コンテンツ → ヘルプ:ユーザ・スタイル
すべてのMediaWikiスキンにおいて、各ユーザはMemory Alphaの外観をカスタマイズすることが許可されています。Cascading Style Sheets(CSS)とJavaScript(JS)はHTML要素、クラス及びIDタグのひとつがHTMLコードで指定したセレクタに関して使用されます。従って、ユーザはMemory Alphaの外観に変更を加えることができます。
Cascading style sheets (CSS)[]
- Monobook: http://memory-alpha.org/ja/skins/monobook/main.css と MediaWiki:Monobook.css
- Classic (Standard): http://memory-alpha.org/ja/skins/common/wikistandard.css と MediaWiki:Standard.css
- Cologne Blue: http://memory-alpha.org/ja/skins/common/cologneblue.css と MediaWiki:Cologneblue.css
- Nostalgia: http://memory-alpha.org/ja/skins/common/nostalgia.css と MediaWiki:Nostalgia.css
- Monobook: http://memory-alpha.org/ja/index.php/User:USERNAME/monobook.css
- Classic (Standard): http://memory-alpha.org/ja/index.php/User:USERNAME/standard.css
- Cologne Blue: http://memory-alpha.org/ja/index.php/User:USERNAME/cologneblue.css
- Nostalgia: http://memory-alpha.org/ja/index.php/User:USERNAME/nostalgia.css
/* make the background color darker for the main content section */ body { background-image: url(/graphics/background_monobook.gif); background-repeat: repeat; background-color: #202020; } #content, #footer { background-color: #202020; color: #FFFFFF; } .pBody { background-color: #202020; color: #FFFFFF; }
/* make underlines in links appear only on hover */ a { text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
/* change default link colors */ a.new { color:#ff6633; } a.stub { color: #772233; } a.external, a.extiw { color:#999999; } a.mailto { color: #FFCC00; } #p-personal { color: #00CCFF !important; }
/* suppress the person icon by your username */ li#pt-userpage { background: none }
Memory Alphaのロゴを非表示にできます。
/* don't use any logo, move the boxes onto that area instead */ #p-logo { display: none } #column-one { padding-top: 0; }
Mozilla、Firefox、またはCaminoのようなGecko-powered browserを使用している場合には、丸コーナースタイルを作成することもできます。
/* make a few corners round, only supported by moz/firefox/other gecko browsers for now */ #p-cactions ul li, #p-cactions ul li a { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; -moz-border-radius-topright: 1em; } #content { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1em; } div.pBody { -moz-border-radius-topright: 1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1em; } /* same following the css3 draft specs, any browsers supporting this? */ #p-cactions ul li, #p-cactions ul li a { border-radius-topleft: 1em; border-radius-topright: 1em; } #content { border-radius-topleft: 1em; border-radius-bottomleft: 1em; } div.pBody { border-radius-topright: 1em; border-radius-bottomright: 1em; }
/* ** Place all print-specific rules in an @media print block. */ /* save ink and paper with very small fonts */ @media print { #footer, #content, body { font-size: 8pt !important; } h1 { font-size: 17pt } h2 { font-size: 14pt } h3 { font-size: 11pt } h4 { font-size: 9pt } h5 { font-size: 8pt } h6 { font-size: 8pt; font-weight: normal; } } /* Advanced things: using :before and :after it's possible to add formatting this rule adds the full href of a link after it (not needed in the current version): */ @media print { #content a:link:after, #content a:visited:after { content: " <" attr(href) "> "; } }
- Monobook: http://memory-alpha.org/ja/index.php/User:USERNAME/monobook.js
- Standard: http://memory-alpha.org/ja/index.php/User:USERNAME/standard.js
- Cologne Blue: http://memory-alpha.org/ja/index.php/User:USERNAME/cologneblue.js
- Nostalgia: http://memory-alpha.org/ja/index.php/User:USERNAME/nostalgia.js
- You can add a set of mirrored tabs to the bottom of the #content section of the layout; see Meta-Wiki: User styles - bottom tabs.
- You can change the access keys by changing some elements in the "ta" array (see [1]). For example:
ta['ca-nstab-main'] = new Array('c','View the content page');
- Help:プリファレンス
- 外装の詳細設定 MediaWiki日本語版の記事
- Meta-Wiki: Gallery of user styles ユーザーページのカスタマイズについて英語記事