ノーシカン | |
24世紀のノーシカン男性のホログラム |
ノーシカン(Nausicaan)はベータ宇宙域のヒューマノイド種族。母星をノーシカという。(TNG: 運命の分かれ道、ENT: 復讐の連鎖) 彼らの支配する領域はアルファ宇宙域にも及んでいた。(VOY: 断絶するQ)
ノーシカンは外観の特徴として大柄で筋肉質の体格を持ち、大抵2メートルを超える身長と強い腕力を備えていた。その顔は灰色から黄土色をしていて張り出した骨で輪郭が構成され、口の両側から尖った牙がつき出していた。また、額に縦に並んだ小さな角を持つ者もいた。(TNG: 運命の分かれ道 他) 黒い強膜、もとの黄色が怒りによって赤く変色する虹彩という特徴の眼球を持つ個人がいた。(LD: 永遠のトム・パリス) テンプレート:Bginfo
According to Doctor Phlox in 2151, the Nausicaan adrenal gland gave off a fragrance not unlike the scent of some female Humans' sweat after performing exercise. (ENT: Fight or Flight) テンプレート:Bginfo
The Nausicaan speaking voice could be both comparable to Human voices or be much deeper, with a distinct Nausicaan accent. (ENT: Fortunate Son; TNG: Tapestry) テンプレート:Bginfo
2151年、地球連合宇宙艦隊はエンタープライズ(NX-01)がテンプレート:ECSとノーシカン海賊の騒擾に介入したことによってノーシカンと初接触した。(ENT: 復讐の連鎖)
As an ensign, Christopher Pike tripped over the fallen pants of a Nausicaan he was pursuing, and his commanding lieutenant responded that perhaps security was not the best fit for him. (SNW: Children of the Comet)
In the mid-2320s during his sophomore year, Cadet Jean-Luc Picard was assigned to training on Morikin VII where he had his first encounter with Nausicaans, who had an outpost on a nearby asteroid. (TNG: Tapestry)
In 2327, the newly graduated Picard and two of his friends, Cortan Zweller and Marta Batanides, became involved in a fight at the Bonestell Recreation Facility on Starbase Earhart after a trio of Nausicaans cheated during a game of dom-jot. During a melee, one of the Nausicaans stabbed Picard through the heart with a Nausicaan sword, severely injuring him and necessitating the implanting of an artificial heart. (TNG: Samaritan Snare、Tapestry)
A Nausicaan was seen in a bar on Dessica II in 2370 while the senior staff of the USSEnterprise-D was searching for clues about the whereabouts of Captain Jean-Luc Picard in that establishment. (TNG: Gambit, Part I)
In 2371, a group of Nausicaan raiders used an ultrasonic generator to break in and rob the Central Museum of Remmil VI by breaking down one of the walls. (DS9: Heart of Stone)
Nausicaans were a common choice as bodyguards or mercenaries – FCA liquidator Brunt used two Nausicaans as bodyguards in 2372, when he investigated a labor union set up by employees of Quark. The Nausicaans severely beat Quark in an unsuccessful attempt to force Rom to shut down the union. (DS9: Bar Association)
In 2374, Quark proposed using Nausicaans to break his brother out of his holding cell on Terok Nor. For five bars of gold-pressed latinum, Quark could hire five Nausicaans, a fast ship, and very few questions. Breaking Rom out of the holding cell would have been child's play compared to the things Nausicaans are used to doing. (DS9: Favor the Bold) When discussing how to rescue Ishka from the Dominion, Rom suggested to gather the toughest mercenaries available, including Nausicaans, Breen and Klingons. (DS9: The Magnificent Ferengi) Later that year, Quark made 200 bars of gold-pressed latinum by selling Denevan crystals to a Nausicaan entrepreneur. (DS9: The Sound of Her Voice)
The Orion Syndicate was also known to hire Nausicaans. Miles O'Brien was attacked by several of them on New Sydney in 2375. (DS9: Prodigal Daughter)
A Nausicaan representative was part of the holographic diplomacy scenario 12-alpha aboard the USSVoyager, in which Q Junior was to act as a mediator. Here, amongst other species, Nausicaans and Bolians were fighting over the mining rights to a dilithium-rich planetoid. The holographic Nausicaan claimed that the planetoid was within Nausicaan space and warned that they would attack anyone who came near it. (VOY: Q2)
When he was attending Starfleet Academy, Brad Boimler had a run-in with a group of Nausicaans who wanted to eat his heart. His friend Fletcher was able to talk them down to spitting in Boimler's face instead. (LD: Terminal Provocations)
2381年、ボーンステル娯楽場においてベケット・マリナー少尉は、ドゥヴァナ・テンディ少尉のためにバーテンダーのアディックスに請求されたドクター・タアナのカイティアン・リビドー・ポストの修理代を捻出するため、ドムジョットで数人のノーシカンの一団からラチナムを巻き上げようとした。しかし、ゲームに負けたノーシカンらは、初心者と触れ込んでいたマリナーとビギナーズ・ラックで勝利したテンディにイカサマだと激高して喧嘩を始め、勝負は有耶無耶となった。(LD: 永遠のトム・パリス)
During the mid-22nd century, Nausicaans committed acts of piracy against freighters in the same sector for several years. Hunting parties of several warp-capable starships, armed with plasma cannons and protected by shields, worked out of Nausicaan cargo stations. The pirate crews were armed with hand-held directed energy weapons. (ENT: Fortunate Son) テンプレート:Bginfo
In the 23rd century, Nausicaan disruptor pistols were items which were readily traded by arms dealers. (DIS: Will You Take My Hand?)
