Memory Alpha
49行目: 49行目:
==22nd century==
[[File:P'Jem surveillance.jpg|thumb|ヴァルカンが隣国アンドリアを監視するために、聖地プジェム修道院の地下に密かに建造して運用していた監視施設]]
[[File:P'Jem surveillance.jpg|thumb|The surveillance facility beneath P'Jem was used by the Vulcans to secretly spy on their Andorian neighbours]]
Shortly before or in [[2104]], a [[Vulcan]] [[science vessel]] surveyed [[Berengaria VII]], reporting its [[dragon]]-like [[reptile]]s to be over two hundred meters in length and breathing fire. ({{ENT|Bound}})
 [[22世紀]]中盤時点で、ヴァルカンは[[アルファ宇宙域]]の大国の一つとして知られていた。[[ヴァルカン最高司令部]]は多くの種族とは友好関係を築いていたが、隣国の[[アンドリア帝国]]他いくつかの種族とは対立状態に陥っており、度々戦争の危機に陥っていた。これら対立関係の仲裁や関係改善に[[地球連合]]が支援を行った。しかし、中には[[アーコニアン]]の様にヴァルカンに対して憎悪を抱いている種族もあった。([[ENT:熱き夜明け]])<pre>A [[deleted scene]] from "Dawn" even suggests that capital punishment was to be expected by Arkonian captains allowing Vulcans on their ships.</pre>
By the mid-[[22nd century]], Vulcan was a regional power in the [[Alpha Quadrant]]. The [[Vulcan High Command]] did have rocky relationships with several species and were still often engaged in conflicts with the neighboring [[Andorian]]s, occasionally teetering on the brink of war. Often, NX-01 was needed to help resolve disputes. Nevertheless, among the tensest relationships remained those with the [[Arkonian]]s, who even developed a substantial hatred towards Vulcans. ({{ENT|Dawn}})
 ヴァルカンは[[マザール]]や[[コリダン星|コリダン]]、[[地球連合]]といった国家とは友好関係を築いていた。[[マザライト]]は自国政府の中で腐敗と汚職が蔓延った際に、ヴァルカンに支援を求めたことも記録されている。その際にヴァルカン政府は著名な[[ヴラー]]を駐マザール[[大使]]として派遣し、大使は政府内の腐敗の証拠を集めた。([[ENT:追放された者への祈り]])<br />
{{bginfo|A [[deleted scene]] from "Dawn" even suggests that capital punishment was to be expected by Arkonian captains allowing Vulcans on their ships.}}
Vulcan had a better relationship with allies such as the [[Mazar]], [[Coridan]], and the [[United Earth]] government. When the [[Mazarite]]s considered their government entrenched in corruption, they asked the Vulcans for help. The Vulcans then assigned [[V'Lar]] as their [[Ambassador]] to Mazar, who collected evidence against the corrupt officials. ({{ENT|Fallen Hero}}) Certain [[Coridanite]] factions considered the government on their world corrupt, and only kept in place by Vulcan influence. ({{ENT|Shadows of P'Jem}}) And though many [[Human]]s believed the Vulcans were holding them back from their true potential as explorers, Vulcan considered Earth one if its most important allies "for over a hundred years." ({{ENT|Awakening}})
Vulcan had a better relationship with allies such as the [[Mazar]], [[Coridan]], and the [[United Earth]] government. When the [[Mazarite]]s considered their government entrenched in corruption, they asked the Vulcans for help. The Vulcans then assigned [[V'Lar]] as their [[Ambassador]] to Mazar, who collected evidence against the corrupt officials. ({{ENT|Fallen Hero}}) Certain [[Coridanite]] factions considered the government on their world corrupt, and only kept in place by Vulcan influence. ({{ENT|Shadows of P'Jem}}) And though many [[Human]]s believed the Vulcans were holding them back from their true potential as explorers, Vulcan considered Earth one if its most important allies "for over a hundred years." ({{ENT|Awakening}})

2013年4月4日 (木) 20:59時点における版

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 ヴァルカンの歴史(history of the Vulcans)は、自らを滅ぼしかけた破壊的な内戦からスラクの教えによる論理を基調とする平和で銀河系で最も進歩した種族として認知されるまでの長い歴史である。






P'Jem monastery


 ヴァルカンの古の記録の多くは失われたままであった。ヴァルカンの歴史は人類のそれよりも更に古いものであったが、ヴァルカン先史学の中では未だ不明な時代が数多い。古代ヴァルカンのオベリスクは長年失われたままであったが、これが発見された時は重要な歴史的発見となった。(TOS:単細胞物体との衝突TOS: 地底160キロのエネルギーVOY:電磁空間アレース4[2]

