイザーは可視光線を発射しない武器として描かれた。(TOS: 惑星オリオンの侵略宇宙からの使者 Mr.セブン盗まれたスポックの頭脳宇宙の精神病院) 新時間軸のライフルは映画のコンセプト・アートでフェイザー・ライフルとされた。しかし、小説版ではパルス・ライフルと呼ばれていた。これはスタートレック:エンタープライズ22世紀人類が使用していたプラズマ・ライフルの呼び名であった。
  2. セクション31のフェイザー・ライフルのデザイン担当はジョン・イーブスであった。[1]
  3. ただし、この要請などの手続きに関しては、2360年代では省略されている一方で、上陸班が武器を必要とする危険地帯などに立ち入る際には装備を許された。
  4. 2370年代の新型フェイザー・ライフルはマークI[2]とマークII[3]、マークIII[4]が「It's A Wrap! sale and auction」で販売されている。『Star Trek Encyclopedia』第三版356ページでは圧縮フェイザー・ライフルと記載されている。これはビデオ・ゲーム『Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force及び『Star Trek: Elite Force II』にも登場する。



Phaser rifle prop

Penny Juday holding a 24th century phaser rifle

Matt Jefferies is accredited with drawings for the original series type 1 and 2 sidearms which fit together in a modular fashion. Said drawings also mention mysterious "UNIT 4" for which no drawing or design was ever made public nor featured in the original series. Possibly this UNIT 4 was meant to be a phaser rifle, but was never used on the show. (Star Trek: The Original Series Sketchbook, pp. 92-93)

While Voyager originally only used compression rifles, they later also used the First Contact variant – indicating that weapon had been part of the ship's stores since they left DS9 in 2371. This seems anachronistic since that weapon wasn't introduced in other productions until around 2373, after Voyager departed. Even so, Deep Space Nine used two designs (the TNG rifle and the First Contact rifle) concurrently, indicating that no one design was "replaced", establishing that Federation postings could use two types simultaneously.

According to the It's A Wrap! sale and auction, the スタートレック:ネメシス version of the phaser rifle (with flashlight) uses "a pair of C123 3-volt batteries... the bulb housing is inscribed '6v Lamp, Laser Products, P60'." A Surefire brand P60 designation lamp is capable of outputting 65 lumens of light. A stunt version from Star Trek: Nemesis was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [5]

The term "type 3 phaser" was first referenced in Phage, and later again in Flesh and Blood.


Phaser rifle design sketch by Reuben Klamer

Klamer's approved phaser rifle design

In the script version of 15 July 1965 (scenes 134 and onward) for Where No Man Has Gone Before, this type of phaser is referred to as "heavy," "large," "lethal-appearing," and "lethal." Also, its discharge is described as "a deep, fiery-red beam." The rifle, while carried by Kirk, is said to be "slung across his shoulder," though this is not shown in the episode's final version, the weapon instead being carried by hand.

For the construction of the rifle prop, Gene Roddenberry, turned to an outside contractor, toy manufacturer and inventor Reuben Klamer (at the time already of Milton Bradley's The Game Of Life board game fame). Roddenberry became aware of Klamer's work, as he spotted a prop gun in use at another television production, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Contacted by Roddenberry, Klamer agreed upon designing the prop, the final version of 28 June 1965 being the one Roddenberry signed off on. (Julien's Auctions presents: Star Trek)

Phaser rifle prop, original version

The original phaser rifle prop

Upon approval of the design, Klamer was given the go-ahead by Roddenberry to proceed with manufacture of the prop, admonishing him that time was of the essence as shooting was already scheduled to begin in July. In a video, shot for the below mentioned auction, Klamer recalled that he initially was only given a mere two weeks to come up with both the design and the prop. A near impossible deadline, Klamer, upon additional urging by William Shatner who desperately wanted the prop, needed an additional staff of three, that included employee Ab Kander, to complete the prop on time. Working around the clock, the weapon was constructed out of wood and finished with a blue/green metallic paint. Additional detailing included the hand-tooled aluminum barrel and spring-loaded trigger, a sliding switch to adjust the force setting, three plastic non-functional domed indicator lights and inset plastic panels as well as a telescoping antenna mounted to the top. Moveable pieces on the weapon included three acrylic turret tubes cylinders with what appeared to be copper painted metal conduit with ends painted to match the three force settings. The entire turret unit turned on a center axis. The black shoulder butt also rotated to be used as a handle or shoulder stock. According to Klamer in the video, Roddenberry in person took possession of the prop, which measured 34×14×4.5 inches, in the second week of July, and was very excited about its end-result, reportedly exclaiming, "This is it! This does the job! Those guys at NBC will be surprised that we have this in the show." (Julien's Auctions presents: Star Trek)