A Nausicaan game, played by Brunt's bodyguards, involved tossing darts at each other's chests, as causing pain was a theme present in most Nausicaan games. (DS9: Bar Association)
- 無名のノーシカンも参照
There were at least two pronunciations of this species' name. One pronunciation, from the script for "Samaritan Snare", was "NAW-sik-can". テンプレート:St-minutiae The other pronunciation, from the script for "Bar Association", was "NAW-si-can". テンプレート:St-minutiae
『Star Trek Encyclopedia』には、ノーシカンという種族の「名称はギリシア神話の風の神であるナウシカアーと、1984年のアニメファンタジー映画『風の谷のナウシカ』から名付けられた」とある。パトリック・スチュワートは、2005年に英語版の『風の谷のナウシカ』で声優を務めている。
In the final draft script of Tapestry, this species was introduced with the description, "The Nausicaans are large, burly with hideous features." テンプレート:St-minutiae The Nausicaan makeup consisted of a facial mask which was painted virtually the same color as bones. (Star Trek: Aliens & Artifacts, p. 120)
In the audio commentary for "Tapestry", Denise Okuda erroneously told Ronald D. Moore that a Nausicaan appeared before that episode, in the installment Allegiance; she was likely thinking of the Chalnoth instead, due to the similarities in their physical appearance. As the commentary proceeded, Okuda referred to the Nausicaans as "great" and agreed with Moore that the Nausicaan mouth appliance looks especially good.
The depictions of Nausicaans as thugs and enforcers on スタートレック:ディープ・スペース・ナイン was partly due to their introduction in "Tapestry", as it was considered effective, and because they had considerably striking makeup. (Star Trek: Aliens & Artifacts, p. 120)
James Lomas commented on the Nausicaans in DS9's "Bar Association": "LeVar Burton wanted the worst guys they had to use as strike busters... so he asked for the Nausicaan masks and uniforms from TNG". (テンプレート:Ds9c)
In The Magnificent Ferengi, the Nausicaans were originally to have captured Grand Nagus Zek and held him prisoner. (Cinefantastique, Vol. 29, Nos. 6/7, p. 55) Ira Steven Behr commented, months before that, "We'll do a show about [the Nausicaans] being an enemy for an episode." (テンプレート:STM) Zek's captor was instead ultimately changed to being the Dominion.
In the stage directions from the script of Fortunate Son, the Nausicaans were described as "tall with crab-like mandibles and a bad attitude." In an ultimately unused line of dialogue from the first draft of that script, Travis Mayweather commented Nausicaans were "the last people you want to meet out here." They were referred to as "a nasty-looking species" in the script of Canamar, which also noted they had last been depicted in "Fortunate Son".
A Nausicaan knife from "Tapestry" was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1]
Nausicaans appear as enemies in the video game Star Trek: The Next Generation - Klingon Honor Guard, where they are called "Nausicans".
The Pocket DS9 テンプレート:Novel Warpath established that the Nausicaans believe in gods known as the Four Winds and when a Nausicaan dies, their soul, or tegol is brought to an afterlife called the Heart of the Sky where the Four Winds dwell, as well as the Nausicaan's friends and family. Author David Mack stated this was a tribute to the Greek myth of Nausicaa and to the 1984 anime film Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind of which the Nausicaans are named after. [2]
In Star Trek Online, Nausicaans are a playable species for the Klingon faction. The Nausicaans were mercenaries allied with the Gorn during the Klingon-Gorn War and when the Gorn surrendered, the Naussicaans did too, becoming formal allies with the Klingon Empire. A few episodes in the game feature the Nausicaans as the player's opponents.
- ノーシカン at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works