 紀元前2700年、ヴァルカンは未開状態であり自らの激しい感情に任せて自分自身を破滅に陥らせるほどの内戦状態であった。スポックはこの時代を評して「ヴァルカンもかつての地球の様に植民地化時代を経験し、地球の基準で見ても野蛮な時代であった。」と述べている。(TOS:宇宙基地SOSTOS: タイムマシンの危機

 紀元前3000年、幾人かのヴァルカンは感情を排するための訓練を始めた。まだその時は戦争、死および平和の神を含む多くの異教の信仰が残っていた。この時代の多くの宗教上の休日、ルーメリ等は後の時代には次第に失われていったが、結婚の儀式であるカリフィーの様な儀式は「始まりの時」の時代から変わらず残っていた。(ENT:ヒーローたちの帰還TOS:バルカン星人の秘密TNG:謎のエイリアン部隊・後編VOY:殺人犯スーダーVOY: 心の罪を裁く星







 スラクのカトラは保存されたが、彼はセレヤ山放射線中毒で亡くなり、セレヤ山は後の時代までヴァルカンで最も崇敬を集める聖地の一つとして数えられるようになった。(TOS:未確認惑星の岩石人間TNG:謎のエイリアン部隊・後編ENT:狙われた地球大使館ENT: 陰謀の嵐ENT: バルカンの夜明け)




 クワークによると、ヴァルカンのワープ技術1947年以降に開発された。(DS9:フェレンギ人囚わる) 1957年までにヴァルカンはドゥヴァール型をはじめとするいくつかの超高速航行宇宙船を保有していた。(ENT:スプートニクの飛んだ夜に) ワープ技術の開発に成功した後、ワープ2バリアを突破するまで約100年の歳月を要した。(ENT:運命の飛行[3]

 20世紀前半、ヴァルカンはテラライトと遭遇した。ヴァルカンは彼らを「愛想がいいとは言えないが、一般的に信頼に足る種族」と認識していた。また、テラライトはヴァルカンの救難信号をヴァルカン最高司令部に通報することでも知られていた。(ENT:スプートニクの飛んだ夜にENT: 謎の自律浮遊基地


Sputnik I


 20世紀半ばまで、ヴァルカンは地球とその人類文明は原始的過ぎると見ていたので、接触は持たれなかった。(ENT:スプートニクの飛んだ夜にスタートレック:ファーストコンタクト) しかし、1957年に打ち上げられた人工衛星スプートニクに対して、ヴァルカンは人類の宇宙開発速度の速さに着目し、それ以降は人類の発展に対して継続的な観察を決定し、高軌道上からの遠隔観察に徹し人類との直接の接触は避けられた。(ENT:スプートニクの飛んだ夜に) そのため、21世紀第三次世界大戦が勃発してもヴァルカンは非干渉を貫いた。(ENT:テラ・プライム・後編


 2063年、ヴァルカンは定期調査で太陽系を訪れた際にゼフレム・コクレーンによる人類初のワープ実験に気づき、コクレーンのの発射基地であるボズマンへと降り立ち、人類と公式なファースト・コンタクトを行った。ヴァルカンは人類と高度なワープ技術を共有することを当初は拒み、人類が自力で宇宙探査に乗り出すことを制止していた。なぜなら、ヴァルカンは人間の怒りや暴力的性質に対して不信感を抱いていたからであった。(スタートレック:ファーストコンタクトENT:兄弟の地平ENT: 第3の性



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A [[deleted scene]] from "Dawn" even suggests that capital punishment was to be expected by Arkonian captains allowing Vulcans on their ships.


Vulcan had a better relationship with allies such as the Mazar, Coridan, and the United Earth government. When the Mazarites considered their government entrenched in corruption, they asked the Vulcans for help. The Vulcans then assigned V'Lar as their Ambassador to Mazar, who collected evidence against the corrupt officials. (ENT: Fallen Hero) Certain Coridanite factions considered the government on their world corrupt, and only kept in place by Vulcan influence. (ENT: Shadows of P'Jem) And though many Humans believed the Vulcans were holding them back from their true potential as explorers, Vulcan considered Earth one if its most important allies "for over a hundred years." (ENT: Awakening)