In "Where No Man Has Gone Before", the phaser rifle's beam was reused animation from the impact of the laser cannon in TOS: The Cage. ("Where No Man Has Gone Before" text commentary, TOS Season 1 DVD special features)

When it was announced – during the Watts riots of テンプレート:M – that the rioters were about to move to Desilu's production base of Culver City, California, the original phaser rifle from "Where No Man Has Gone Before" was one weapon that Herbert F. Solow suggested to Gene Roddenberry as a means of protection. (Inside Star Trek: The Real Story, p. 89) Apart from its use in the episode and its proposed anti-riot use, the phaser rifle prop was most notably re-utilized for well known official publicity shots, which featured William Shatner, in the guise of Kirk, holding the phaser rifle. (Inside Star Trek: The Real Story, pp. 117, 106, 190; et al.)

Roddenberry obviously reverted his initial enthusiastic stance on the phaser rifle, and it was retired from TOS after he decided that, in common with smoking, guns were not to be shown on the series, either. Regarding the TOS design of phaser rifle, Bjo Trimble remarked, "The gun was just a little too lethal-looking for Gene's taste and he just didn't like it." (TOS Season 1 Blu-ray special features, Starfleet Access: "Where No Man Has Gone Before") The phaser rifle prop was returned to creator Klamer, who kept it in pristine condition in his possession for the next half a century. It has made "Where No Man Has Gone Before", the only canon appearance of the design in the Star Trek franchise.

Becoming somewhat of an iconic piece in the Star Trek fan community, having been called "The Holy Grail" by Star Trek-archivist Alec Peters, has prompted CBS Television Studios to commission the manufacture of at least one copy for inclusion as a display piece in exhibitions, such as Star Trek: The Experience [6] and Star Trek The Exhibition [7]. It were these copies that turned up in later (un)official publicity photographs and illustrations of Dave Rossi and Elizabeth Dehner actress Sally Kellerman individually posing with the prop. (TOS Season 1 Blu-ray special features, Starfleet Access: "Where No Man Has Gone Before"; et al.) Apparently, a phaser rifle prop copy ended up in Sally Kellerman's possession after the 2010 Official Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas. [8]

Michael and Denise Okuda have been somewhat critical of the TOS-era phaser rifle. Although Michael Okuda found it "a cool concept" and particularly liked how some of the weapon's components moved, he also believed the phaser rifle had "kind of a funky design." He concluded, "I think they were right to retire it after ['Where No Man Has Gone Before']." Dave Rossi remarked on the opinions that the Okudas, who Rossi worked with on Remastered TOS, had about the weapon; "I'm told that my learned colleagues thought that the phaser rifle was a bit hokey-looking." Yet, Rossi's own thoughts on the TOS-era phaser rifle differed substantially from those of the Okudas. "I love the phaser rifle," he raved. "The phaser rifle kicks butt! And I'm bummed that it only appears in ['Where No Man Has Gone Before'], because to have a phaser gun that can, you know, take the top of a mountain off, what did the phaser rifle do?! You know what I mean? I really wanted to see this thing in future episodes. I didn't think it looked hokey at all; I thought it was cool. It was bulky and it was mean and looked good in Kirk's hands a lot." (TOS Season 1 Blu-ray special features, Starfleet Access: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

The actual original phaser rifle itself, with the accompanying period studio paperwork, was eventually offered up for auction by creator Klamer in Julien's Auctions' Hollywood Legends Auction of 5 April 2013. As lot 120 it had an estimate of US$50,000-$70,000, selling for over three times the high estimate at US$231,000, in the process becoming the most expensive Star Trek hand-held prop ever sold at auction to date, affirming Alec Peter's assessment. [9]

