Titan Books is een divisie van de Britse uitgeverij Titan Entertainment Group, samen met Titan Magazines.
Titan Books is verantwoordelijk voor het opnieuw uitbrengen van verschillen boeken en strips van Bantam Books en Pocket Books. De nummering van de boeken liep echter niet gelijk met de oorspronkelijke uitgaven.
Nummer vergelijking[]
Titan # | Boek | Pocket # |
1 | Chain of Attack | 32 |
2 | Deep Domain | 33 |
3 | Dreams of the Raven | 34 |
4 | The Romulan Way | 35 |
5 | How Much for Just the Planet? | 36 |
6 | Bloodthirst | 37 |
7 | The IDIC Epidemic | 38 |
8 | Yesterday's Son | 11 |
9 | Time for Yesterday | 39 |
10 | The Final Reflection | 16 |
11 | Timetrap | 40 |
12 | The Vulcan Academy Murders | 20 |
13 | The Three-Minute Universe | 41 |
14 | Star Trek: The Motion Picture | 1 |
15 | Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan | 7 |
16 | Memory Prime | 42 |
17 | The Entropy Effect | 2 |
18 | The Final Nexus | 43 |
19 | The Wounded Sky | 13 |
20 | Vulcan's Glory | 44 |
21 | My Enemy, My Ally | 18 |
22 | Double, Double | 45 |
23 | The Covenant of the Crown | 4 |
24 | Corona | 15 |
25 | The Abode of Life | 6 |
26 | Ishmael | 23 |
27 | Web of the Romulans | 10 |
28 | The Cry of the Onlies | 46 |
29 | Dreadnought! | 29 |
30 | The Kobayashi Maru | 47 |
31 | The Trellisane Confrontation | 14 |
32 | Rules of Engagement | 48 |
33 | The Klingon Gambit | 3 |
34 | The Pandora Principle | 49 |
35 | The Prometheus Design | 5 |
36 | Doctor's Orders | 50 |
37 | Black Fire | 8 |
38 | Killing Time | 24 |
39 | The Tears of the Singers | 19 |
40 | Enemy Unseen | 51 |
41 | Mindshadow | 27 |
42 | Home Is the Hunter | 52 |
43 | Demons | 30 |
44 | Ghost Walker | 53 |
45 | Mutiny on the Enterprise | 12 |
46 | A Flag Full of Stars | 54 |
47 | Crisis on Centaurus | 28 |
48 | Renegade | 55 |
49 | Triangle | 9 |
50 | Legacy | 56 |
51 | Battlestations! | 31 |
52 | The Rift | 57 |
53 | Faces of Fire | 58 |
54 | The Disinherited | 59 |
55 | Ice Trap | 60 |
56 | Sanctuary | 61 |
57 | Death Count | 62 |
58 | Shell Game | 63 |
59 | The Starship Trap | 64 |
60 | Windows on a Lost World | 65 |
61 | From the Depths | 66 |
62 | The Great Starship Race | 67 |
Giant #1 | Uhura's Song | 21 |
Giant #2 | Dwellers in the Crucible | 25 |
Giant #3 | Shadow Lord | 22 |
Giant #4 | Pawns and Symbols | 26 |
- "The Landmark Crossover"
- "Encounters With the Unknown"
- "Convergence"
- Star Trek Comics Classics:
- #1: "To Boldly Go"
- #2: "Death Before Dishonor"
- #3: "The Trial of James T. Kirk"
- #4: "The Return of the Worthy"
- Star Trek TNG Comics Classics:
- #1: "The Hero Factor"
- #2: "The Battle Within"
- #3: "Maelstrom"
- Star Trek: The Art of Juan Ortiz