As for their old Andorian adversaries, however, the Vulcan High Command maintained a highly sophisticated surveillance station beneath the monastery of P'Jem, close to Andoria in order to guarantee the safe "observation" of their "aggressive" neighbor. Using the disguise of an ancient Vulcan monastery, the facility was able to spy on the Andorian population while staying unnoticed. In 2151, Shran, a commander in the Andorian Imperial Guard, unveiled the secret of P'Jem with the help of the crew of the Earth starship テンプレート:EnterpriseNX, thereby starting Human-Andorian relations and dealing a crippling blow to Vulcan prestige. After the Andorians destroyed the monastery later that year, however, the High Command began blaming Starfleet and Subcommander T'Pol, who was serving aboard Enterprise, for the loss of P'Jem, which later resulted not only in T'Pol's mother being expelled from the Vulcan Science Academy but also in an impairment of the Human-Vulcan relations. (ENT: The Andorian IncidentShadows of P'JemHome)

Another hot spot in the cold war between Vulcan and Andoria was Coridan, a class M planet rich in dilithium ore. In the 2150s, Coridan suffered from a civil war, in which rebels, backed by the Andorian Imperial Guard, tried to overthrow the chancellor and her corrupt government, who was in turn supported by the Vulcan High Command, since Vulcan tried to maintain its trade partnership with Coridan, a lucrative source for dilithium. (ENT: Shadows of P'Jem)

Vulcan and Andorian ship over Weytahn

In 2152, Enterprise was able to mediate between the Andorians and Vulcans in their dispute over Weytahn

In 2152, a new open conflict arose on Weytahn, which was reclaimed by the Andorian Empire after being deserted for nearly sixty years. With the conflict about to escalate, Shran, who was leading the Andorian invasion forces on the planetoid, requested Captain Jonathan Archer of the Enterprise as a trustworthy mediator in order to negotiate a cease fire, which was finally accomplished and both sides resumed their negotiations. (ENT: Cease Fire)

Vulcan reformation

Subsequent to the crises of P'Jem and Paan Mokar, the High Command gained more control over civilian affairs. Under the leadership of Administrator V'Las, the High Command persecuted the Syrrannite sect, which claimed that Vulcan no longer followed the true teachings of Surak. Over the centuries following the death of Surak, his teachings had been subject to numerous interpretations and possible revisions. As a result, much of the original intent had been lost. In 2154, V'Las falsely claimed to have proof that the Andorians were developing a superweapon based on Xindi technology, and planned to invade Andoria in order to preempt this threat. For this purpose, the High Command secretly massed an attack fleet in the Regulan system, which was located inside Vulcan territory, near their border with the Andorians but outside of Andorian listening posts' range.

As these plans were developing, agents loyal to V'Las bombed Earth's embassy and framed the Syrrannite T'Pau for the act. Jonathan Archer, investigating the Syrrannites, was briefly joined with the katra of Surak, and re-discovered the Kir'Shara, an artifact containing the original writings of Surak.

Vlas stunned

Administrator V'Las attempts to destroy the Kir'Shara (2154)

Ambassador Soval and Commander Tucker warned the Andorians of the planned invasion, were Ambassador Soval was terribly tourtured when the Andorians didn't believe them, and the Vulcan attack fleet lost the element of surprise (see Battle of Andoria). As the battle got underway, Archer and T'Pau brought the Kir'Shara into the High Command's headquarters, justifying the Syrranites' position and enabling Minister Kuvak to challenge V'Las' increasingly illogical behavior.

In short order, the attack on Andoria was canceled, V'Las deposed, and the High Command disbanded. Kuvak and T'Pau formed a new transitional government, which promised to pursue peaceful policies and end its restrictions on Earth's technological development and expansion. T'Pau said it would take years to translate all of the writing, but the discovery of the Kir'Shara transformed Vulcan society, initiating a widespread return to the true teachings of Surak. (ENT: The ForgeAwakeningKir'Shara)

By 2154, capital punishment was still existing on Vulcan for a small number of offenses, including treason. (ENT: Kir'Shara)

The Coalition of Planets and the Federation

See also: Federation history

By November 2154, when Earth Starfleet agreed to assist Andorian and Tellarite diplomats to resolve a long-standing trade dispute between them, the Romulan Star Empire had become aware of the threat posed by a closer partnership between Vulcan, Earth, and their neighbors. The Star Empire's attempts to destabilize the region led to the Babel Crisis, during which a secret mission by the Romulans involved the use of two Romulan drone-ships. The Romulan ships were able to camouflage themselves as various other vessels and managed to spread distrust and hostility among local powers around Vulcan. The Romulans nearly succeeded with their plans but Captain Archer of the Enterprise was able to settle the dispute and allied the Vulcans, Andorians, Humans, and Tellarites to find and destroy the drone-ships, thereby altering the result of this Romulan mission to the exact opposite of what it was intended to achieve. (ENT: Babel OneUnitedThe Aenar)


Talks at United Earth Starfleet Headquarters to form a Coalition of Planets in 2155

With the averted escalation of the Babel Crisis, Vulcan, Earth and other worlds realized the value of their joint work and were growing close to founding a Coalition of Planets in 2155. (ENT: DemonsTerra Prime) The new coalition became welded together in 2156, when the conflict with the Romulan Star Empire escalated into the Earth-Romulan War. A humiliating defeat of the Romulans by an alliance of Vulcan, Earth, Andorian and Tellarite forces at the Battle of Cheron in 2160 effectively ended the war and led to the establishment of the Romulan Neutral Zone between the two power blocs. (ENT: In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II; TOS: Balance of Terror)

Federation founding ceremony, 2161

The founding ceremony of the Federation in San Francisco in 2161

In 2161, one year after the Earth-Romulan War was decided, the old war allies, with the consent of the Vulcan Council, founded the United Federation of Planets in San Francisco, on Earth. (ENT: Zero HourThese Are the Voyages...; TNG: The Outcast)


23rd century

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Ambassador Sarek defending Coridan's planned entry into the Federation in 2268

By the 23rd century, Vulcans were active members of the Federation. Personifying this was Ambassador Sarek, whose quick and logical responses during debates (such as with Tellarite Ambassador Gav) brought him recognition. He was even asked to come out of retirement to represent Vulcan at the Babel Conference in 2268. Over the following decades, he served as a personal adviser to the Federation President and was involved in the Khitomer Accords. (TOS: Journey to Babel; スタートレック4:故郷への長い道; スタートレック6:未知の世界; TNG: Sarek)


In the alternate reality created by Nero's temporal incursion, the planet Vulcan was destroyed in 2258, rendering the Vulcan race an "endangered species." (スター・トレック)

On a less than positive light, the Klingon ambassador called Vulcans the "intellectual puppets of the Federation," while arguing before the Federation Council in 2286. Seven years later, the daughter of the Klingon Chancellor, Azetbur, underlined this posture by calling the Federation a "Homo Sapiens-only club." (スタートレック4:故郷への長い道; スタートレック6:未知の世界)

24th century


Admiral Savar was part of Starfleet Command in 2364

By the 24th century, Vulcan remained one of the principal Federation members, and was deeply involved in all levels of that society. By 2369, the Vulcans had a saying, known to the Federation: "We're here to serve." (DS9: Captive Pursuit) A good example of this attitude is the Treaty of Alliance, which finally established a firm friendship between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, and whose drafting and negotiation during the first half of the century is mainly attributed to Sarek of Vulcan and his son, Spock. (TNG: Yesterday's EnterpriseSarek; DS9: The Way of the Warrior; VOY: Alliances) Vulcans were also highly integrated in the command structure of Starfleet, namely with high-ranking officers like Rear Admirals Savar and Sitak. (TNG: Conspiracy; DS9: Favor the Bold) Some Starfleet vessels also had entirely, or almost entirely, Vulcan crews – e.g., the USSHera, the USSIntrepid and the USST'Kumbra. (TNG: Interface; DS9: Take Me Out to the Holosuite)

D'deridex class destroys Vulcan transports

A Romulan warbird destroys a Vulcan transport carrying Romulan soldiers and claiming to be a "peace envoy"

In 2368, an attempt at a Vulcan-Romulan reformation/reunification almost resulted in an invasion of Vulcan. It began when Ambassador Spock went to Romulus because the new Proconsul Neral convinced Spock he was ready to open formal relations with Vulcan. However, this form of "cowboy diplomacy" was in no way authorized by the Federation Council or Starfleet. It soon turned out to be a Romulan attempt to gain a foothold within the Federation by using the underground Romulan-Vulcan reunification movement as a cover. The incidence culminated in Romulan forces entering Federation space aboard Vulcan transport vessels and moving towards Vulcan under a guise of peace. However, their cover was exposed and the Romulans destroyed their own forces, while they were heading back to Romulan space. (TNG: Unification IUnification II) Despite this setback, Spock stayed on Romulus, continuing to work for a rapprochement between Vulcans and Romulans over the following two decades. (TNG: Face of the Enemy; スター・トレック)

T'Vran Captain

The captain of the T'Vran which was exploring the Gamma Quadrant in 2369

After the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole in 2369, Vulcans were at the forefront of exploration in the Gamma Quadrant. Upon encountering the Wadi, a Vulcan ship was the first to make formal contact with a civilization from that region of the galaxy. (DS9: Move Along Home) Vulcan science ships later encountered the Rakhari and found the remains of the Hur'q civilization. (DS9: VortexThe Sword of Kahless)

Unfortunately, the Bajoran wormhole did not only bring scientific possibilities for the Federation and especially Vulcan, but also the Dominion threat. In late 2373, the Dominion War broke out and, during its early months, the Fifth Fleet had to fight Dominion forces near Vulcan. (DS9: Favor the Bold) When Betazed fell in 2374 it meant a direct threat to Vulcan, a danger which became even more grave as the Dominion began building up its forces on the newly conquered world later that year. (DS9: In the Pale MoonlightThe Reckoning) However, the danger to Vulcan never materialized as the Dominion War ended in late 2375 with the Federation Alliance emerging victorious. (DS9: What You Leave Behind)


Red matter, 2387

Vulcan scientists preparing to stop the supernova

In 2387, Ambassador Spock's efforts to facilitate an eventual Romulan-Vulcan reunification came to an abrupt end, when Romulus was destroyed by a nearby supernova. Although Spock could not prevent the destruction of Romulus, he attempted to prevent the supernova from spreading further by creating a red matter singularity which, however, also pulled him and the pursuing Romulan mining ship Narada into an alternate reality. (スター・トレック)

Summary of key dates

  • 2,700 BC: Vulcan civilization of this time is described as barbaric, war-like, aggressive and savage.
  • 3rd millennium BC: Vulcans begin to mentally train themselves to suppress their emotions.
  • 9th century BC: Master Haadok and others found the P'Jem monastery on another planet.
  • 4th century: Time of Awakening - As Vulcan is consumed by atomic wars, Surak proposes to embrace logic as a way to peace. Although his katra is saved, he later dies of radiation sickness on Mount Seleya. "Those who march beneath the Raptor's wings," leave the planet, becoming the ancestors of the Debrune and the Romulans.
  • 14th century: The religious holiday of Rumarie ceases to be observed on Vulcan.
  • 19th century: By this time Vulcan had rebuilt its civilization and returned to interstellar travel.
  • Early 20th century: First contact occurs between Vulcans and Andorians. Relations between both species should remain rough over the following two centuries.
  • 1957: Vulcans make unofficial first contact with Humans when a Vulcan survey ship, which had been investigating the launch of Sputnik I, crash-lands on Earth.
  • 2050s: Vulcans make first contact with the newly warp-capable Arkonians. Their relationship quickly sours to a point where Arkonians would bear deep hatred towards Vulcans. During this time, the Vulcans are also aware of the Third World War on Earth, but choose not to interfere.
  • 2063: Official first contact between Vulcans and Humans takes place after the T'Plana-Hath observes Humanity's first warp flight and then lands in Bozeman, Montana to meet its pilot.
  • 2097: After the Vulcan High Command forces its evacuation, a treaty is signed in which the Vulcans officially claim the Andorian planetoid Weytahn. It is renamed Paan Mokar, and a surveillance satellite is placed in orbit in order to enforce the accord.
  • 2151: Hidden beneath the monastery of P'Jem, a Vulcan listening post used to spy on their Andorian neighbors is uncovered by the crew of the Earth starship Enterprise and members of the Andorian Imperial Guard. After a warning and its subsequent evacuation, the installation is destroyed by the Andorians later that year, thereby dealing a severe blow to Vulcan-Andorian relations, which are already tense due to both power's ongoing vying for politcal influence on the dilithium-rich planet Coridan.
  • 2152: Vulcan-Andorian relations heat up further as the Andorian Empire tries to reclaim Weytahn nearly 60 years after it has been deserted. With the help of Captain Jonathan Archer of the Enterprise, a cease-fire is established and both sides resume their negotiations.





  1. If this is in fact true, the extraordinary mental powers of Sargon's people may be the origins of Vulcan telepathy, as well as other aspects of Vulcan mysticism and mythology. However, in ENT: The Forge (set before the discovery of Sargon's people in "Return to Tomorrow"), T'Pol clearly states that her people evolved on Vulcan.
  2. The year given while Spock is in the past on Vulcan in TAS: Yesteryear is "8877," while the year in Human standard is 2237. Therefore, it's possible some important event happened on Vulcan in 6640 BC, at which point their year system "started." However, this conjecture is predicated on the unlikely assumption that the Vulcan year is exactly the same length as an Earth year.
  3. The Vulcan invention of warp drive after 1947 is based on a line by Quark in DS9: Little Green Men. See Little Green Men - Trivia for more information.